try “the war game” many rules in this axa inspired global warfare game adapt to these concerns, for example, one ship cannot block a fleet, a fleet attack can propose up to 3 battles in path each of which are resolved in turn if sucessful. there are many more such as nation specific pricing and units, a more varied economic structure, and so forth. not by any means a shorter or simpler version of axa global however
Typo in rules
It reamins the same that you must control the territory at the start of your turn to pass through.
reamins or remains ?
Obviously the actual word “remains” should be used.
I hope this’ll get fixed in the reprint…
What page is this typo on? I don’t have the rulebook. It might be helpful to Krieghund if we can get that information for him first…
No one cares.
I have read this thread, but I am unable to find exactly where in the rules this typo is. I can’t even find the sentence.
I’m guessing it has something to do with blitzing from what the OP wrote about controling the territory at the START of your turn to be able to “pass through” …
but really, this is not a game breaking deal. A single, OBVIOUS spelling error? Who cares?!
Well, I care. :-) We want the best from WotC and if there’s a chance to get this rectified before the next print run, then why not?
I have looked through the Europe 1940 rulebook and cannot find the error. I have therefore PM’d SilverBullet asking if he would be kind enough to tell us where.
Krieghund, I did spot something though: the ‘flavour/theme’ text (in italics) from Italy’s situation/National Objectives on page 34 of the Europe 1940 rulebook - is missing. Every other power gets this special descriptive, but Italy’s has been missed out. I believe this to be an error also, but forgive me if someone else has already brought this matter to your attention.
Thank you.
Well, I care. :-) We want the best from WotC and if there’s a chance to get this rectified before the next print run, then why not?
I have looked through the Europe 1940 rulebook and cannot find the error. I have therefore PM’d SilverBullet asking if he would be kind enough to tell us where.
Krieghund, I did spot something though: the ‘flavour/theme’ text (in italics) from Italy’s situation/National Objectives on page 34 of the Europe 1940 rulebook - is missing. Every other power gets this special descriptive, but Italy’s has been missed out. I believe this to be an error also, but forgive me if someone else has already brought this matter to your attention.
Thank you.
yeah I want it to be perfect, but some one should just PM krieg
I have PM’d Krieghund to see if we can get him involved.
What did he say?
I don’t know, he hasn’t replied yet. I will post again once I have heard back from him.
I’m looking into it, but it’s probably too late.
I’m looking into it, but it’s probably too late.
NOOOO!!! WHY!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
LOL :-D -
I’m looking into it, but it’s probably too late.
Damn. Oh well, thanks anyway Krieg. It sure would have been nice to know what the Italian flavour text had originally said. Can you find that information for us?
I haven’t yet had a reply from Silverbullet regarding the ‘reamins’ typo. Here’s hoping.