@ShadowHAwk Those units are essential to defend your capital, as well as France’s capital. There is no way around having a substantial defensive force if you want to win the game as the axis. Ideally all of those units could attack Moscow, but that is literally not an option. Germany can lose its capital turn 4 if you don’t have enough units to defend, and Paris can be lost to the allies turn 5 if you aren’t deploying enough units to prevent that.
US Air Land on East Russian Territories
Can US air land on Easter Russian territories if Japan and Russia are not at war?
And neither is Germany and Russia…
No. USSR has to be at war with Japan in order for any allies to land in their territories.
@Ichabod As long as Russia is neutral, US can’t land there. Once US and Russia are allied, they can.
And Russia has to be at war specifically with Japan. Also, USA has to be at war with someone. Any Axis power will do.