• A couple of years ago, I moved away from my apartment in West Oakland and into the ‘wine country’ of Napa. The area is beautiful, serene, and…… BORING!  :roll: Napa is the kind of place that caters to the tourist… and for good reason, since besides the obvious of capitalizing on wine, they’ve been constructing high end hotels and condos all over downtown. That’s not mentioning all the pricey restaurants and $300k condos. They cater to the tourist so much that they forget about the humble residents who live and work in the area.

    Meaning… there is nothing to do out here. A couple of bars, tucked away in no-mans-land corners of town… no nightclubs… permits for live music are hard to get… and the venues for performing even harder.

    Now, despite how others picture Oakland… and yeah, it is pretty ghetto since I have lived there for many years… I miss the place.  :mrgreen:

    This wine country is a sham. 10 to 15 dollar drinks in a place without a beating heart. There was an article in the local paper today which speaks of exactly what I am writing about here.

    So… what about your town? Do you live in an area thriving with culture and good entertainment? Or do you live in a Napa of your own?

  • Well live entertainment is hard to come by but you don’t have to drive to the sticks to find a decent place to have a drink. Although most places the beer selection is less than ideal if you tend to think of Guiness as a light beer.

  • I live in deep East Texas. We just build a huge camp fire and invite friends over. Beer, Beer and more Beer!

  • I surround by Virginia wine.  Some vineyard have live music.  Is cheap way to go out.  $5 for tasting, live band, many people.  Next place is a few miles away with $5 tasting and many people.

    Night club, for that I visit friends in Washington D.C.

  • I don’t do the clubbing thing, so I can’t tell you how that is here in Lexington.

    But there are plenty of bars and local shows.  We even get some fairly big gigs at Rupp Arena, mostly country or metal, go figure.

    The art scene is pretty good, with some shows, galleries, and art hops.

    Also, Louisville and Cincinnati are only about an hour away, so it’s easy to get to even more fun.

  • @stuka:

    my apartment in West Oakland

    Can you get Raiders tickets easily?

  • Western Massachusetts, where I am from, is quite liberal and that is a good thing for entertainment in the area. Lots of clubs for all types, good restaurants for all levels of income, some great T&A joints and plenty of live music in the area.

    Northhampton MA has a large art and music scene. It’s a large college area. Plenty of people up in the cold north east.

    Not may stuka pilots though  :oops:

  • Raider tickets are easy to come by, yes. :-D

    Jermo, I’m not big on the club thing either… However, I was just making the statement, that the younger crowd in this area (Napa) have such a lack of activity (you can only go wine tasting so many times  :roll:).

    In Oakland, granted it’s a much bigger city, there are shows, local hang outs, and a whole slew of nightlife. Now, I probably wouldn’t of mentioned Napa, and thought sure, this is a smaller sized community that can only offer so much. Yet, even the locals believe that “so much” is next to nothing… and since moving here, I can’t help but agree with them.

  • '19 Moderator

    I live in a camp that’s about 8 square miles walled in with no access in or out a few miles from the The only deep water port in Iraq, Um Qasar.  There’s not much to do here, if I want a drink I have to practice my vinter skills in my closit of get someone to mail me something on the sly.  Fortunately it will be better next year. :)

  • 2007 AAR League

    omaha’s nightlife has grown in leaps and bounds.

    now there is a major show every week or so here.

    just saw elton john and billy joel together here.

    we have downtown, the riverfront, midtown, or out in west omaha for the nightlife.  either that or just a bar or something.

    quest center for the win!!!

  • @stuka:

    Jermo, I’m not big on the club thing either… However, I was just making the statement, that the younger crowd in this area (Napa) have such a lack of activity (you can only go wine tasting so many times  :roll:).

    They are out there…I’ve probably only been to one, and that was a country/rap bar with a mechanical bull.  Pretty ghetto though.  Not in a bad part of town, just seems trashy by the people that go.

  • Moderator

    Fort Worth Texas has pretty decent night life, plenty of clubs to go to, and Amazing Fine Arts, one of the best symphonies in the country, and as usual great food. Italian, Chinese, Mexican, American, Indian, Seafood, you name it… That’s the close by big city. We have a big rodeo once a year, if you like the Cowboy sports. And of course any number of High School Football games, whose players are at minimum comparable to the Cincinnati Bengals.

    In my small town of 376, nothing much. The night life is me thinking of getting out into the city.


  • @Guerrilla:

    And of course any number of High School Football games, whose players are at minimum comparable to the Cincinnati Bengals.

    They are criminals?  :lol:

    That reminded me of the greatest high school football game ever (from Texas):


  • Moderator

    The Cincinnati Bengals are criminals? I don’t know, but at the same time I don’t know why they don’t play any better.

    That football game was amazing, was that state championship? It’s amazing they haven’t turned that into a Friday Night Lights. And that is no offense to Odessa. But at the same time, just up the road from my town is Boyd Texas, which won 2004 State and no one thought they could do it. I think they played against Dallas too.


  • @Guerrilla:

    The Cincinnati Bengals are criminals? I don’t know, but at the same time I don’t know why they don’t play any better.

    That’s kind of a running joke…their players get arrested constantly.  :lol:


    That football game was amazing, was that state championship? It’s amazing they haven’t turned that into a Friday Night Lights. And that is no offense to Odessa. But at the same time, just up the road from my town is Boyd Texas, which won 2004 State and no one thought they could do it. I think they played against Dallas too.


    Yeah, it really is a great highlight, then you see the very end…oh well, at least they didn’t lose by the original margin.

    I have no idea if it was a championship or not, but may be from the fact that they are playing in the Cowboys’ stadium.

  • When you’re a dinosaur, just “life” is good enough.  Night life for me is coming home after eight from a church social.  The only thing I go out for after supper is a minor league baseball game now and then.

  • Right in front of my house is a 24-hour cocktailbar. Next to it is a punkrock venue, a michelin-star restaurant and a neo-dadaistic dance theatre. To the left there’s a reggae nightclub and the Royal Opera.  To the right is a marihuana-supermarked and the National Museum of Art. Crossing the street is a sado-masochistic live-sex show and an irish pup.

    That’s Copenhagen.

  • @Col:

    Right in front of my house is a 24-hour cocktailbar. Next to it is a punkrock venue, a michelin-star restaurant and a neo-dadaistic dance theatre. To the left there’s a reggae nightclub and the Royal Opera.  To the right is a marihuana-supermarked and the National Museum of Art. Crossing the street is a sado-masochistic live-sex show and an irish pup.

    That’s Copenhagen.

    You win.  :-o

  • Nothing to do here.
    Infact the funnest thing to do with my friends here is. Walk around and talk.
    We can fish but……You can only catch a trout if you are lucky so…Not me I think from 9 years of fishing ive caught mabye 2 trout. The rest probably 14 junk fish.

    Well once…I dud somthing fun here. But that was kind of akward…I don’t think I should talk about it. I would probably get this topic messed up…Kinda like me!

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