It was an amazing game, 11 hours straight! Well worth my drive from and to Chicago. Thanks for hosting, @SS-GEN !
As Italy, my strategy had several directives and characteristics:
1- creating havoc in Africa and the Middle East to force UK, and even USSR, to divert efforts to those regions, so to support Germany’s main thrust. I see this as my “remote can opener”. Result: pushed UK out of Africa (except a contained pocket in Johannesburg) and the Near East
2- secure gradual IPC growth by capturing as many small (often neglected) territories as possible. Result: These 1 IPC territories plus national bonuses (controlling Med islands) enabled me a whopping 60 IPC income later in the game
3- invest decisively in influencing neutral nations: Congo, Angola, and Turkey. This was a calculated risk, based on probabilities it was well worth the risk of dice against the IPCs saved/gained. Result: gained strategic advantage in Africa and Near East by controlling those countries, armies and IPCs.
4- corrode UK and US IPC gains by attacking their convoys as aggressively as possible with my super subs. Result: temporarily drove down Allies IPCs and slowed down their final advance across the Atlantic
5- relentlessly pursue the British navy in the Med, Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Result: destroyed British navies, securing Italy’s naval dominance (near-supremacy) in those regions, and helping Japan by corroding India’s defense
6- I refrained from supporting Germany in France and Balkans. Germany didn’t want my help in France, and my support in the Balkans was irrelevant against the massive armies Germany amassed in the Eastern Front. I thus diverted my land units to the Middle East. Result: US did invade Western Europe but it was too late. Italy gained oil rigs in the Middle East, helping the Axis to secure victory points needed.
Avanti Italia!
Thanks again. Lots of fun! Looking forward to playing soon. Cheers.