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Patron 2010 - Bronze
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RE: Global 1939 Weekend Game Pics -shout out to SS Gen
SS is correct
5 IPC tanks are from the old ruleset.
As one who used to play Germany a lot - I miss them.
RE: Global 1939 Weekend Game Pics -shout out to SS Gen
You are the man.
Global 1939 Weekend Game Pics -shout out to SS Gen
See attached pics of our Global '39 game over the weekend. We incorporated some of SS GEN’s 1941 game rules. They were a big hit among the group.
Thank you SS GEN for all of your work and dedication to the game!!!
Allies took the match end of T1.
RE: Event Cards
@barnee I’ll have some updated lists to post as soon as I recover the files from my laptop. It crashed and is at the shop.
RE: Event Cards
Hi barnee,
Here is a link to an Excel file with my units. Some are right from HBG others are completely made up. Feel free to edit to suit.
RE: Event Cards
The set-up is the same as the HBG '39 standard. I do, however, have rules for additional pieces and can post them in a couple of weeks.
Event Cards
Re: Event Cards - Weather Does anyone have event cards that they are using which reflect weather, tech, tactical situations etc.? I’d like to incorporate them in my Global 1939 game.
RE: Peace time economy
US income has a base of 6 income starting in 36’. Only thing that could change that income is the peace time income bonuses.
Lets pretend Japan declares war on China that would then make US income 11 every turn unless other peacetime bonuses are triggered.
Then in Jan 39’ US gets to start rolling a D12 and rolls a 8. Making the US income 19.
No other peacetime triggers occur so then July 39’ comes along with a now base income of 19 he gets to roll a D12 again but this time rolls a 5. Making his income 24 now.