@shadowhawk I can’t argue with that.Take out india 1st and then go toward Egypt and middle east to obtain victory on the Europe side.
Crete & Cyprus
Has Crete or Cyprus ever come into play in anyone’s games? I have never seen it come into play in games I’ve played in.
Never in any game I’ve played
Cyprus is a good landing zone for British air after making a strafe of under-protected Italian transports.
I’ve invaded Cyprus, and Iceland before, to prevent the British NO, regarding the retainment of all starting territories for +5.
It seemed to make a difference, but that was a bit of a 1 off game.
Ozeta’s 1941 setup involves Crete under Allie conrol. I don’t see a reason for cyprus in it though.
Cyprus is a good landing zone for British air after making a strafe of under-protected Italian transports.
I did it three times against two different italian players. Very frustrating for them, especially when I did it for a second time on one of them :-D.
take cypress to eliminate the UK NO. -Like Gargantua said. It can be a situation where the UK has enough ground forces to recapture any tt’s the axis take in afr/persia, but no transports in the med. Makes the UK divert a disproportionate amount of force to recapture it.
Landed some US bombers there in some of the earlier AAG40 games I’ve had. You can reach from England to hit SZ 97 and land there. Might work as a softener attack before the UK turn, opponent probably won’t expect that attack from England. Can’t say that it won me the game though.
Landed some US bombers there in some of the earlier AAG40 games I’ve had. You can reach from England to hit SZ 97 and land there. Might work as a softener attack before the UK turn, opponent probably won’t expect that attack from England. Can’t say that it won me the game though.
Sure didn’t - part of the problem was that I could attack the naked bombers. And with the 100% bomber builds you were making, I needed to bleed them off wherever I could, and if the Italians can take a little of the punishment…… That’s what I want.
Miss playin’ you Sarge! Bad and I are still teaming up and now playing Alpha2! You should go look up “buy 3 techs with ANZAC” and “throw away my Russian stacks” Calvin and re-match us! :-)
I still play those hell marches once in awhile - I got those from you, didn’t I?
as italy i got attacked by uk and uk-planes landed on cyprus. kind of annoying those islands. that´s why i occupy them if necessary just for protecting unprotected italian transports. helped a lot letting survive them.
but: it is no standard move to get these islands, though the denial of the NO is a good point to consider… :D