• @Cmdr:

    Anyway you can email me a JPG or BMP of your map to isfcco@hotmail.com, IL?


    I cant compress the PDF to a BMP or Jpeg. Illustrator cuts that off at about 11MB.


    ok here is the new file with border and charts. ( 84MB)
    80 x 37.5 inches PDF format.

    I know what you mean, Imperious Leader - I’ve had Illustrator fail on me when trying to export a large vector image to JPG.  Instead, I tried letting Photoshop import your PDF map and, while it took a while, it eventually worked.  Thus I was able to save it as a JPG (I used to work in the graphics department of a print/copy shop, so I have a pathological need for format-conversion tasks to succeed :)).

    Here is a 150 dpi JPG (7 megs zipped) of that (I’ve also emailed it to you, Cmdr Jennifer), though if you can load IL’s PDF, you’ll get better results.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Thanks Luma.

    D/Ling it now

  • @Imperious:

    ok here is the new file with border and charts. ( 84MB)

    80 x 37.5 inches PDF format.


    What would yield a better map printout?
    Rezie your PDF using photo shop to my needed map size of 28 by 48.5 inches or have you make one for me this size and then create the PDF version?

    The charts are nice but I would prefer them to not be on the map.
    Do you have the National Objective portion seperate?

    Thanks Captain Map!

  • I can re size the map to that configuration, but i think ytou want it in PNG or PDF format because Jpeg ruins artwork that is vector and turns it into raster craper.

    file coming up shortly

  • hold on… why do you want the map that size? the whole point is to have a larger map and you want a map thats the same size as the OOB map?  you sure?

  • @Imperious:

    hold on… why do you want the map that size? the whole point is to have a larger map and you want a map thats the same size as the OOB map?  you sure?

    well actually the original map size (OOB) is 23 3/8 by 45 inches. (just measured it)

    The 28 by 45.5 inches was the size of the Gamers Paradise map for Classic.
    I built a board around this map (map is under glass)

    When revised came out, I scanned and resized and printed my own map to match that size.

    You have created a such a beautiful map that I couldn’t surpass it, so I will just print yours the proper size.

    Thanks for your efforts.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Is it possible to resize the map through Acrobat?  (Sorry, I’m an Adobe newb, at least I have the full paid version of CS 3)

    For that matter, can the file be opened in Photoshop and resized and changed to a different file type from there?

    (Trying to figure out a way to make it the size Battlemap needs since it’s such a beautiful map and I think it would go far in improving the look of Battlemap.)

  • you can resize it with CS3, just create a new file and place the artwork and stretch it.

    Here is the 48.5x28 file  The text seems ok, but the contortion of the land mass is noticable because the left/right axis is truncated relative to the original file.


  • @Imperious:

    I can re size the map to that configuration, but i think ytou want it in PNG or PDF format because Jpeg ruins artwork that is vector and turns it into raster craper.

    While PNG doesn’t have the sucky compression like JPG it’s still raster.

    If you’re starting with Illustrator/EPS definitely use PDF. ~ZP

  • yea thats true.

  • IL,

    I appreciate the effort of making a map the size of my board.  I’ll have to post a picture after I print out the map and install it under glass into my table.

    good gaming!

  • well if you think its ok, but i think since the original file is 72 x 36  (6x3 which is 2:1 ratio) your version is 48.5x28 and to keep the designed perspective should be 56 x 28 which is also 2:1. Since its nearly a foot more narrow the territories that are thin east west axis ( Japan, Poland) will look ‘stretched’. I hope you enjoy what you got and play your AA50e on it.

  • @Imperious:

    well if you think its ok, but i think since the original file is 72 x 36  (6x3 which is 2:1 ratio) your version is 48.5x28 and to keep the designed perspective should be 56 x 28 which is also 2:1. Since its nearly a foot more narrow the territories that are thin east west axis ( Japan, Poland) will look ‘stretched’. I hope you enjoy what you got and play your AA50e on it.

    I am (unfortunately) constrained to that size.  I can not easily resize the embedded glass in my table/board.
    The ONLY reason I am printing out a new copy is because you’ve done most of the work.

  • IL the map is fantastic!  Is there a recommended place to send the map to get it printed out in one sheet or are folks just doing 8x10 sheets and taping them together?


  • yes this is where i go:


    i deal with a guy named Ramon. You can email and make a deposit on the print, wait 2 weeks and the map will be printed and finally shipped

    its $10 a square foot so the 6x3 will be $180 to print. I have mine printed on 1/8 inch plastic sheets of durable plastic which is semi gloss laminated vinyl in high DPI mounted to these sheets.

    So you email them, and send the file link and pay them and when its done they can email you back.

  • One last question.

    When I open the PDF you’ve created, photoshop asks to rasterize generic PDF format. 
    Specifically the pixels per square inch.

    The default is 72 pixels / inch.

    Should I increase this and if so, to what level?
    I would like to sprint this puppy today :)

  • rasterize

    probably the most offensive word to me. If your printing from your desktop and you cant bypass any of these questions and still print a copy, then do as it asks. If your having it printed by something like kinkos, then just hand them the file as it is and they wont have any trouble.

    This is 100% vector artwork. It contains no stupid jagged lines. If printed on the highest quality paper and DPI it will look incredible. The more you allow the program you use to reduce it to compression extensions the worse it will look. I don’t use photoshop so i cant find the exact answer.

    I can give you the file saved in Photoshop format i think. Or EPS which is a universal format for adobe.

  • Do you have Adobe Acrobat installed?

    If you do rasterize in Photoshop use 300dpi. ~ZP

  • @Zero:

    Do you have Adobe Acrobat installed?

    If you do rasterize in Photoshop use 300dpi. ~ZP

    by dumb luck I chose that number.

    Took a while as my clunky (read “old”) CPU was cranking out mips for a bit….

    I am in the process of printing and piecing together the print outs.

    I can’t afford to pay someone else big buck$$$$ ($80) for a game board.

  • Yeah, I live in China, so I have all sorts of problems getting what I want, but when it comes to printing out nice copies of maps,  I probably have all of you beat.  I can get anything printed at almost any realistic size for less than $10.  All I have to do is give the printshop the map file.

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