• Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’m making this thread, with the intent to condense all rule clarifications into one place, and keep them updated. so that we can all be playing the same version of the game. Else new players are forced to surf dozens of pages and versions to get a good understanding.

    This game is great, and I enjoy it each time I play.  The only thing that sucks, is that we constantly hit rule snags, and in a competitive environment, this sucks :(.

    Tigerman, Variable, and other officials, if there is something that is incorrectly described, please let us know, so we can adjust the wording below.

    Hopefully HBG can use this document to make the 7.0 rulebook by 2015!

    (These are all official rulings, I can dig up the links if necessary, they are organized loosely by category)

    1. Denmark straights are open until attacked, per 6.1 rulebook.  Germany can pass through the canal in impulse 1,then attack Denmark impulse 2.  But cannot pass through on the same impulse it attacks Denmark.

    2. Pro Axis neutrals activated during impulse 1, can move during impulse 2, provided the conditions exist for their ability to move (Like being at war with Russia for example).

    3. A newly built airbase or naval base from impulse 1, does not give bonus movement during impulse 2.

    1. Subs choose to submerge before dice are rolled in combat, and can only be prevented from submerging if they are 1-1 detected by destroyers

    2. Defending subs that do not have their first strike negated by a destroyer, can still return fire after being taken as a casualty from an attacking subs first strike, as first strikes occur at the same time.

    3. If you conquer a canal territory(ies) during combat, you can move through during non-combat

    4. Naval units can only be built from territories that have both a naval base and a complex.

    1. Communist China can enter any territory, including Russian Territories, FEC, Neutrals, etc.  It has no movement restrictions.  Although it can only build on territories it controls.

    2. Communist Chinese home territories are liberated by all allied powers when entered, except Nationalist China.

    3. Neutrals can be activated by air transported infantry.

    4. When Holland falls, all its territories become Pro-Allied and must be activated like any other pro territory.

    5. If a neutral is attacked and becomes Pro one side, it`s ships are activated when the neighbouring territory is activated (or liberated).  However, if the capital of that neutral falls, all ships are rolled for, per 6.1 Rulebook.

    1. Fortresses, up to two can be built per territory, but only 1 can be built per turn.

    2. Kamikaze`s, each turn 1 Japanese fighter can fly maximum range, and have 1 roll at 8 against any surface ship it chooses to target.  The kamikaze is destroyed even if it misses.  Veteran fighters cannot Kamikaze.

    3. ANZAC can build a minor on New Zealand, and it can build Capital ships.

    -When USA enters the war, Canada gets it`s +3 NO every turn

    -When in doubt, refer to Axis and Allies Global 1940 rules, per Tigerman


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    This is also being posted here for easy/public reference

    (Official in our host’s household! Ever improving to make the game more balanced)

    1. The British can displace one of their destroyers from Sz14, or Sz23 to Sz13 to ensure BOTH of their fleets are not destroyed on G1.

    2. Paratroopers cannot land in territories with complexes unless accompanied by other ground forces.

    3. Lend Lease,  For each convoy box Germany occupies, Allies get -2 for lend lease,  if none are occupied, Allies get +2 for lend lease

    4. Nationalist China can also enter any territory along the Burma Road.

    5. Russia gets +1 inf each turn at each complex it holds. This does not count against the production limit in these territories.

    6. Russia starts with a minor complex in Stalingrad

    7. Germany gets +1 mech for each major industrial complex it has, this does not count against the production limit.

    8. Coastal Ships have to stay off of coastal territories of the same symbol, where they are activated. EXAMPLE:, Germany invades  Norway, Britain receives one of the coastal battleships.  The ship can only stay off the coast of territories with British roundels.  Germany captures the other battleship, and it can only stay off territories with Norwegian roundels.

    9. Using the optional New Air Base rule,  Airbases cost 3, planes must take off and land at Air Bases.  Planes do not receive any range bonus.  Up to 3 fgt`s or tacs from an airbase can scramble over any neighboring land OR sea territory.  You can land airbases you have built this turn. But you can only build airbases on territories you have owned since the beginning of your turn.  You cannot land on newly conquered air bases.

    10. Scorched Earth, At the beginning of your turn, during the purchase units phase, you may choose to scuttle any facilities you control and remove them from the board.  (OPTIONAL)  During any defending round, instead of rolling against enemy units, you may set one or more of your units aside to roll against your own facility(ies). If you hit it, it`s destroyed. Naval vessels cannot target facilities.

    This is the preliminary posting of this,  Our host may have one or two addendum, which I will update this list with!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Our play group would like to see rules for Holland improved.

    As it stands… everyone bypasses Holland G1.


    • Holland gets to counter attack open german territories, and work with england on making france a pain for one more turn.
    • Holland can move ships in/around the DEI.


    • This prevents FEC and ANZAC from acquiring any territories in pacific on the first turn.
    • Holland also collects $18, all of which germany captures on G2, (We house rule it to $9)
    • This gives Japan time to move into better position to strike DEI territories, which are lightly defended, and not producing
      for the allies yet.

    The Solution?

    We don’t have one as of yet.  The rules have improved from what they were… but what happens now?

    Options people?!?!

  • Give Dutch his 18 IPC at the beginning of turn 1, so if Germany do not conquer Holland, the Dutch can produce in turn 1. But if Holland is captured by Germany, all IPC’s are lost to the bank and not to Germany!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Give Dutch his 18 IPC at the beginning of turn 1, so if Germany do not conquer Holland, the Dutch can produce in turn 1. But if Holland is captured by Germany, all IPC’s are lost to the bank and not to Germany!

    I like this option.  Makes it a MUST.  Thoughts anyone?

  • '14

    From what I have read these are correct. I like when people house rule and make it their game! I’ll be working on a revision 7.0 in the next few months, be patient!!!

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Yep, I read them over and all seem correct to me as well. I too have had the same plus and minus argument over the Holland rules. I also remember being quite stumped on how to change it. I like some of the ideas presented here for sure!

  • I like Star of Africa’s suggestion.  Combined with the existing 6.1 rules, this would mean that if Germany does not take Holland round 1, Holland can immediately purchase up to 2 units, and the remaining unspent income is immediately useable by Great Britain.

  • Hi Garg,

    After playing with your group I have come to realize that this version of Axis and Allies far exceeds previous versions, even though it has some minor bugs. I now own it for myself.

    I would like these rules clarified please:

    France and Vichy France:
    1. How do Vichy France rules work for FIC and Saigon and the Islands in the Pacific? If Saigon is rolled as Vichy, then Japan cannot capture it for itself right?

    2. If Paris falls and there are still German land attacks to be completed against French land units, but these units are rolled as Vichy, no combat occurs I assume, and Germany automatically “captures” said territory? What about naval combat?

    3. Vichy ships, like land units, only sit and defend and are not controlled or moved, correct?

    4. Free French territories are considered to be “UK” owned in the same way Vichy territories are “German” owned? Can the US “capture” Free French territories in Africa for example, if Paris is under Axis control? On that note, if an Ally liberates a Vichy territory, does ownership go to the liberating power or does it become “Free” French?

    5. When rolling for Free French and Vichy territories, are all territories rolled for and control markers placed, and THEN movement of Legionnaires to friendly territories assigned?

    6. The 5IPCs for the 2 German Inf and 1 Tank in Marseilles must be saved PRIOR to attacking France and is to be spent the MOMENT Paris falls to Germany?

    7. Which territory is the French naval base in SZ53 allocated to?

    8. Lend Lease.
    Can US send money to more than one country per turn? Like, send $10 to London and $10 to Moscow, and $5 to ANZAC all in the same turn? When does Lend Lease occur, during the US Purchase Units phase, or during the receiving Ally’s purchase units phase?
    The rule says the US may only make ONE attempt to EACH country per turn.

    Does one Axis power (says “player” in rule book) roll for ALL lend lease attempts, or can different Axis powers roll for each attempt separately? ie. Germany rolls to try to intercept money going to Russia and Japan tries to intercept money going to London in the same turn?

    Can US send money to Nationalist China and/or Communist China?

    9.  Russian Partisans.
    When a partisan token appears on the board, does Russia take control of that territory or is it still in Axis control until it becomes an infantry? Since the Partisan token has a defense value, I assume combat must occur to “regain” the territory for the Axis? Can planes land in this territory if the Axis eliminate the Partisans?

    10. Do SS Panzers and Heavy Tanks get +1 bonuses when combined with Tac bombers?

    11. Is the Nationalist Chinese fighter limited to land territories same as Nationalist China? Can it land in Communist Chinese territories?

    12. Can Naval Fighters/Tac bombers (US and Japan) target transports?

    13. Can Germany move units into or through Italy when Italy is NOT at war?

    14. Infantry conducting banzai attacks do NOT get the +1 bonus for being paired with an artillery, correct? That’s how I read the rule.

    15. Call to Arms.
    If Germany attacks Great Britain (home territories) on multiple separate turns with land units, do Infantry cost $2 for EACH of those turns, or is it once per GAME the first time Great Britain is attacked?

    16. UK NO 1. +5 IPC for no German subs in the Atlantic Ocean. Which territories EXACTLY encompass the Atlantic Ocean?

    17. Can Germany invade Eastern Poland AFTER turn 1 and not cause a state of war with Russia?

    18. Can Kamikazes target transports?

    19. If you activate a Pro-neutral country’s capital territory, does that mean that all the other territories under that country’s flag go to the activating player’s power, or must they be activated separately one at a time?

    20. Can a transport carry 1 Inf and 1 AA gun, attack in an amphibious assault with the Inf, and then unload the AA gun if the territory is captured? Or does the AA gun stay on board? Can the AA gun be offloaded to a friendly territory in the same SZ if the attack fails?

    21. Pg 35 of the rule book. Example 1.
    “5 submarines attack 3 destroyers and 1 cruiser. 3 of the subs are detected by the 3 destroyers automatically. The other 2 subs can either stay in the battle and get first strike or may retreat to the nearest friendly sea zone….”
    So, unlike G40, the subs can “retreat” to a friendly territory that is beyond their movement range? They do NOT have to retreat to a friendly SZ from which they came?

    22. If 4 subs attack a destroyer which borders an airbase, the defender can scramble up to 3 planes? If so, ALL 3 planes can only roll against 1 detected sub, right?

    23. Argentina is listed as an Axis Minor on the board and in the rules, but in the setup charts it is listed as a Pro Axis Neutral. How exactly is Argentina “activated”? Do German troops need to land in the capital territory to “activate” all of the territories?

    If someone could clear these up it would be appreciated. Sorry if some of this is redundant.

    Having played with Gargantua and his group I do like the house rules they’ve implemented. I would personally add air transports to the game instead of using bombers as airborne carriers, especially as HBG makes these sculpts. Also considering adding SP artillery.


  • '14

    Get eat questions. I will address these tonight.

  • '14

    1.If any territory in the Pacific is rolled Vichy then it becomes Japanese and adjust the production chart accordingly.

    2.If the territory becomes vichy then no battle takes place. If it is Free French then battle ensues. Naval is the same.


    4.The US always Liberates ( Original) allied territories. So, NO, the US cannot take Free French territories, they are liberated and the IPC�s go to the UK if Paris is under Axis control.


    6.Yes, a clarification will be in 7.0

    7.Rio de oro

    8.Yes.  This is done on the US purchase new units phase. Clarifying in 7.0.  As for intervention, it is up to the Axis players as who should or wants to roll.   This does not include the Chinese.

    9.Partisans are not considered Military units in Global 39. A Partisan can occupy a German controlled territory but does nothing to hinder until it becomes an infantry unit.  Planes can land after defeating the Partisan.


    11.Yes, No


    13.No, this is for game balance only.

    14.Correct. The Banzai attack cannot be used with combined arms.

    15.Just the first time they attack.

    16.From 0-63. Excluding : 8-10, 18-20, 36-47, 50,54,60.

    17.No, Russia should own Eastern Poland at the end of R1. If not it would still be a declaration of war.


    19.Get the Capitol and you get all!

    20.The AA gun can stay loaded during an Amphib Assault but it cannot be unloaded until the next turn. Once a transport unloads any or all of its cargo the transports movement is over. This is unless it is used in a sneak attack then it would be able to unload during the 2nd Impulse or NCM.

    21.This should say any sea zone that does not contain an enemy destroyer.


    23.Yes, Argentina should be treated as Romania or any other Minor Axis country. Even though it is labeled as a pro axis neutral on the board, Argentina will collect an income once the capitol has been activated or is any territory is attacked by an ally force.


    Hi Garg,

    After playing with your group I have come to realize that this version of Axis and Allies far exceeds previous versions, even though it has some minor bugs. I now own it for myself.

    I would like these rules clarified please:

    France and Vichy France:
    1. How do Vichy France rules work for FIC and Saigon and the Islands in the Pacific? If Saigon is rolled as Vichy, then Japan cannot capture it for itself right?

    2. If Paris falls and there are still German land attacks to be completed against French land units, but these units are rolled as Vichy, no combat occurs I assume, and Germany automatically “captures” said territory? What about naval combat?

    3. Vichy ships, like land units, only sit and defend and are not controlled or moved, correct?

    4. Free French territories are considered to be “UK” owned in the same way Vichy territories are “German” owned? Can the US “capture” Free French territories in Africa for example, if Paris is under Axis control? On that note, if an Ally liberates a Vichy territory, does ownership go to the liberating power or does it become “Free” French?

    5. When rolling for Free French and Vichy territories, are all territories rolled for and control markers placed, and THEN movement of Legionnaires to friendly territories assigned?

    6. The 5IPCs for the 2 German Inf and 1 Tank in Marseilles must be saved PRIOR to attacking France and is to be spent the MOMENT Paris falls to Germany?

    7. Which territory is the French naval base in SZ53 allocated to?

    8. Lend Lease.
    Can US send money to more than one country per turn? Like, send $10 to London and $10 to Moscow, and $5 to ANZAC all in the same turn? When does Lend Lease occur, during the US Purchase Units phase, or during the receiving Ally’s purchase units phase?
    The rule says the US may only make ONE attempt to EACH country per turn.

    Does one Axis power (says “player” in rule book) roll for ALL lend lease attempts, or can different Axis powers roll for each attempt separately? ie. Germany rolls to try to intercept money going to Russia and Japan tries to intercept money going to London in the same turn?

    Can US send money to Nationalist China and/or Communist China?

    9.  Russian Partisans.
    When a partisan token appears on the board, does Russia take control of that territory or is it still in Axis control until it becomes an infantry? Since the Partisan token has a defense value, I assume combat must occur to “regain” the territory for the Axis? Can planes land in this territory if the Axis eliminate the Partisans?

    10. Do SS Panzers and Heavy Tanks get +1 bonuses when combined with Tac bombers?

    11. Is the Nationalist Chinese fighter limited to land territories same as Nationalist China? Can it land in Communist Chinese territories?

    12. Can Naval Fighters/Tac bombers (US and Japan) target transports?

    13. Can Germany move units into or through Italy when Italy is NOT at war?

    14. Infantry conducting banzai attacks do NOT get the +1 bonus for being paired with an artillery, correct? That’s how I read the rule.

    15. Call to Arms.
    If Germany attacks Great Britain (home territories) on multiple separate turns with land units, do Infantry cost $2 for EACH of those turns, or is it once per GAME the first time Great Britain is attacked?

    16. UK NO 1. +5 IPC for no German subs in the Atlantic Ocean. Which territories EXACTLY encompass the Atlantic Ocean?

    17. Can Germany invade Eastern Poland AFTER turn 1 and not cause a state of war with Russia?

    18. Can Kamikazes target transports?

    19. If you activate a Pro-neutral country’s capital territory, does that mean that all the other territories under that country’s flag go to the activating player’s power, or must they be activated separately one at a time?

    20. Can a transport carry 1 Inf and 1 AA gun, attack in an amphibious assault with the Inf, and then unload the AA gun if the territory is captured? Or does the AA gun stay on board? Can the AA gun be offloaded to a friendly territory in the same SZ if the attack fails?

    21. Pg 35 of the rule book. Example 1.
    “5 submarines attack 3 destroyers and 1 cruiser. 3 of the subs are detected by the 3 destroyers automatically. The other 2 subs can either stay in the battle and get first strike or may retreat to the nearest friendly sea zone….”
    So, unlike G40, the subs can “retreat” to a friendly territory that is beyond their movement range? They do NOT have to retreat to a friendly SZ from which they came?

    22. If 4 subs attack a destroyer which borders an airbase, the defender can scramble up to 3 planes? If so, ALL 3 planes can only roll against 1 detected sub, right?

    23. Argentina is listed as an Axis Minor on the board and in the rules, but in the setup charts it is listed as a Pro Axis Neutral. How exactly is Argentina “activated”? Do German troops need to land in the capital territory to “activate” all of the territories?

  • Thank you Tigerman for the prompt reply.

    A couple of questions I would like to expand on:

    9. If Partisans do not occupy the Axis controlled territory, this means that the Axis can simply ignore them, could land planes there or move units into or through the territory, yes? As long as an Axis unit is in the territory containing the partisan, the Axis can choose to attack or not attack it at their leisure?

    19. If Germany captures Denmark, does that mean that Iceland and Greenland become German, or do they become Pro Allied territories? If UK takes Crete, but not Greece, only the territory of Crete is activated, right?

    21. I guess my main question regarding naval retreats is that it appears to be a loophole that could extend the movement range of ships.
    eg. Say 5 subs start in a SZ containing a naval base, they move 3 spaces into a SZ containing 1 destroyer, the destroyer detects 1 sub which stays to fight, the other 4 subs not only do not get screened but decide to “retreat” 1 space further, not back to a space from which they came. This is legal? The “retreating” subs have now moved 4 spaces. This seems like a loophole that could be abused. Could this retreat rule also be used in battles regarding surface ships?

    23. Argentina, being a Minor Axis, must have it’s capital territory activated by Germany to collect income etc? If Germany land units in Santa Cruz, only that territory is “activated”, not all of the rest, correct?

    Another question:
    24. CONDUCTING COMBAT, happens in the order of SBRs, Amphib Assualts, General Combat.
    If I understand this correctly, let’s say a big naval battle is about to occur involving air units and the defender is in a SZ with a friendly naval base. The attacker can chose to attempt a SBR against the naval base to knock it out and thus prevent any AA from it being used in the following naval battle, correct?

    When can we expect to see an updated rule book?  :-) Are some of Garg’s house rules going to be considered?

    Much appreciated.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Tigerman and I are have secret text talks every other week or so…

    Things are in the works but heavily dependant on available time, and game days. (Where we make the most progress on rules).

    Next game is on Victoria day.

  • Take your time, hash the rules out well. Get that eastern front balanced :)

    I will be playing my second game with my group next week. I’ll be going with most of your house rules.

    I’m going to put air transports into the game, as bombers should be used to bomb imo.

    Perhaps, like escort carriers, there could be more “optional” units added into the rules? Air transports and SP artillery are the only ones that appeal to me personally.

  • Customizer


    ––I’m “marking” this thead so as to keep up with the latest info on The BEST A&A Game, ever; Global Warfare-1939.
    ––Thanks go out to “Gar”, as well as “Tigerman” and the other HBG guys on their vital support of this game.

    Tall Paul

  • Does the Vichy Rule include territories that france took over before paris fell?

  • I bought this game. It’s a blast. But instead of making new games/pieces PLEASE fix this game first. Why do people have to wait a month for answers to their questions? Fix the rules first so they are clear BEFORE making the game balanced. Some of the answers to questions are even unclear on here. The game is a blast but no longer playable because of rule misinterpretations. Please make rules clear BEFORE 7.0. I very frustrated sorry. I love the game, but some things need to be explained better.

  • I agree Bill. Which is why my brother and I have decided to develop our own rules months ago and thoroughly play-test those rules and base them in historical reality. I really appreciate everything everyone has done to develop the rules for Global War 1939, but I gave up trying to figure out all the rule changes on all the discussion boards with all the questions, which seemed endless.

    We also changed the map because Africa is too small so we added a few extra territories with scotch tape and a marker. It looks good.

    Sorry if this post is off-topic.

  • We just played the game. We did have some rule issues but got thru it. Its a great game. You got to remember that all games will have flaws when first coming out. Tigerman is very busy and play testing thats why some times you don’t get a response right away.  If you want to add house rules, so be it. I wouldn’t judge the game based on playing it one time. One of the reasons for this site is to play the games and report flaws with the game that you had and make suggestions that may help. Patience.

  • I can’t believe I’m one of those people that complain on message boards. Regardless, I’ve played this game more than once. I just don’t think a game should be released until the rules are clear. Game balance is secondary. Clear rules are what matter. I can’t even tell what the rules are exactly. No 7.0. Just fix what you got now. It’s been long enough. No one wants to play with house rules in most groups. We just want to play with clear rules. Don’t release anything new until this is fixed. I hope Amerika and Midway have better rules than this. Can’t wait until this fixed so we can start playing it again. It’s ridiculously fun until rule snags.

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