Download link for the roundels. Click on image for larger version. These roundels are 19.4mm in diameter meaning you will have a 0.4mm cutting margin. For people that need the Pacific roundel or the Italian roundel as shipped with the game I’ve added these designs as well.

Hi All!
After working on my Global 1940 map cleanup and my Anniversary map file it’s time to continue my customizations: Custom roundels and tokens!
I never really liked the cardboard tokens that come with them game. Not because of the designs off the tokens, but rather the lack of weight and how easy you can pick them up from the board. I will create custom roundels and custom naval and air bases. And while I’m at it I can also work on custom movement tokens for airplanes and custom research / technology tokens.
To start this off I’ve ordered a laser cutting company to cut me 19mm (or 3/4 inch for those that go with the weird imperial units :-P) discs and 12mm squares out of 3mm plywood. 550 discs and 115 squares to be more precise. More then enough to beef up my Global 1940 set (or any ww2 edition) as well as my 1914 set and some custom tokens as mentioned earlier.

Next stage is painting the wooden tokens. Fist one layer of primer followed by two layers of black paint. With a soft sanding before putting on each subsequent layer of paint. Roughly 40 discs and 10 squares done in the first batch so plenty more to do.

Unfortunately my printer broke down the moment I wanted to print my first set of roundels to glue on top of the roughly 40 black discs I’ve painted so far. So it might take a few days for the new one to come in and for me to show some more progress.
As a teaser for what it will look like when finished, I’ve done a few prototypes a few months back. Each disc is finished with a home made print on high quality photo paper that’s glued on the disc. Subsequently the whole token is sprayed with a satin varnish to seal it and give it a nice but not too obvious shine. More importantly the varnish will protect it during game play use. Note my custom research token on the right. This will replace the research token in the Anniversary edition.

And about the naval and air bases. They won’t get the same photo paper treatment… something 3D, but not a full miniature. Think more like a layered token.
Stay tuned and let me know your comments, thoughts and ideas to make our game even better.