Funny email my frend just got….

  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
    Subject: From Safia Farkash Gaddafi,

    I am Mrs.Safia Farkash Gahdafi the wife of the late Libyan Leader Colonel Muammar Gahdafi. Following the recent rebellion in my country and the brutal death of my husband on the 20 Oct 2011, I have been thrown into a state of utter confusion, frustration and hopelessness; I have been subjected to physical and psychological torture by the security agents in Algeria where we seek refuge at present.

    My son was killed by the rebels for an offense he did not commit. As a widow that is so traumatized, I have lost confidence with anybody within the country. You must have heard over the media reports and the internet on the recovery of various huge sums of money deposited by my husband in different security firms abroad, some companies willingly give up their secrets and disclosed our money confidently lodged there or many outright blackmail. In fact the total sum discovered by the Government so far is in the tune of $900 Million Dollars. And they are not relenting to make me poor for life; I got your contact email address through my research and out of desperation I decided to reach you through this medium. I will give you more information as to this regard as soon as you reply. I repose great confidence in you hence my approach to you due to security network placed on my day to day affairs I cannot afford to visit the embassy so that is why I decided to contact you and I ho
    pe you will not betray my confide

    I shall be grateful if you could receive this fund into your account for safe keeping. This arrangement is known to you and me alone. I am seriously considering relocating to your country once the fund is transferred to you. I will be willing to offer you 30% of the total fund if only you will receive this fund and keep it for us.

    Please note that honesty is the watch word in this transaction. I will require your full names and address and telephone so that we can commence communication immediately and I will give you a more detailed picture of things. In case you don’t accept please do not let me out to the security as I am giving you this information in total trust and confidence .I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith.

    I appreciate your timely suggestion and interest over this matter

    Best Regards

    Mrs.Safia Farkash Gahdafi

  • '12

    The Nigerians would be proud……

  • yea…especially the ones who can’t freeking spell their own fake name “Gaddafi” consistently.

  • '12

    Oh Geez, just noticed that!  LOL, what kills me is that they actually make a living running these scams.

  • Pathetic  :-)

  • I have been thrown into a state of utter confusion, frustration and hopelessness; I have been subjected to physical and psychological torture

    Perhaps this explains the bad spelling.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    This can’t possibly be a real scam. It is too stupid.

  • '12

    Never underestimate the power of greed combined with stupidity.  I dated a gal who fell for one of these scams before I met her.  I couldn’t believe she actually fell for it and we didn’t date for long thankfully.  I couldn’t believe her bank (a local french language bank) cashed the cheque drawn on a Nigerian bank, she kept 40% and forwarded the rest $960.  It was 1900 bucks and guess what, after a few weeks the foreign cheque bounced and she had to cover the entire 1900 so was out of pocket about a grand.  I included the bank in the ring of stupidity, anyone working at a bank should immediately put up a dozen red flags when Nigeria and foreign cheques are mentioned.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Whatever man,

    If you guys want to miss out on $900 million dollars, that’s your problem.

    Fortune favours the BOLD!

    Rest assured - becauase this whole email and proposition is in GOOD FAITH!

    It does make you kind of wonder though…  you know all those stories you get email, about General Abudabie, Bishop So and So, or Colonel Nygeria.  That we all Laugh at…

    Maybe those stories are based on TRUE events lol,  Just like Gaddafi?  Those Nigerians are hard at work, using legitimate back stories, and putting in all sorts of effort and work to make the whole story legitimate, without realizing that NO ONE believes any of thier crap anyways lol.

  • Sponsor


    Whatever man,

    If you guys want to miss out on $900 million dollars, that’s your problem.

    Fortune favours the BOLD!

    Rest assured - becauase this whole email and proposition is in GOOD FAITH!

    It does make you kind of wonder though…  you know all those stories you get email, about General Abudabie, Bishop So and So, or Colonel Nygeria.  That we all Laugh at…

    Maybe those stories are based on TRUE events lol,  Just like Gaddafi?   Those Nigerians are hard at work, using legitimate back stories, and putting in all sorts of effort and work to make the whole story legitimate, without realizing that NO ONE believes any of thier crap anyways lol.

    Or it’s a scam.

  • You don’t need EVERYONE to believe.  It just takes a few to make a difference.

    You think everyone calls psychic hotlines?  No, so why do their commercials keep running?

    Maybe it’s because . . . there’s something to it?  :?


  • '12

    There are gullible stupid people crooks take advantage of.  Then of course on the flip side you have some crooks that are so stupid you wonder who they survived into their teen years and beyond.  Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.  The headline: “Stolen iPad leads to 780lb crystal meth seizure”.  Is a website devoted to high tech news and other interesting news items all with an interesting twist of British humour.  I rather enjoy it.

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