• What would you think if when the US performs lend-lease, it may pay an additional 5 ipcs or so for each lend lease attempt to increase the die roll of the axis intervention by 1?

    Meaning:  The US lend-leases 20 ipcs to UK, and spends an additional 5 to add 1 to what ever the axis rolls.  (a roll of 4 becomes 5, or 5 becomes 6, etc.).  On top of that, the US can spend additional increments of 5 to increase the die roll further.

    In the current format, it seems that lend-lease is too easily dealt with for the axis to make it worth doing.  The only way russia or calcutta can practically hold, is if the US can send a lot of money via lend lease I think.

  • Customizer


    ––If your GW-39 game was played using the optional resources rules, you could send you allies Oil via Sea Transport or Air Transport and give it to them. They could “cash in” the Oil at any of their major or minor Factorys and this could serve as another version of lend-lease. Each Oil Barrel is equal to 3 IPC’s and each Barrel “cashed in” takes up one production point from the Factory. You might check out these Oil rules and Resource rules. They are available as a free down-load from HBG.

    Tall Paul

  • I don’t think it would be enough money to help fast enough the way the game is setup. Could help UK most part but a ton of convoy raiding going on for the Axis.
    I do like the oil rules. Maybe another option for Tigerman to work on for game.

  • FEC is just to weak when Japan comes in with 12 ground troops and 20 planes and then your lend lease gets destroyed half or most of the time.

  • I think the lend lease can be a game breaker either way. To me its just to strong. Same thing for the 2 die rolls for income for US and Russia. I 'd hate to see a game won or lost because of it.
    What if you gave Russia 48 icp’s at start instead of 15 and US starts at 20 for income rolls and the FEC only have to build 2 inf first a turn and just get rid of lend lease. Just throwin some thoughts.

  • I remember some ideas being batted around concerning lend-lease in a thread a few months back.  I think the consensus for the best option was something like the Allies automatically get a +2 to the die roll.  However, this is reduced by one for each Axis sub or surface warship in the Russian convoy box north of Scotland (if the aid is going to Russia) or the British convoy box east of Washington (if it is going to Britain).  I suppose you could use the British convoy box by the Solomons for the FEC/ANZAC.  It was also suggested that since, historically, quite a bit of aid was sent through Iran, Axis land units occupying it could also negatively affect the roll.

  • Only thing I found was Gars house rule that says " For each convoy box Germany occupies, Allies get a -2 for lend lease, if none are occupied, Allies get a +2 for lend lease." Doesn’t say nothing about dies. If it was then used  it would go down -6 on die rolls due to 3 convoys occupied.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  So if 3 convoys are occupied by Germany/Italy and the Allies wanted to send 20 icp’s it would loose 6 icp’s for the Europe side and samething on Pacific side if Japan had occupied convoy boxes or the total of all convoys the axis have towards the amount of lend lease.

  • @SS:

    Only thing I found was Gars house rule that says " For each convoy box Germany occupies, Allies get a -2 for lend lease, if none are occupied, Allies get a +2 for lend lease." Doesn’t say nothing about dies. If it was then used  it would go down -6 on die rolls due to 3 convoys occupied.
    So if 3 convoys are occupied by Germany/Italy and the Allies wanted to send 20 icp’s it would loose 6 icp’s for the Europe side and samething on Pacific side if Japan had occupied convoy boxes or the total of all convoys the axis have towards the amount of lend lease.

    This looks like 2 separate ways to do lend lease.

  • My response in blue above is Gars house rule saying the numbers don’t go towards die rolls.

    My response in red is what happens when the numbers go towards the total of ICP"S being sent.

    So if you go by Gar’s house rule its only 1 rule.
    Doesn’t say anything about numbers going towards Die Rolls.

  • SS…You’re a super villant!!!

  • @ghr2:


    Only thing I found was Gars house rule that says " For each convoy box Germany occupies, Allies get a -2 for lend lease, if none are occupied, Allies get a +2 for lend lease." Doesn’t say nothing about dies. If it was then used  it would go down -6 on die rolls due to 3 convoys occupied.
    So if 3 convoys are occupied by Germany/Italy and the Allies wanted to send 20 icp’s it would loose 6 icp’s for the Europe side and samething on Pacific side if Japan had occupied convoy boxes or the total of all convoys the axis have towards the amount of lend lease.

    This looks like 2 separate ways to do lend lease.

  • The response in red is just an example  of using Gar’s house rule which is in blue.

  • My point was the blue was for die rolls and the red was for subtracting IPCs.

  • If you use the blue response towards die rolls it be way to strong. If it was - 6 you would have to roll a 11 or 12 everytime just to get something sent.

  • I agree.

  • It would mean that the Atlantic must be cleared before lend-lease is considered.

  • I see in the optional rules in 7.1v the lend lease has number of convoy occupations going towards 1d12 die roll using chart.

    This could be way off base but what if the US could send lend lease of 15 icp’s per turn.
    Use the value on convoy boxes going against the 15 icp’s.

    Germany occupies 3 convoy boxes and Japan none. The convoy boxes are worth 3,3, and 2 which = 8.  Subtract 8 from 15 and US can send 7 icp’s for lend lease.
    Axis already get the value of convoy boxes towards there income and Allies go down in income. They shouldn’t get to steal the lend lease on a roll of 1 on chart.
    As the game goes on Germany does lose some convoy boxes but Japan starts to get some convoy boxes.
    At least the US can send something and Calcutta and South Africa needs money too.
    US has to watch also how many times they send money so they can support themselves. I believe it evens out as the war goes on and US can send a little more money ( due to less convoy occupation)  but it might be to late.
    An a aggressive Japan player can make up for Germany’s lost of convoy occupation.

    Correct me if I’m wrong. I know a ton of merchant ships were sunk in the Atlantic but did Germany ever steal money from the ships?

    Feel free to tear up this idea.

  • Bump

  • '20 '19 '18 '16 '15 '11 '10

    Some ships and cargoes were taken as prizes.

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