• '19 Moderator

    Here’s an article on a T34 that was found preserved in a peatbog in Estonia.  They actualy got it running with only minor repairs and a major cleaning:


  • Thats freeking unbelievable… its been sitting in mud for 70 years and they just dig it up and drive it away???

    I think that must be a hoax. The water would have rusted everything and the electrical would have required a new battery.

    i declare shenanigans on this.

  • '19 Moderator

    LOL, they replaced berings ans seals and I’m sure the batteries.  When it sunk it imediatly settled in the the peat and was sealed up.  They said the engine still had the oil in it.  From the discription it looked like it was lost a few months ago.

  • '11

    That is a pretty amazing article that you found dezrtfish. I believe that the following youtube video is the same tank from the article you found, getting pulled out of the mud. It is fairly short, but it’s a great eye opener.


    Enjoy and let me know what you think.

  • '19 Moderator

    Yeah, that’s the same one, great video, thanks.

  • '11

    No problem. Did you check out the second video of the tank retrieval? It shows the condition of the tank a little better.

  • '19 Moderator

    Yeah, it’s amazing that it rolls.  If you didn’t see the chains it looks like it’s driving away.

  • '11

    This just makes me want my own tank all the more. I know it’s not fuel efficient, but what a sweet ride it would be. Plus, there’s parking everywhere, you just have to roll over a few mini vans.

  • '19 Moderator

  • '11

    That is pretty amazing. I would love to try something like that. However, I’ll stick with one hobby vehicle for the time. I wonder why he picked a Panzer to replicate. Perhaps he’s a A&A nut like the rest of us. Thanks for the info.

  • '19 Moderator

    Well, if yo ulook at the body style of old school tanks, a Tiger is probably the easiest to reproduce, not to mention a pretty badass tank.

  • '11

    That’s true. The Tiger body style would probably be very easy to replicate as it is very boxy and there are not too many curves to it’s design. Plus, it is super bad ass. Who wouldn’t want their own Tiger?

  • @Imperious:

    Thats freeking unbelievable… its been sitting in mud for 70 years and they just dig it up and drive it away???

    I think that must be a hoax. The water would have rusted everything and the electrical would have required a new battery.

    i declare shenanigans on this.

    Actually, it was 56 years from the article.  And peatbogs are actually great preservers…many mummies have been excavated from them, revealing information about history.

  • @Jermofoot:


    Thats freeking unbelievable… its been sitting in mud for 70 years and they just dig it up and drive it away???

    I think that must be a hoax. The water would have rusted everything and the electrical would have required a new battery.

    i declare shenanigans on this.

    Actually, it was 56 years from the article.  And peatbogs are actually great preservers…many mummies have been excavated from them, revealing information about history.

    Once after a lot of drinking, i fell into a peatbog.  I woke up 3 months later, hadn’t aged a day!!  Not even a single whisker.  Mind you, my pants were pretty stink-y . . . .

  • '19 Moderator

    LMAO, in attempting to stifle my lols just now I shot a booger onto my keyboard, Thanks CC…

  • @cystic:



    Thats freeking unbelievable… its been sitting in mud for 70 years and they just dig it up and drive it away???

    I think that must be a hoax. The water would have rusted everything and the electrical would have required a new battery.

    i declare shenanigans on this.

    Actually, it was 56 years from the article.  And peatbogs are actually great preservers…many mummies have been excavated from them, revealing information about history.

    Once after a lot of drinking, i fell into a peatbog.  I woke up 3 months later, hadn’t aged a day!!  Not even a single whisker.  Mind you, my pants were pretty stink-y . . . .

    Are you sure you weren’t just drinking scotch?  :lol:

  • Fresh water does not destroy metal in the same manner as does salt water.


    Salinity is closely related to the corrosion rate of steel in water, so increased salinity usually results in higher corrosion rates. This is evident when comparing metal preservation in freshwater compared to seawater environments—freshwater lakes invariably lead to better preservation of iron and steel.

  • :-o
    Estonnians never lie!
    Pictures are pretty cool though.  :-D

  • If they were going to find a T-34 used in a battle in '44 I think it’s interesting they found a T-34/76A. It was most likely made prior to Operation Barbarossa. The Germans had blown up a lot of Russian armor by the time this thing was sunk. I think the A also known as the 1940 model was produced in fewer numbers than most T-34 models. I’m not basing that on certain knowledge but I do know the A carried an “interim” L-11 gun. Usually “interim” designs are not produced in as large of numbers as vehicles that are not interim. Also the Soviets along with everyone else built tanks in larger numbers as the war drug on. This being an early model points to lower production numbers. That said the Soviets did build around 35,000 T34/76’s of all models so I’m sure a lot of A’s were built.

    How about those silly Estonians. They were laying the main gun rounds ON THE GROUND! I would have said “Firewood anyone.” and started knocking some trees down. I’ve cut a tree down with LAW rockets in the past. It was fun. I bet a 76mm cannon would be even more fun. Silly Estonians.

  • @11HP20:

    How about those silly Estonians. They were laying the main gun rounds ON THE GROUND! I would have said “Firewood anyone.” and started knocking some trees down. I’ve cut a tree down with LAW rockets in the past. It was fun. I bet a 76mm cannon would be even more fun. Silly Estonians.

    I like your style!!!  Let’s go fishing with dynamite sometime.  8-)

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