• Gul Dukat should not be on this list. He’s not even real.

    And if you keep him, also add Lucas McCain ( “The rifleman”), Ethyl Mertz, and Moe Howard to your list of killers.

  • @Imperious:

    Gul Dukat should not be on this list. He’s not even real.

    I thought I would just stick to pyschopaths….

    I did several research projects on Stalin going through school and 20 million would be a very very conservative number.  He did have a lot more years on Hitler though, because he was there from the beginning, so that’s why you will find the numbers will never be solid…the Revolution itself put a lot of blood on Stalin’s hands…and after Lenin’s stroke, he had a free pass as essentially being the #2 or 3 (depending on how you look at it)…

  • oops…guess I messed up the quote block…

    As for TNG vs. DS9…TNG messed up by not having enough arc episodes…my favorite episodes involve the Romulans for TNG…a blown opportunity to do more with it but did decent with the Klingon Civil war and others due to Romulan interference.  It was one thing I was happy about with Enterprise was the arc…  And we shall not mention that one show with the female in charge that got them lost…AWFUL!

  • And I am sorry, but none of those lines quite compare to “There are FOUR LIGHTS!”


    you KNEW this was coming!  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    And I am sorry, but none of those lines quite compare to “There are FOUR LIGHTS!”


    you KNEW this was coming!  8-)

    Well of course! We all love the Picard Song. Though I can’t say I have ever seen the Sims version.

  • Hitler vs Stalin, who had the best mustache?

  • The colonel of course.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Hitler vs Stalin, who had the best mustache?

    This is the real question!

    Vote one for Hitler. What a trend setter… nobody will ever wear it again. They broke the mold with Hitler.

  • Customizer

    Since WWII only one man has had the balls to wear that mustache. Michael Jordan. Stalins 'stache has been sported by every middle eastern dictator and 70’s porn star around. If you break the mold you win. Hitler moustache.

    As to the bigger c–- s------ piece of s—? Stalin destroyed Russia and it has still not recovered. He took the best and the brightest and wiped them out. If you were smarter than Stalin you died. This philosophy ruined one of the best people’s in the world.

    As to communism. We still have yet to witness state scale communism. USSR was a dictatorship with cruel rationing of its people. Not a communist state.

    Marx’ ideas were no worse than Smith’s (judging by the state of the world now) but because Stalin got the steering wheel it got all f-d up. He was a back alley goon no better than that and he stole control of one of the greatest people on the planet. You can blame almost all of Russia’s current problems on the trauma that Stalin forced on the USSR.

    20 million is too low a number. Without comrade Stalin there might have been better leadership on the Ostfront and more efficient management of the war rather than ‘let’s throw a shit ton of untrained troops at them until they can’t climb over the gore’

    That said, both Stalin and Hitler almost make me hope that various religions are right and there is a Hell and it is 10 times more perverted than our sickest writers have imagined.

  • @Most:

    You can blame almost all of Russia’s current problems on the trauma that Stalin forced on the USSR.

    Stalin can be blamed – and rightly so – for the enormous harm he did to the USSR and for its various long-term consequences, but I think it’s a stretch to blame “almost all of Russia’s current problems” on him.  Stalin is in the middle of a long list of autocratic Russian rulers going back to the days of the tsars and forward to (depending on one’s views) either the recent past or the present.  Nicholas II, Leonid Brezhnev and their ilk may have been less homicidal than Stalin, but they still scored pretty high when it came to popular repression and adminstrative incompetence.

  • @LHoffman:

    Not that you cannot make a damn good case for Hitler, because you can and you are. However, if a life is a life and each is equal, why not a communist like Stalin who both killed in his own and supported other regimes/governments to do the same? If you had to ask yourself who was more successful, you would pick Stalin. He lived longer, likely killed more, and perpetuated the culture of death and crushing of freedom in communism the world round. Hitler was less evil if only for the fact that he did not live to see his dream succeed. Stalin did, and we continue to struggle with the mess he made today. Hitler’s World War II has been cleaned up for some time now.

    I haven’t been on here to make a reply because of all that’s been going on, so it’s mostly a dropped discussion, but thought I’d make a few comments.

    Stalin simply can not be blamed for everything.  Neither can Hitler, but I think everyone can agree what damage he wrought on the world.  I didn’t give him credit for the entire war, but the fatality count is extremely high for a short amount of time.

    Stalin, on the other hand, appears to be the culprit (by your opinion and others on here) for everything before he was in power, and after he was dead.  This is absurd.  Stalin had a larger window of rule than Hitler, but not by much.  And the failure of his rule/inaction/severity of his policies have some room for debate, but I included them.  As I said, 20 million is on the larger end of the scale of those who’ve given the issue much thought.  It’s more than a simple “well China was communist so therefore STALIN”.  It doesn’t work that way.

    BTW,  it only took 3 years after Stalin’s death for Khrushchev to enact Destalinization.

    Yeah, any dummy off the street will pick Hitler given the choice of the two (or even anyone else on the list). Fortunately, our community here is a little more knowledgeable than the general populace. As noted by IL.

    Apparently not.  It seems like a knee jerk reaction to communism to me and throwing anything that will stick at a guy that had very little to do with more than half of what you attribute to him.


    I did several research projects on Stalin going through school and 20 million would be a very very conservative number.  He did have a lot more years on Hitler though, because he was there from the beginning, so that’s why you will find the numbers will never be solid….the Revolution itself put a lot of blood on Stalin’s hands…and after Lenin’s stroke, he had a free pass as essentially being the #2 or 3 (depending on how you look at it)…

    Except that 20 million is being generous.  From what beginning?  Stalin wasn’t a leader until after the Revolution.

    See, this is what I’m talking about:  you can be vague and imprecise to defend a faulty argument.  Or just be completely wrong.

    Specificity is what we are looking for here.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I have been continuing this primarily to play devil’s advocate in trying to bring out more of the discussion.

    Personally, I cannot distinguish between who was worse. Who killed more, and how they did so, does not equate to a greater evil necessarily. I find Hitler much more personally repugnant, but I find Stalin much more personally dangerous. I put forth the Stalin argument because you seemed to believe a case could not be made for him being worse.

    And as for a knee-jerk reaction to communism… not so. Again, more emphasis placed on it just to do so. Communism… National Socialism… I hate them both for what they mean to humanity.

    To be honest, I do not care to post anymore here. The point was that you realize that Stalin can legitimately be called worse than Hitler. Whether or not you can accept that is something else. But maybe you have just been ignoring that for the sake of our ancillary argument.

    Either way, good discussion.

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