You’re right that this rule is ambigious in this rule book. But to me the intention of the game makers is very clear. That shows not from this rule book, but from all rule books after this version. For example in the rule book from 1943 2nd, They state specifically that all strategic bombing raids take place first. This resolves any argument about who pays the IPC’s to the bank, the attacker or the defender! Since they solved this in the next rule book, i think it is quite obvious what they intended and tried to correct.
Besides capitals, which do you see as the most useful Territory and Sea Zone
Moscow and the Baltic
It depends a lot on the point in the game, and which country.
I guess if I had to pik one place that I’d rather have a stack in than an enemy having a stack in, it might be West Russia.
A stack of Infantry in West Russia just gives a whole lot of opportunity. I’m pretty certain that it borders the most territories (7!). Tanks can possibly move into a whopping 14 terrorities.
Most hate to lose
USA - Western US
UK - India
Germany - Western Europe
Russia - Caucus
Japan - Kwangtung (If only because if I lose it I feel like I’m really in trouble) or East Indies (4 points is a lot, and it’s a two turn job, rather than Borneo being just one)Most want to gain (realistically/relatively short term)
USA - Western Europe
UK - Norway
Germany - Caucus
Russia - West Russia
Japan - IndiaThese territories are ones that make me feel like I’m in business. West Russia less than the other ones, because that’s a first turn given.
Seazones 5, 7, 12, and 60 are major.
As the Axis I want to dominate:
Sea Zone: SZ12
Territory: CaucusesReasons:
Sea Zone 12: If I dominate that as the Axis, it means USA is defending North and South America, and that UK is defending London. Africa is MINE, and Allied landings in Europe have been curtailed or cut off, at least for a while. Bu-bye Russia.Caucuses: If I am dominating there, it means that Russia is just a hole that the Allies are pouring defenses into. Japan has a lot of income, and so does Germany. War of Attrition in that scenario, Axis wins.
As the Allies I want to dominate:
Sea Zone: SZ60
Territory: Eastern EuropeReasons:
Sea Zone 60: Obvious, it means Japan is shut down and on the verge of elimination.Eastern Europe: Pretty much same deal. Once the Allies dominate that, Germany is a shadow if itself, Russia has solid income and can at least mostly stand alone against Japan if needed while US and UK finish the destruction of the Reich.
Caucasus= gateway to Africa, India, Moscow
India= gateway to Africa and Moscow
Norway is important for shucking allies to Russia. -
Norway is overrated.
It takes too many resources for Germany to even try to TRADE it, especially once they lose the TRN in SZ5.
UK and USA can reinforce Russia just fine via Archangel (or Karelia). And if the Allies are landing in Karelia, then Norway is NOT going to be German territory, and is irrelevant to UK forces to aid Russia.
Norway is important if, and personally I think ONLY if, USA captures it and builds an IC there to produce ARM (and then only after the USA shuck is fully established).
All great replies!
except for df, he obviously didn’t read the instructions properly, again. No picking capitals, Russia is a capital, check your board again df. I know, it’s been like forever since you’ve played and sometimes old people forget things, (patting df on bald head) now take your pills and have a nice nap while the rest of us go out to play. :-P
Sorry to pick on ya df, but I’m seeing the surgeon today and I needed to poke at somebody, and, well, you were there, so thanks. :-)
If you guys don’t hear back from me, it means:
crazy Ivan=0 ; death=1
And don’t look for me in hell, as I’m pretty sure that AA is only allowed in heaven, it is that good :wink: That is where I’ll be, rolling low die! :roll: -
Sea: Baltic. Means Allied landing threats multiplied x5 and Germany starts to give up some -or more- of them.
Land: Kazakh ! A strong Japanese stack there both besieges Moscow and keeps at bay a huge US flow through Africa. -
All great replies!
except for df, he obviously didn’t read the instructions properly, again. No picking capitals, Russia is a capital, check your board again df. I know, it’s been like forever since you’ve played and sometimes old people forget things, (patting df on bald head) now take your pills and have a nice nap while the rest of us go out to play. :-P
Sorry to pick on ya df, but I’m seeing the surgeon today and I needed to poke at somebody, and, well, you were there, so thanks. :-)
If you guys don’t hear back from me, it means:
crazy Ivan=0 ; death=1
And don’t look for me in hell, as I’m pretty sure that AA is only allowed in heaven, it is that good :wink: That is where I’ll be, rolling low die! :roll:Ok I change my picks, I’ll take Moscow and Baltic…
btw i’m old, but not bald:
OK, so your not Bald, just drunk! :-o
Crazy Ivan=1; death=0 :-D -
Most important territory?
I’d say either Persia or Novosibirsk. Reason is, if the Allies can have a strong stack in Persia it really distracts Japan and secures Africa. If the Allies have a really strong stack in Novosibirsk it pretty much secures, forever, Russia.
Just my impression. Could be wrong.
As far as Sea Zones go, I’d say SZ 6 is the most important. If you’re strong enough to sit your fleet there, you’re already technically in possession of SZ’s 5, 3, 4, 2, 8, 7 and 12 and by extension the entire Atlantic Ocean. If you are not strong enough to sit your fleets there (as the allies) then you are losing to Germany, even if Germany does not sink your fleet.