I don’t know if this is the right forum for this, but I put it here anyway!
This is based on Michael Sandy and his “Comprehensive German Naval Strategy”, since I really liked it and especially “Part 1”!
Tactics are an art, not a science. There’s no way to absolutely quantify them, no way to define secret formulas for victory. There are rules a good tactician follows, but they aren’t absolutely binding. The ‘secret’ to winning lies not in trying to manipulate the enemy, but in creating general situations in which you know the available menu of maneuvers and the balance of firepower will favor your force.
Superior Combat Power
If one add up the combat capability rating and divide by 6 you get an average number of hits that force will inflict on a round.
Mixed Force
A force of mixed combat capability will gain advantage after each side takes a casualty since it reduces their combat power by a smaller amount. If one attack a territory defended by a better mixed force, one will need a larger initial advantage.
Cannon Fodder
If one can take casualties in cheap units while the enemy has to take casualties in expensive units, one will come out ahead.
B. Andersson, Game Master