Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question

  • @wittmann:

    Hi Matt.
    3. Submarines. They can submerge at any time? If they submerge is that considered combat, or can your units move in the Noncombat move phase?
    Not sure what you are asking here ,sorry!

    Actually you already answered this question with your first “Number 3” post. Basically, this was just the header question for the explanation below it (all my questions were structured that way). Basically what I was asking (and you already answered) was if a submarine submerges, is that counted as combat (because if it wasn’t, then my units could move in the Noncombat move phase or conduct Bombardment during an amphibious assault).

    But you already answered that question with a “yes” it does count as combat, just a waste of combat (as the subs will probably submerge).

  • Good.
    Make sure your companions understand the Submarine/Destroyer relationship. Subs are cheap
    and very powerful(because of convoy raiding). Ensure you have Destroyers to counter them.
    Enjoy your game.

  • played yesterday and two questions came up, that I wasn’t completly sure about.

    -Even if a power (e.g. Russia) isn’t at war, is it friendly or neutral to the other ones “on its side” (e.g. UK)? My understanding is, that it’s considered friendly and e.g. UK Bombers could land in Russian territories, even if Russia is still not at war and neutral for the Axis.

    -enemy submarines let sea zones still be friendly: can transports load and unload without restrictions? (from what I found in the rulebook, that’s the way, but I think I read somewhere something else, for the case that those transports aren’t accompanied by warships)

  • Hi Spirou.
    I am afraid that until Russia or the US join the war, they cannot land air units or move ground units into another nation. They have to be at war.

    Subs do not stop naval movement( sea zones remain friendly) as you said. However, a Transport unaccompanied by a warship cannot unload in a hex with an enemy Sub.

    Hope you enjoyed your game.

  • thanks for the answers


    I am afraid that until Russia or the US join the war, they cannot land air units or move ground units into another nation. They have to be at war.

    yes, Russia and US can not move out, but how about UK units moving in? The rules only specifiy, that territories from enemys which are not at war are considered neutral instead of hostile. I found nothing about neutral or friendly.


    Subs do not stop naval movement( sea zones remain friendly) as you said. However, a Transport unaccompanied by a warship cannot unload in a hex with an enemy Sub.

    but it can load?

  • On the turn you do your DOW you can load Transports and move them away to unload elsewhere.

    yes, Russia and US can not move out, but how about UK units moving in? The rules only specifiy, that territories from enemys which are not at war are considered neutral instead of hostile. I found nothing about neutral or friendly.

    It is the same thing. You cannot do it.

  • Official Q&A


    Subs do not stop naval movement( sea zones remain friendly) as you said. However, a Transport unaccompanied by a warship cannot unload in a hex with an enemy Sub.

    Actually, a transport may not offload in a sea zone with an ignored enemy sub during combat movement (for an amphibious assault) unless it is accompanied by a warship belonging to the same power.  It may offload during noncombat movement in such as sea zone without an escort.

  • thanks for the answers @Krieghund and wittmann

  • @Spirou:

    thanks for the answers


    I am afraid that until Russia or the US join the war, they cannot land air units or move ground units into another nation. They have to be at war.

    yes, Russia and US can not move out, but how about UK units moving in? The rules only specifiy, that territories from enemys which are not at war are considered neutral instead of hostile. I found nothing about neutral or friendly.

    No.  UK units are not permitted to move into Russian or US territories while Russia or the US is still neutral.



    Subs do not stop naval movement( sea zones remain friendly) as you said. However, a Transport unaccompanied by a warship cannot unload in a hex with an enemy Sub.

    but it can load?

    It can load.

  • Official Q&A


    It can load.Â

    Good catch.  I missed that before.  Subs alone never stop transports from loading.


    On the turn you do your DOW you can load Transports and move them away to unload elsewhere.

    This is true in hostile sea zones.  Remember, enemy subs (or transports) don’t make a sea zone hostile, so you can always load in sea zones containing only them.

  • Hey, my friends and I are playing our first game of A&A with 1940 Europe 2nd edition and have a question.

    If more than one Naval Base service the same sea zone (example, build a naval base in Central US so that there are two bases servicing SZ 101) then can the US ships there move 4 spaces as each base adds plus one, or can they still only move 3 spaces as the don’t say the bases stack?

    Thanks so much!

  • Bases don’t stack.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Bases don’t stack.

    LOL could you imagine if they did?  A N.B. purchase in central USA would have you landing in uk everyturn!

  • Quick question about the rules in axis and allies europe 1940 SE pertaining to transports. Here is the senario. in round one, On italy’s turn, Great Britain has all of its mediterainian surface warships in sea zone 96(the zone around malta), and a lone transport sitting in sea zone 99 (off the coast of greece)with no allied aircraft capable of scrampling into sea zone 99. in other words, the british transport is a “sitting duck!” Italy has transports, and surface warships in sea zones 97 and 95.

    Can Italy conduct an amphibious attack on british occupied egypt, by bringing its loaded transports, and possibly warships, from sea zone 97 through sea zone 99, to sea zone 98, and unloading their transports in egypt, WHILE at the same time sending one of its fighters or the bomber from southern italy, or even another warship, to sea zone 98 to take out the british transport? Or does the act of attacking the british transport in sea zone 98 create a sea zone battle and prevent the italian tansports and any other surface warships from passing through to egypt?

  • @tbaz26:

    Quick question about the rules in axis and allies europe 1940 SE pertaining to transports. Here is the senario. in round one, On italy’s turn, Great Britain has all of its mediterainian surface warships in sea zone 96(the zone around malta), and a lone transport sitting in sea zone 99 (off the coast of greece)with no allied aircraft capable of scrampling into sea zone 99. in other words, the british transport is a “sitting duck!” Italy has transports, and surface warships in sea zones 97 and 95.

    Can Italy conduct an amphibious attack on british occupied egypt, by bringing its loaded transports, and possibly warships, from sea zone 97 through sea zone 99, to sea zone 98, and unloading their transports in egypt, WHILE at the same time sending one of its fighters or the bomber from southern italy, or even another warship, to sea zone 98 to take out the british transport? Or does the act of attacking the british transport in sea zone 98 create a sea zone battle and prevent the italian tansports and any other surface warships from passing through to egypt?

    Submarines and transports NEVER block passage.  You’re free to send a warplane to clean up SZ99 and still move units through 99 to 98.

  • I know there are some differences with the sculpts in the 2nd edition from the 1st.  I have the first and I was wondering if it was worth getting the 2nd edition just for the sculpts…I just got a great deal for both europe and pacific and now I am questioning whether I should have spent the money on the 2nd edition…

    Since the map is the same and I can download the 2nd ed rules, is there somewhere I can get the 2nd edition units in bulk instead of individually?  I looked on historical gaming and after you buy what comes in the game, you have spent more than buying the whole game new…

  • Do air units in AAE19402nd get to fire a casualty shot?

  • @Grossdeutschland:

    Do air units in AAE19402nd get to fire a casualty shot?

    Please be more specific.  All units get to fire a casualty shot except for naval units hit by submarines when sub rules are in effect.  Otherwise, any unit hit during the attackers round will fire in the defenders round.

    Unless you mean after being hit by AA.  Units hit by AA are removed from combat without firing back.

  • Can you combine the version 1 gameboard of Axis and Allies Europe with the version 2 gameboard of Axis and Allies Pacific? I believe the board has remained the same. So it shouldn’t be an issue. I wanted to be certain however.


  • Official Q&A

    Yes.  The Europe map has not changed at all.

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