Final Round
A6: Bought 7 Inf 1 Art. Reinforced and attacked Venice and Trieste. Trieste remains contested. Rolled well in Venice but remains contested.
R6: attacked Ukraine with Moscow force. Rolled poorly in Ukraine remains contested.
G6: Attacked Russian Battleship, attacked Livonia, reinforced and attacked Ukraine, attacked Belarus, reinforced and attacked Picardy, attacked burgundy, attacked Marseilles, took Bordeaux, and took Brest. Belarus ends contested, Ukraine remains contested, Took Livonia, Picardy remains contested, took Marseilles, took burgundy, and sunk the Russian battleship but lost 3 subs. B6: Attacked Mesopotamia, attacked Persia, attacked Kiel via transport (mines and naval battle pending). Took Kiel, Persia remains contested, and Mesopotamia remains contested.
O6: Attacked and took egypt.
I6: reinforced Venice
U6: attacked Brest via transport. Took Brest.
Game ends
CP 19
Allies 4
CP win!
Just the ending political situation.