• Hey guys, can Anzac land, aircraft and troops r1, on java ? not at war with Japan, not that it thinks it matters!


  • Yes. Most Anzac players would do that as their first move.

  • ty wittman, are u 100% ? the guy im playing with wont accept it ;(

  • Wittman is right.

    Tell your friend that Java isn’t a neutral country. Not even a pro-x one.
    Technically, Java (and all other DEI islands) are allied from the start. The only reason why the allies need a land unit in it (during NCM because it is a friendly area), is for claiming its IPCs and being able to build facilities there.
    So in extremis, ANZAC can even land its FTR there without putting a land unit on it first.

    Be careful though;
    Java will fall (with or without the FTR still on it) and those FTR are never going to get back into Sydney, which becomes a juicy target for Japan…

  • @PeterPaaPan:

    … the guy im playing with wont accept it ;(

    Maybe you can convince him just by showing him the rulebook.



    Political Situation: ANZAC begins the game at war with Germany and Italy, both of which are on the other side of world.
    ANZAC may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns, resulting in a state of
    war between Japan and both ANZAC and the United Kingdom. When not yet at war with Japan, in addition to the normal
    restrictions (see “Powers Not at War with One Another,” page 15), ANZAC may not move units into or through China. It
    may, however, move units into Dutch territories as a noncombat movement at any time, as long as those territories have not
    been captured by an Axis power. It may actually take control of Dutch territories (gaining their IPC income) by moving land
    units into them.
    Additionally, ANZAC considers attacks against any Dutch territories to be acts of war against it directly.

  • @ItIsILeClerc:

    Wittman is right.

    Tell your friend that Java isn’t a neutral country. Not even a pro-x one.
    Technically, Java (and all other DEI islands) are allied from the start. The only reason why the allies need a land unit in it (during NCM because it is a friendly area), is for claiming its IPCs and being able to build facilities there.
    So in extremis, ANZAC can even land its FTR there without putting a land unit on it first.

    Be careful though;
    Java will fall (with or without the FTR still on it) and those FTR are never going to get back into Sydney, which becomes a juicy target for Japan…

    Careful, facilities means naval bases(NB’s) and air bases(AB’s), not Industrial Complexes. Your FTR’s(fighters) on Java, may or may not survive. Depends on what round it is and depends on what round Japan attacks. You may want to build an AB on W. Australia. From there, you can stage your fighters to India in one turn or Yunnan or back to W. Australia from India. A lot of players will use the Aussie FTR’s for extra defense in India, Yunnan, Moscow or the middle East. From W. Australia you can also reach a lot of other Seazones(SZ’s) w/your FTR’s. That’s good for killing Japan’s undefended transports and navy.

    As Panther pointed out in the rulebook, Anzac can absolutely land troops and aircraft on Java or any other Dutch territory starting Round 1. As mentioned in this thread, once an Allied player lands troops on a Dutch territory for the first time, while the territory is still Dutch, it becomes that country’s territory and that country gets the IPC’s for that territory. In this case Anzac. Sounds like this guy is being difficult. If he persists, you can point him to the many online games in the Boardgame section or League section of the Forum, where almost every Anzac player takes Java on Round 1. Pretty standard move for Anzac Turn 1.

    The TripleA engine(online app) has this functionality built into it, where the Allies, during non-combat, can land troops or aircraft on Java on Round 1, while Java is still Dutch. Again, if the Allies, land troops on Java while it’s Dutch, then that Allied country gets the IPC’s for Java and Java immediately becomes a territory for that Allied player.

    FYI, you can also land aircraft in French IndoChina(FIC) while it’s still French. If you have aircraft in India or other territories you might be able to catch the Japanese player sleeping and nail some of his navy that isn’t protected enough.

    I’ve attacked many Japanese navy units with Brit and/or Anzac aircraft and navy in SZ’s, where the Japanese player is unaware you can land in FIC.

  • I should clarify, facilities means AB’s, NB’s and IC’s normally. However, players can’t build new IC’s on islands in the Global 1940 game.

  • Love u guys! Ty very much! This forum is 2 great ;)


  • But these sentences from the rules above confuses me!

    “It may, however, move units into Dutch territories as a noncombat movement at any time, as long as those territories have not been captured by an Axis power. It may actually take control of Dutch territories (gaining their IPC income) by moving land units into them.”

    The second sentence clearly says “land units”, how can i then lan a FTR in an empty Java the first round???

  • @DiscoKnekt:

    But these sentences from the rules above confuses me!

    “It may, however, move units into Dutch territories as a noncombat movement at any time, as long as those territories have not been captured by an Axis power. It may actually take control of Dutch territories (gaining their IPC income) by moving land units into them.”

    The second sentence clearly says “land units”, how can i then lan a FTR in an empty Java the first round???

    “Units” in the first sentence refers to land and air units. When moving an ANZAC land unit in you take control over the territory. When landing a Fighter only, you can “park” it there but not take over control over the territory.

  • Thanks Panther, 100% clear now! :)

  • Official Q&A


    As mentioned in this thread, once an Allied player lands troops on a Dutch territory for the first time, while the territory is still Dutch, it becomes that country’s territory and that country gets the IPC’s for that territory.

    This applies to UK and ANZAC only.  While other Allied powers at war may land on Dutch territories, they may not take control of them unless recapturing them from the Axis.

  • TripleA

    It is a good ANZAC move round 1. Do not do it and Japan steam rolls the Pacific, which it will do anyway, but you can stall him a bit.

  • @Krieghund:


    As mentioned in this thread, once an Allied player lands troops on a Dutch territory for the first time, while the territory is still Dutch, it becomes that country’s territory and that country gets the IPC’s for that territory.

    This applies to UK and ANZAC only.  While other Allied powers at war may land on Dutch territories, they may not take control of them unless recapturing them from the Axis.

    Good catch Krieg.

  • just have a question that what is the ownership of java if US capture it from japan hand.?

  • @kku:

    just have a question that what is the ownership of java if US capture it from japan hand.?

    US would control it because they captured it from Japan.

  • Those DEI are considered Allied as the Dutch Royal Family was in exile in London when Germany occupied the Netherlands in 1940.

    That is why allied aligned nations can land on them with aircraft, as they are considered Allied friendly.  However, to access the resources they offer, you will need to land a ground unit on them.

    This is also why Japan taking control of them is considered an act of war by the Allies, which enables the US economy to go into full gear and UK / ANZAC to realize their NO bonuses while at war.

    Once ownership is taken, they act like any other territory on the map and play by the normal rules.

    They are just unique as the controlling government is in exile to start the game, so no one realizes their economic benefit until someone occupies the territory and puts the resources to work for their side.

    If you’re interested in why the DEI are so resource rich, think about this:  During WW2, the DEI were the third largest oil producer behind the US and USSR.  In the Pacific, controlling that oil was paramount to any naval warfare success.  Particularly as there was an oil embargo on Japan, these islands were a strategic necessity for Japan, which theoretically led to Pearl Harbor.

  • '14 Customizer

    Well said Spendo and thanks for the history on the DEI.

  • Depending on J1 (and how many loaded carriers in Z36), it is usually a great move to move everything into Java with ANZ on round 1.  Besides many other reasons, this may be your best opportunity to get those fighters to India on turn 2, and from there they could go to Russia.  ANZ fighters are key to stifling the Italian can openers on Russia.

  • @Spendo02:

    Those DEI are considered Allied as the Dutch Royal Family was in exile in London when Germany occupied the Netherlands in 1940.

    Also, the Dutch actively partnered with the Americans, the British and the Australians in late 1941 and early 1942 to try to contain the Japanese advance in the region.  They formed a short-lived joint command structure, ABDACOM, and a Dutch naval officer, Admiral Doorman, was at one point in charge of the joint Allied naval forces in the area (which unfortunately suffered several naval defeats).  ABDACOM was ultimately dissolved, but it did provide some valuable early experience in the requirements of coalition warfare.

    Since there are a few Dutch roundels on the game map (in the DEI, plus one in South America), and in view of Holland’s contribution to the fighting in the DEI and surrounding seas in the early months of the war I think it would be fun (and historically appropriate) to have a couple of minor Dutch units in the DEI area at the start if the game.  Has anyone here experimented with any house rules along these lines?

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