• Deleted because my interpretations were wrong.

  • Official Q&A


    Let’s say my opponent has 2 subs on station, sinking my convoy.  If I attack them with 1 sub and the ennemy submerge instead of fighting, does this clear my convoy and allow me to collect the income at the end of my turn?



    Another situation, if he attacks one convoy zone with two subs and I have a single sub defending and I submerge, do his subs block my convoy if I have a submerge sub in the same sea zone?  Or do I need to attack him on my turn, with the results explained above?

    Enemy ships raid your convoys regardless of whether or not you have ships in the zone.


    And finaly,  a sub attack a single aircraft carrier with two fighters on board, do the plane take off but can’t hit the sub and have a chance to land somewhere if the carrier is sunk, or do they stay on the carrier and sink with it as cargo?

    They are considered to be defending in the air, so they must find a place to land if the carrier is sunk or damaged.

  • Hi angain krieghund,

    Thanks for the answers, looks like the submarines can be very effective at disrupting convoy if no ennemy destroyers are around.

    I have another question about scrambling planes.

    If on the first turn my opponent sends a fleet in an adjacent sea zone to my island with airbase, but for some reason he can’t take the island on that turn and his fleet stops in that sea zone.

    On my following non-combat move I send many air planes to land on this island.  Will those planes be allowed to scramble and attack the ennemy fleet on my opponent next turn if it stays there during my opponent next combat move?  And if it moves out of the sea zone during combat move?  Does it need new ennemy ships to enter the sea zone to trigger scrambling?



  • Official Q&A

    Scrambling is a defensive action, so it may only be done in response to an attack.  Movement alone will not trigger it.  Your planes may only scramble if your units in the sea zone are attacked or an amphibious assault is declared against the island.  It doesn’t matter whether the attacking units moved into the sea zone or if they were already there.

  • I’m not sure how much this will give away if you answer but I’ll ask anyway; is it balanced enough so that France will last at least a round against the German onslaught?

  • Customizer


    I’m fairly certain that you have already answered this one months ago, but i cant find it anywhere.

    If china captures a Japanese Naval or air base in an originally owned Chinese territory, china immediately destroys it like it does with complexes since these are facilities right?

    Also If china captures an AAGun in an originally owned Chinese territory it does not destroy it and keeps it as its own unit like any other power since its not a facility right?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Does a single kamikaze attack stop shore bombardment, or must there be at least one conventional unit involved (surface warship or scrambled plane)?

  • If the US builds/captures a naval base, can ANZAC use it on its next turn immediately after the US?

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    If the US builds/captures a naval base, can ANZAC use it on its next turn immediately after the US?

    Yes, I’m sure they can.

  • Official Q&A


    If china captures a Japanese Naval or air base in an originally owned Chinese territory, china immediately destroys it like it does with complexes since these are facilities right?

    No, only industrial complexes are destroyed.


    Also If china captures an AAGun in an originally owned Chinese territory it does not destroy it and keeps it as its own unit like any other power since its not a facility right?



    Does a single kamikaze attack stop shore bombardment, or must there be at least one conventional unit involved (surface warship or scrambled plane)?

    A kamikaze alone will prevent bombardment.


    If the US builds/captures a naval base, can ANZAC use it on its next turn immediately after the US?


  • Can I attack a transport with something while simultaneously moving ships through the sea zone with the transport in combat move?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes.  The same goes for a sub.

  • As I understand the rules, Japan attacking UK/ANZAC before they move into China or declare war first gives the US the ability to declare war, and until then, the US can land onto Japanese spaces and move through Japanese waters without engaging Japanese forces. My friend landed men on Okinawa and Iwo Jima as the US before I attacked anyone as Japan, other than China. The next turn I attacked the UK, and my friend argued that then the US was entered into the war, and since it was my turn, I would enter combat on Okinawa and Iwo Jima as the attacker, and he would get the defense rolls. I argued that since I owned the land, he would be considered the attacker, and combat would begin on his turn, thus making him the attacker. We ended up doing it as me attacking, and I lost Iwo Jima.

    How should that scenario have actually played out?

  • Official Q&A

    The US can’t move units into anyone else’s territories before it’s at war, including those of Allied powers.

  • I’m not sure if this has been asked already but let’s say the US attacks a japanese kamikaze island and a carrier gets hit twice and sinks and I needed that carrier to land planes that were participating in the attack. What happens to the planes? are they destroyed, not participate in the attack or attack as normal and crash afterwards if they have no place to land.

  • '22 '19 '18


    I’m not sure if this has been asked already but let’s say the US attacks a japanese kamikaze island and a carrier gets hit twice and sinks and I needed that carrier to land planes that were participating in the attack. What happens to the planes? are they destroyed, not participate in the attack or attack as normal and crash afterwards if they have no place to land.

    Since airplane move in combat move phase and kamikaze attack in combat phase, the fighters would attack as normal and then crash.

  • Official Q&A


  • Can’t the carrier move in that zone in its non-combat phase and thus avoiding the kamikaze attacks?

  • @special:

    Can’t the carrier move in that zone in its non-combat phase and thus avoiding the kamikaze attacks?

    Yes, but that means the Japanese just get to target the planes or other ships directly instead of the carrier.

  • Official Q&A

    Kamikaze can’t target planes.  They can only target surface warships.

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