Sired's card deck -NOW AVAILABLE-

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Just printed your cards. These are sweet man! Thanks for making them.

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    Just printed your cards. These are sweet man! Thanks for making them.

    EPIC! Im glad your using them bro! Really makes all the hard work pay off to hear others getting use of it.

  • Hi there :-)

    I just started playing A&A, after playing trippleA now and the over the past years. Dont know what kept me so long from buying the actual board game!

    However, this card deck is just awesome! I am about to print it now and looking forward to my next sessions with friends, that dont know the rules or are at least also not very experienced. Those cards will really help!

    Just one question regarding house rules: as far as I saw it, the only house rules in this deck are the Germany controls London objective and the Research Rule adaptions, right? If you add further additions, it would be great to mark them somehow :-)
    Also, not very important, but: if you find the place somewhere, you could also add the order of play for the nations.

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    Hi there :-)

    I just started playing A&A, after playing trippleA now and the over the past years. Dont know what kept me so long from buying the actual board game!

    However, this card deck is just awesome! I am about to print it now and looking forward to my next sessions with friends, that dont know the rules or are at least also not very experienced. Those cards will really help!

    Just one question regarding house rules: as far as I saw it, the only house rules in this deck are the Germany controls London objective and the Research Rule adaptions, right? If you add further additions, it would be great to mark them somehow :-)
    Also, not very important, but: if you find the place somewhere, you could also add the order of play for the nations.

    Thanks! There are a few, 1- the London, 2 - the research like you mentioned. The other is the 30 bucks to US if Japan attacks. All the Russia are OOB.

    As for the turn sequence, those are on the setup charts, I have yet to release.

  • '18 '17 '16

    I’ve just finished combing through your card deck Sired. First of all they look great, very professional looking.

    These will come in very handy when playing with new players or people who don’t have all of the rules memorized. I like the fact that they explain some of the more hard to understand or most misunderstood rules.You were wondering what to do with the last 2 cards-I would suggest defining the rules regarding neutral territories. The nation cards which explain the political situations will come in extremely handy. It seems that I spend a huge amount of time explaining this aspect of the game to even somewhat experienced players.

    I can’t wait to try these out with the guys that I’m trying to teach how to play the game. Maybe now I can spend more time playing my own game and less time helping them. I can see them taking more initiative and beginning to form their own strategies with these “mini rule books” in their hands.

    Awesome job!! 8-)

  • '17 '16 '15

    Really first class deck. Cards are all the rage these days and the rules to help newcomers is a great addition.
    Thank you. Downloaded them today, printing next week.
    You did say to yell out any mistakes.
    I couldn’t see anyone post this above but a quick glance today revealed that you spelt Burma wrong on the Chinese deck.
    Cheers again

  • Sired your cards are absolutely fantastic!! You got me motivated to make a unit deck to put with your deck.  Here are just a couple of examples I made:

    I finished all the Fighters and now onto Strategic Bombers  :-D

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks General! They are mini rulebooks, and they work great for all players, I still even look at one every so often. And new players, way less questions, and way more action, by action I mean its awesome when you see a new player looking at the cards, then say “Im doing a bombing raid” lol…. your like wtf?? … Nice!

    I must have went through the books 20x, looking in every nook and cranny for this rule and that, we all know how rules are sporadic.

    I like the idea about neutrals, but then that leaves us with still 2 slots, as I would want 6 neutral (I don’t like sharing cards :P ). As for the staging cards, not fond of that idea for me, as we kinda do our own thing, and they wouldn’t get used at my table. Ill go though the book again lol.

    Thanks Woody, ill get that file updated this weekend. Its funny, we have used these cards for close to 8 months now and its never been spotted. (my first cards were quick crap ones, only N.O. cards, think I posted a pic of the crap ones in the main post) — But at least when you Berma, or Burma, it sounds the same!

    I too found a little something I don’t like, not so much a grammer/spelling error, but I feel I could have worded it better, so ill fix that as well.

    For those of us who have already printed a deck, ill have a “patch” file for us, so we can just take the new file in and print 1 page.

    Cool cards Wedge, thanks for sharing. That’s what I had in mind when I did my battle bucks, but I had to change the data on the back to make it readable, so I was only able to use a couple lines. Oh well :(

  • '18 '17 '16

    If you mean just 2 cards you could do one each for Japan and Russia regarding the Mongolian Rule.

    If you means 2 sets of 6 you could do one on air/naval bases and one on industrial complexes.

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    2 cards you could do one each for Japan and Russia regarding the Mongolian Rule.

    Perfect, that’s what I want, Genius!

  • '17 '16 '15

    Oh just found another slight inaccuracy…

    The German National obj. for the Scandinavia trade 5 IPCs Should read:

    5 IPCs if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is neither pro-Allies nor Allies-controlled.

    If Germany did take Sweden they can still get the 5IPCs…

    Also, ‘economy’ is spelt wrong at the bottom of the convoy disruption cards.  The title of these cards also has ‘disruption’ spelt incorrectly.


  • '17 '16 Customizer


    Oh just found another slight inaccuracy…

    The German National obj. for the Scandinavia trade 5 IPCs Should read:

    5 IPCs if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is neither pro-Allies nor Allies-controlled.

    If Germany did take Sweden they can still get the 5IPCs…

    Also, ‘economy’ is spelt wrong at the bottom of the convoy disruption cards.  The title of these cards also has ‘disruption’ spelt incorrectly.Â


    Thanks for all the checks, I guess the photoshop spell check sucks ass, as I ran it over the entire project twice.

    Burma has been fixed, as well as the Mongolia cards made. Ill fix the above asap, hopefully update the download this week.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Hey Woody, on that same card, the convoy, there is another error… Insane Clown Posse! (ICP rather then IPC)

    Everything is fixed as of now, ill wait till weekend to upload and make a patch for everyone how has already printed… wait to make sure we don’t find more.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Here is what is on the mongo card.

    I miss anything?

    If Japan attacks any Soviet controlled territory that is
    adjacent to a Mongolian territory, or attacks any
    Mongolian territory, all Mongolian territories that are
    strict neutral become Pro-Allies resulting in activating
    the standing army of 6 units. These 6 units and 6
    territories are represented by Russia and are also
    under the control of Russia. This happens immediately
    after the Japanese combat phase.

    If Russia attacks any Japanese controlled territory that
    is adjacent to a Mongolian territory, or attacks Korea
    while Mongolia is strict neutral, Mongolia will not
    support Russia from a Japanese attack and remain
    strict neutral for the remainder of the war.

    Mongolia will never support other strict neutrals in
    an attack, however, all other strict neutrals will
    support Mongolia if attacked.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Deck has been updated with new cards, and error fixes.

    If you already printed your deck, you can get the patch here :

  • Sponsor

    Thanks Sieredblood, I’m gonna do a video next week talking about your customizations… great job.

    BTW… I’ve been watching your videos and noticed that your voice and positive energy definitely don’t match your profile pic… just an observation.

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer


    Deck has been updated with new cards, and error fixes.

    If you already printed your deck, you can get the patch here :

    The link doesn’t seem to work. At least not on my end. It points to my own dropbox without any file downloaded or added. Could you please verify this on your end?

  • yep not working

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    Thanks Sieredblood, I’m gonna do a video next week talking about your customizations… great job.

    BTW… I’ve been watching your videos and noticed that your voice and positive energy definitely don’t match your profile pic… just an observation.Â

    LOL ya funny. Whats funnier is that is a pic of me from 10 years ago, I put myself in a Lord of the Rings outfit… Good times! Thanks for the upcoming vid!

    Is the link working? It worked for me, but I redid it anyway, if not working still ill have to tinker with it, sorry :(

  • ok works now

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