That was the inspiration for my question. I was just wondering what your experience is in using these. Does it add to the gaming experience or is it distracting?
For the mongolian rule I feel it is very useful. Just unsure about the pro-axis/allies.
The only time I feel it would really add to the experience is when the true neutrals are attacked and pick a side. Although this happens quite infrequently and thus does not require a reminder since everyone will know it has happened.
For me Im all for it. I love seeing all these different armys on map. I like to show every body that plays my games who is what in game. Whether I have Fins blue, Holland bright yellow, Poland off green, Romania yellow, Bulguria light grey and Hungrey dark grey, Com China off brown yellow, Free French dark blue, Stricts white, pros Dark green and Rust, Elite inf Red, Gold metalic, grey, off white, super dark green and off brown…
Some pro neutrals need to have there own color due to having some income and buying power. This way all can see what the all Axis Pro Minors bought.
Its easier for new players to see what the armys are for. To much for newbies no. G40 is simple. 3 colors.
For anything in my game as far as outside the OOB piece they all are colored or have some kind of white on them. Air Transports wing tips white. Paratroopers helmets painted white. Everything on my map you can see what the piece is because a lot of times people miss what they have.