HBG's Global War 1939 FAQ

  • '14

    1. Production means: IPC’s produced per turn. So germany starts turn 1 with 52 ipcs but is only producing 24 per turn….+/- whatever they have gained or lost.

    2. Romania is only worth 4 ipcs per turn when an axis country activates them. But, Romania will collect a separate income, or production, of 6 ipcs per turn. They may choose to save or spend ipcs like a regular counrty but may not build more than 3 units per turn. All minor axis countries conqour under the umbrella of the country who activated them.

    Hope this has cleared thing up.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    1. Production means: IPC’s produced per turn. So germany starts turn 1 with 52 ipcs but is only producing 24 per turn….+/- whatever they have gained or lost.

    2. Romania is only worth 4 ipcs per turn when an axis country activates them. But, Romania will collect a separate income, or production, of 6 ipcs per turn. They may choose to save or spend ipcs like a regular counrty but may not build more than 3 units per turn. All minor axis countries conqour under the umbrella of the country who activated them.

    Hope this has cleared thing up.

    Ok, that clears it up. Thanks Tigerman77.

    I forgot that 24 is the territory amount and 52 is the money amount. I looked on the Global map, and I believe I accounted for Germanys 24 territorial amount.

    In the OOB games, they have the starting IPC’s the same as the territorial amount, and I think that was where my confusion was.

    I still relatively new to this game.

    Thanks again for answering my questions. :-)


  • '14

    No problem.  Im trying to keep up with the clarifications and explanations mas much as possible. If I dont respond to a comment or question please dont get upset. Working 80+ hours a week at my day job and have a newborn on the way!

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    No problem.  Im trying to keep up with the clarifications and explanations mas much as possible. If I dont respond to a comment or question please dont get upset. Working 80+ hours a week at my day job and have a newborn on the way!

    No worries. I know how hard you guys work. I own my own business too. I know how hard it is in business and now you have another mouth to feed. I hope I didn’t sound upset. If I did, I’m sorry. I was just confused on the 2 numbers and wanted to make sure I understood it.

    Thanks again! :-)


  • '14

    My last comment wasn’t directed towards anyone in particular but to everyone who has asked a question that I havent answered yet.  Keep asking and ill finally respond.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    My last comment wasn’t directed towards anyone in particular but to everyone who has asked a question that I havent answered yet.  Keep asking and ill finally respond.Â

    Oh ok, I just wanted to make sure. :-)



  • A few questions

    1. Can bombers land in any territory when used as a transport or do they need an airbase?

    2. what territory controls french naval base in sz 53 ?

    3. If french units are not in french territories when vichey roles happen are they free french, and what about naval units? (if paris doesn’t fall until round 2)

    4. is aa built into factories or do you need an aa gun for sbr attacks?

    thank you

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    1. Any territory you have owned since the start of your turn. UNLESS you are playing with optional airbase rules.

    2. Will answer later. But I believe this is in reference to Rio De Oro?

    3. Land units are not clarified. I would play that if they are not in French territories, they stay free French.  Makes the most sense.  As for ships. You roll for them no matter where they hide.

    4.AA is built in.

  • Japan dow UK before USA is at full production. (lets say to make this clear its turn 1)
    USA in turn dow on Japan…
    Does USA now get full production ? Or must it still roll dice and whatnot for income ?

  • As soon as Japan declares war against the US, the US is at full production.

  • @Moose11:

    As soon as Japan declares war against the US, the US is at full production.

    You did not even read my question :P

    Anyways i found it i think…In this scenario USA does not go to full production but gets +25 to income along with dice rolls on their next turn.
    So USA dow on japan but is still rolling dice for income ?

  • Convoy zones/raiding isn’t 100% clear either…
    The way im reading into it: You move your ships into a convoy zone during noncombat move (or combat if there are enemy ships). Then that power must either destroy your ships during his turn or lose the extra income. A convoy is like any other seazone for movement purposes.

    Correct ?
    It also needs a bolded larger worded easier to find spot in the rule book imo, this is a major difference from any other A&A game and its just a normal paragraph buried on page 8 or whatever.

  • Convoy zones/raiding isn’t 100% clear either…
    The way im reading into it: You move your ships into a convoy zone during noncombat move (or combat if there are enemy ships).  Moving into a convoy zone is a combat move as you are interdicting supplies.

    Then that power must either destroy your ships during his turn or lose the extra income. A convoy is like any other seazone for movement purposes.  Correct.

    Anyways i found it i think…In this scenario USA does not go to full production but gets +25 to income along with dice rolls on their next turn.  Correct.
    So USA dow on japan but is still rolling dice for income ?  Sorry, I read this wrong.  USA cannot declare war until it is at full production.  Once the die roll plus bonuses from Axis war actions bring the income to 80, USA can declare war.  Not before.

  • Thanks i got it now ;)

  • '14

    Pm me your email and ill send you the proposed 7.2

  • When Japan use sneak attack, can he choose strategic bombing raids for one of its battle?

  • I think so.

  • Hi,

    got a question to the Rocket Tech for the AA Guns. Its the same rule from the Global 1940 2nd except with the firing range ?


  • John Brown, have HBGing come out with the new 39 rules and setup up for 2nd edition map ?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    John Brown, have HBGing come out with the new 39 rules and setup up for 2nd edition map ?

    SS, unfortunately, it has been delayed. They say it is coming, but they are still working on it. Other than that, that is all I know.

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