Throwing another line in to see if something bites . . . 8-)

@Weekend Gamer
Best posts made by Weekend Gamer
RE: Jacksonville, Florida Players
Latest posts made by Weekend Gamer
RE: Why is Foruminis so much more popular than here?
I think what Azrael is saying could work. The additional problem for any website at this point is the uncertain fate of the next AAM set. There has not been a new set released since Fall 2010 and there is no word on when (or if) a new set will be released. Add to that the equally uncertain fate of War at Sea and Angels 20, you see that it is a very difficult time for all three games. You don’t get the buzz you could generate from sneak peeks of new sets, for example. On the other hand, there is a lot of angst out there about this, which leads to increased posting speculating, offering alternatives like Team Poseidon and so on. One cool thing Forum mini has going on right now for AAM is a custom cards thread where posters put up there own custom cards - one-by-one as opposed to by pack like Team Poseidon - but with input from other forum members. That keeps the flame alive.
The one thing that would drive some traffic here is if you could get some kind of confirmation of the rumor that WOTC is shopping all three mini brands on the street for a possible licensing deal - kind of like the one that led to the re-release of Fortress America. If THAT rumor has any substance and if you posted some insider scoop on that, you would get traffic here - I guarantee it.
RE: Why is Foruminis so much more popular than here?
As you can see by the # of my posts, I used to be quite active on these boards a while back. I was mostly into AAR before they came out with the anniversary edition and, frankly, I lost interest between personal circumstances and not wanting to re-learn the boardgame from scratch. Coincidentally, about that same time, I became interested in AAM and Mot may remember that he and I played a couple of PBF games right here using Mapview. It was fun but, frankly (and with apologies to Mot), laborious to play by forum. I thought posting the maps for AAR was time-consuming, but it was nothing compared with having to post your movement phase, wait for your opponent’s moves, then post your assault phase, wait for DF opportunities, etc. Frankly, this game was made to play FTF, not by forum. And as my collection grew along with my FTF opportunities, I became less interested in PBF.
Now to your question about Forumini. As I stated before, I started out here, but the AAM community here was never large to begin with and by the time I got interested on online support for the game (I took a break from all A&A activity for a while), this AAM site was dead. Heck, it made WOTC forum look lively by comparison! So when forumini got started, I, like every other rational homo sapien, went where the action was! I have downloaded dozens of scenarios from forumini, not to mention making trades, exchanging tactical advice, etc., etc. For a collectible miniatures game, I think you really need a dedicated site, because the experience is so much more immersive than the boardgame. For the boardgame, you pull it out, play a few games, you put it away. You don’t paint your pieces, you don’t design custom scenarios, you don’t design custom units and you don’t trade units. You do ALL of those things (in my case, except the painting :lol:) if you are into the AAM collectible miniatures.
So when you ask, how to get AAM players back to A& I have no idea. I don’t really see it happening. Not hating, mind you. I’m just being realistic. (And that’s taking nothing away from the excellent site you have otherwise built here. If I were still into the boardgame, which I am not, you would see me here all the time. In fact, I think I’m STILL one of the biggest all-time posters here. :-D)
RE: Question
The last word is a set preliminarily titled “The Late War” MIGHT be coming out in 2012. Wizards of the Coast, the manufacturer, seems to be winding this game down, as it is pouring resources into a new game - Angels 20 (an airplane miniature combat simulation game) seemingly at the expense of AAM.
Is that airplane game set in ww2 by chance? I’m intrigued.
RE: Question
The last word is a set preliminarily titled “The Late War” MIGHT be coming out in 2012. Wizards of the Coast, the manufacturer, seems to be winding this game down, as it is pouring resources into a new game - Angels 20 (an airplane miniature combat simulation game) seemingly at the expense of AAM.
RE: Heavy armor question.
I’m not sure I understood Mot’s answer, so I will offer my own. In both examples, you have scored three hits. In each case, this results in a damaged Tiger. That is because, due to the Tiger’s “Heavy Armor” SA, hits are applied as follows: 1st - Disrupted, 2nd - Damaged (but ignore this one), 3rd - Damaged (because this is the first damaged shot that counts). You need one more hit this turn – or two the next one (to re-disrupt then destroy) – in order to kill the Tiger.
RE: Close Assault
Think of a platoon of Garands (not just one) swarming a tank. Not a pretty sight – for the tank crew. :wink:
RE: List your top five games. (in order)
I am astonished no one mentioned Fortress America, the old Gamemaster Series game from back in the 1980s. My friends and I have played it twice in the last several weeks and both times, it was down to the wire (America won both times – BARELY the second time around). It’s a great game because you can play it in under 3 hours, the combat system requires more subtlety and ingenuity than other games, and the outcome usually is in doubt up until the very end.
But anyway, my list right now would be:
1. Fortress America
2. A&A Minis
3. A Game of Thrones
4. A&A Revised
5. Battlestar GalacticaBut gaming online has definitely taken a back seat to gaming live, now that I finally have a local gaming group once again! :D
RE: What the Heck is Overwatch?
Sorry, another question though. If a unit is placed on overwatch (example, a german mg,42 team) do they only get overwatch on the one row they are facing or does it apply to anyone in moving into hexes they can fire on.
From the way the rules read, it applies only to a single row of hexes.