• Actually, I think NFL may be refering to the Atari CD…

  • @ncscswitch:

    Actually, I think NFL may be refering to the Atari CD…

    You mean the RTS?  That one has only been out for like 3 years.  He said that site has been managed for 8 years.  So it probaly is the same version you have.  Anyways, interested in helping me out and making a torrent for the game?

  • BTW, is it okay if I can use this picture as my avatar?  Plz!  :-D

  • I do believe that is an R rated clip.  Try to keep things to PG13 at most, perferably PG or G (we do have some folks on here that have not even hit their teens yet)

    Besides, avatars need to be STATIC, not animated (and I also recall that you were asked to remove the KFC banner from your sig file due to animation also…)

    Not being nasty, but it was a polite request from the site owner :-)

  • @ncscswitch:

    I do believe that is an R rated clip.  Try to keep things to PG13 at most, perferably PG or G (we do have some folks on here that have not even hit their teens yet)

    Besides, avatars need to be STATIC, not animated (and I also recall that you were asked to remove the KFC banner from your sig file due to animation also…)

    Not being nasty, but it was a polite request from the site owner :-)

    Yea I know, I was just being a lazy and decided I would take off my sig later.  Its off already.  As for the avatar thing……why not?  Hes not bleeding or anything.  What if I made it where pokemon came out of the Japs body?  I think kids could really relate to that.

  • LMFAO @ Mech!

    nice clip buddy.

  • @Imperious:

    LMFAO @ Mech!

    nice clip buddy.

    Hehehe.  I got some more WWII gifs too.  I also got some other non WWII gifs too.  I can also make some of them if you have a request for one.  :wink:

  • Lets see what you got that has any germans.

  • @Imperious:

    Lets see what you got that has any germans.

    This one you might remember from Saving Private Ryan

    This one aint German, but its still pretty damn awesome.

    I have more with Germans, but they are scattered everywhere on my harddrive.  Ill post them when I find them though.

  • Ok thanks…

    i want something with germans marching under the French “arch of triumph” in Paris.
    That would be awesome!

  • @Imperious:

    Ok thanks…

    i want something with germans marching under the French “arch of triumph” in Paris.
    That would be awesome!

    Ill actually have to make that one.  My friend has “The Century of Warfare” on dvd, so im sure theres a clip of that in there.  Do you want me to loop it so it seems like an endless line of Germans marching under it?  Itll look pretty cool.  :-P

  • Back on topic here folks…

  • lol are you directing conversation away from french bashing?

    outrageous :P

  • Coming back into the game recently after a long hiatus…

    Grew up with Classic and still enjoy it (my brothers and I play an online, PBEmail version) but want to see what the Revised board, and “new” destroyer/artillery units, can do.

    Obtained a few miniatures also,but not really impressed.

  • I usually play all A&A’s, but recently I have been playtesting my own variants.

    I have created one that I feel is very good, the board is a simple marker drawing.

    Does anyone have any good ideas for turning is into real board like that of A&A quality.

  • Whoever created this thread needs to add the Battle of the Bulge option…

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I just added the Battle of the Bulge option and you can go back and change your vote if you want.

  • All hail the Site Owner!


  • I don’t think the miniatures will last very long. I can’t find them in any store in my area. I talked to one store owner who had them and he said they were not selling at all so he got rid of them.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Nope, try again.  :-D

    Miniatures is actually doing quite well. It’s not a huge money maker like Dreamblade or Star Wars minis but it can hold its own and new people are being introduced every day. The community on the AH site is quite active. But we have less “noise” in our Miniatures forums. You can actually find all of Der Leiter’s posts here.

    I’m sorry that the store in your area wasn’t able to sell it but it has had a minor success in other areas.

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