On Amazon UK, I was able to find the game sealed and shrink wrapped for only 130 pounds! This is compared to the normal (rounded up) 500 US dollar price on Ebay-I was able to ship it to a friend’s house in Scotland and from there sent to my place. Unfortunately that was the last copy, so I can’t help anyone else with this-still, keep looking and you should be able to find it eventually! It took me a long time, but I was able to find it!
Japanese battleship Yamato
Yeah. I’m the battleship Yamato. I fought in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, where my sister died. I was sunk in Operation Ten-Go, sailing towards Okinawa to defend it. I may be on seabed, but I’m still the biggest battleship ever, so don’t mess with me!
Best posts made by SuperbattleshipYamato
RE: Cheap way to get Axis And Allies 1914
RE: O'Connor and Tripoli
I believe that they could have captured Tripoli-however, if Germany launched an all out Mediterranean campaign instead of Barbarossa, Germany would have been able to regain the initiative due to possibly an entire Panzer Army being sent to Libya, or if not possible, Tunisia (historically, Germany made quite good negotiations with Vichy France to get them to join the war on the Axis side, which only stopped after the failure of talks with Spain), crossing the Mareth Line. In the end, Germany would have won especially as they would not have needed to invade Crete (if the British did not move troops to Greece, they wouldn’t garrison men off Crete), allowing for an assault on Malta, and Hitler, summoning all of his “diplomatic strength”, would convince Franco to invade Gibraltar. In the end, the Suez would have fallen. And if the Panzer Army couldn’t reach Cairo, Hitler would also have been able to convince Turkey to join the Axis, or invade Cyprus, which either way, would allow Germany to move into Syria and Iraq, driving from the east to the Suez.
Axis and Allies North Africa announced!
I’m so happy. I voted Stalingrad, but still we are getting a new Axis and Allies game. I’m sure Larry Harris passed the torch well. I hope that this community will like this game, and it won’t be controversial.
RE: O'Connor and Tripoli
This is all true.
Firstly, it’s possible that Hitler could have restrained himself for the moment and go against the Mediterranean, a decision support by Raeder and Goring.
Secondly, the main reason Franco was so toxic was that before Hitler’s meeting with Franco, he sent Wilhelm Canaris, a secret member of the German resistance movement, to negotiate with Franco, and Canaris said that he though that Germany was going to lose the war and Hitler was planning to move to the east (it’s said that Hitler was actually going back and forth between the Mediterranean and the Soviet Union). If Hitler really committed to it, he would have been more forceful, and Franco would have relented, especially if the Battle Of Britain had not concluded yet. If Vichy France entered the war, Hitler might have been able to mediate between it, Italy, and Spain about North Africa.
Finally, a similar situation could have appeared with Turkey, where if Hitler really did everything possible to convince them, it might have worked out. If it didn’t, Germany could use their paratroopers (as they would not be beaten up at Crete, due to the British heading for Tripoli) to possibly take Cyprus, depending on the result of an airborne invasion of Malta. Due to no British intervention in Greece, there would have been no disaster at Cape Matapan, and Italy’s navy, along with a Luftwaffe not burdened with commitments on the Eastern Front, could have swept the waters around Cyprus (as likely as not), and launch an amphibious invasion if paratroopers alone can’t cut it. If Cyprus is taken, a leap into Vichy French Syria would be in order. From there, Germany can launch a massive offensive against the Suez Canal, which Britain cannot hold with an attack on two fronts. Additionally, Germany will have support from Iraq, which won’t be destroyed with direct aid from Germany and Italy.
RE: On this day during W.W. 2
Today where I live is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Rimini, a town on the Adriatic coast of Italy. Its liberation was part of the broader Operation Olive, an attempt by the Allies to break through the Axis-held Gothic Line in Northern Italy. While they experienced multiple tactical victories, the Germans were able to hold out long enough to prevent a decisive breakthrough until winter came. It would not be until 1945 that the Allies would break through the Gothic Line and liberate the rest of Italy.
Rimini was actually liberated by a Greek unit fighting with the British, one major highlight in the Greek military history of the war following the country’s fall in 1941.
RE: Help with Overarching Axis Strategy (Ge, Ja, + It)
One thing to keep in mind is that the Axis only need to win on one side of the board.
This means, that if a Japanese strategy is good enough, even if Germany gets their butt kicked the Axis might still be able to win if Germany buys enough time for Japan to win.
It’s still risky, of course, as an increase in IPCs on the Europe board can translate to an increase in units in the Pacific, but it’s an option and a far more viable one than the equal version for the Allies.
Personally I’m not a fan of J1 or G1, but that is more out of principle than practicality.
I found this cool J1 video:
Important note about this video:
There are some astericks in the video, and it is not explained what they mean. I have gotten information from the maker of the video what they are, however.
The only thing that can/will stop this J1 attack is if the Soviets stacked all 18 infantry in Amur.
In that case, both I and the maker of the video strongly advise not to do this strategy (I learned this the hard way, trust me, it’s painful to watch). I recommend, if the Soviets declared war, to attack that stack. Air units, landing back, can defend Jehol and Manchuria from the Mongolians.
RE: What if the Soviet Union joined the Axis and Japan joined the Allies (well really Japan erupting into an Imperial Civil War)?
I also have an idea for another Soviet national objective:
5 IPCs if the Soviet Union controls 6 Chinese territories. Theme: aid to the Chinese communists and establishment of a Communist Chinese government.
An interesting book I read:
Have you ever heard of the book called If The Allies Had Fallen? It examines many what ifs of World War 2, with all of them very grounded in reality. A lot of the chapters are written very differently, from basically scholarly analysis to what the history books would have said had the timeline changed in the way described. If you had read the book, what do you think? Thank you!
RE: What if the Soviet Union joined the Axis and Japan joined the Allies (well really Japan erupting into an Imperial Civil War)?
Oops, sorry! My mistake…
The reason I hoped to do 15 victory cities is that the Axis will have to build up a big navy, instead of just doing an all continental assault, perhaps we can make it a 13 victory cities required win, as that will require at least an Operation Sealion which, without a Japanese navy to worry about, the Americans and British can completely focus on the Atlantic, which will lead to epic naval battles.
I think you should make so if China has all it’s territories captured, and the Allies control Africa (excluding strict neutrals), that combined, should be a substitute for capturing an Axis capital-it still won’t be an easy fight.
Another insane idea that I have for you is to have the US join the Axis-how you will balance this is your choice (also, please tell me how many rounds it will take for the Axis to win with only the US with the Axis).
What if France was connected to Britain via a land link?
Soon after the Battle Of France, Hitler is informed by the Devil that on the day that when Operation Sealion begins, a massive land bridge (stretching from Pas-De Calais to the western edge of Normandy) connecting France to Britain will magically appear. With this information, Hitler immediately orders the suspending of Luftwaffe operations over Britain to conserve aircraft for the invasion (that way, if pilots are shot down, there is more of a chance for them to be recovered). This information is not found out via Ultra, and Hitler informs only his top generals, admirals, and Luftwaffe officers of this information. No civilian cargo ships are converted to transports, the resources used for the conversion used to produce additional army equipment.
With the striking power of the entire German army catching the British by surprise, could Germany have won the war? Thank you!
Latest posts made by SuperbattleshipYamato
RE: Units, Mechanics, etc.
Yeah, the tactical bomber-tank combo disproportionately benefits Germany.
I agree that it’s near-impossible for Germany to fight a war on 2 fronts once the US really gets into the war. In my view in your game you may have invaded the USSR too late (not sure whether that was your fault though, I didn’t look at the strength of the opposing sides, but from my experience Germany should be able to enter Soviet territory earlier than that). In Global at least most players plan for a Moscow capture of G7 or G8 I believe. Not sure whether that’s completely applicable to Europe, but that could be an explanation. I hope smarter players will respond to this question (I’m still looking for a more solid answer myself).
@AndrewAAGamer I know Europe 1940’s not your wheelhouse, but what advice do you have for Germany to capture Moscow by G7 or G8? Thank you!
RE: Units, Mechanics, etc.
About the game attached:
I think you did a really great opener and your moves into the Soviet Union were probably what I would’ve done as well. Breaking out from Eastern Poland is what Cow’s G1 opener implies.
Anyhow, the AI basically handed you the game when they attacked the strict neutral.
RE: Units, Mechanics, etc.
Totally agree. Fast movers are especially important in the south because they’re expected to proceed into the Middle East as the Allies can usually hold the Italians off in the Mediterranean. Cairo is as many turns away from Berlin for mechanized infantry as Moscow is for regular infanty.
RE: Units, Mechanics, etc.
I agree with most of what Stucifer said. Some additional thoughts (I’m no pro, but I’ve played this game 20-30 times):
Yeah, you defijnitely tried to do a lot. Generally speaking it’s not too bad of an idea to leave Southern France for Italy (especially if you’re going after Yugoslavia), and there’s a credible argument for leaving Normandy Bordeaux. Forgoing a G1 and a sea zone 91 attack (I find that too risky) frees up enough air and naval units to hit both fleets, even with a full Allied scramble (you might need to also sacrifice the sea zone 106 attack, but the transport won’t be able to do much in the first few turns while the British consolidate their naval position).
The “Yugoslavia ping-pong” where Greater Southern Germany units retreat to Romania through Yugoslavia is really important if you’re doing a G1, especially when you’re engaging in so many high-risk battles. I’d like to leave Yugoslavia for the Italians.
Italy seems to have been played okay. I think it really helped that the Brits weren’t very aggressive in the Mediterrean on the first turn (the Italians in East Africa should generally be considered low priority-if Egypt is well defended and you’re pumping tanks and mechanized infantry in Union of South Africa they’ve got nowhere to go).
Also, what on earth were you thinking with that sea zone 102 attack on G2? The submarines off Gibraltar could’ve joined the Italians in the Mediterrean and the one in 106 could’ve joined in the attack in 118. I don’t see the logic in that 2% attack.
I’d like to share a series of solo Europe 1940 games I did:
Files 2024-8-21 and 2024-8-22 are Sealions gone wrong, demonstrating how Germany has to strike a really fine balance if they pursue this riskier strategy. Files 2024-8-25 and 2024-8-26 are Dark Skies gone wrong. 2024-8-28 is exactly how not to do a G2-moving too slowly, allowing the Soviets to be relieved by the British and Americans. In Europe 1940 (less so for Global 1940, mainly because the Axis have such a huge advantage), speed is absolutely essential to have any chance of victory.
2024-8-29 is the most informative. Partially adapting from Cow’s G1 opener, sending most of the ground units in range to hit Paris gave a 99.5% chance of victory, with little threat from Southern France or Normandy Bordeaux. While admmitedly I didn’t hit sea zone 110 (or do the Yugoslavia ping-pong, though it wasn’t that big of a deal since moving the Greater Southern Germany units to Slovakia Hungary enabled them to engage on the Eastern Front), I was able to destroy all the British transports in range, which is what really makes the British being able to keep a navy so devastating (and clearly hindered them in subsequent rounds). For some reason, I was able to chug along with mostly mechanized infantry, enabling me to move quick enough to gobble up the IPC-rich territories in the south of the Soviet Union and the Middle East before the British built up a menacing enough force with a semi-Middle Earth strategy to halt any German advance to Egypt via a land route. I’ll admit that the main thing that made this victory possible were the Americans not going for Rome and instead opting for targets along the Atlantic, preserving Italy at a critical point. I wrote a more detailed analysis of this game in the thread itself.
Hoped this (at least kinda) helped!
RE: Strategy Guides?
This is for Global 1940 but I’m sure at least half of the details here apply to Europe 1940 (lots of options):
I don’t quite understand.
So the losing player says “I can beat you in X number of turns as the winning side”
And if the winning player says no, they propose a lower number? What if both groups can’t find an agreement?
It’s a great idea overall. I like playing to end conditions, and this is a great way to incentivize that.
RE: Egyptian Ping Pong
Pretty good, actually. Nice find.
I like how you use different colored diced tomatoes represent different values. Didn’t think of that before.