• @Gargantua:

    Remember that taking 1 chinese territory only gives you a +1, vs, if you took russian or african territory, you get +1 and the allies get -1.  So it’s twice the money to go anywhere else.

    not quite true since chineese inf cost 2ipc ;)

  • @atarihuana:

    not quite true since chineese inf cost 2ipc ;)

    Not true. Manchuria and Kiangsu have the very same value to China than a 1 IPC country. Probably even worst, since Japan can easily recover coastal territories. And since China collects popcorn guys at begining the turn while any others collect IPCs at end of turn (you know, chineses are the parias of the game), China needs take AND hold the territory to being of any use, and you need a pair number of territories  :-P After round 1, China should not be able of pop more than 1 guy each round  1942 :cry:, 0 in 1941 scenario  :x

    China is a mutant in this game. You cannot compare them with any rationale rules of any A&A ruleset  :-P

  • Has anyone just abandoned China?

    What were the results???

    Why not move everything you have in China against Russia; is that viable?

    What do you think?

  • So if the entire Japanese force in China were to move agst Russia, one massive pinwheel to the north, what would be the prospect of seriously disrupting Russia’s defense agst Germany?

    Would it affect the Russian defense or could Russia ignore it and wait for the Allies to rescue it?

    Would the loss of the Chineses territories disable the Japanese war efforts too much?

    Too much loss of income to Japan?

    How would the UK benefit?

  • But China can invade (or reclaim) Manchuria and Kiangsu - which would be trouble for Japan.

  • @Shakespeare:

    Has anyone just abandoned China?

    What were the results???

    Why not move everything you have in China against Russia; is that viable?

    What do you think?

    It’s better 1st kill China and then continue to Russia. You will not lose many japs killing chineses after all  :-P

  • i also raises morale if jap troops march west over dead chineese :roll:

  • Ignoring china and letting it sprout dozens of trapped infantry means Japan gives up 14 net IPCs (12 for chinese territories, 1 for Kwa and +1 to UK for kwa) that it otherwise can achieve with very little loss, and hold with virtually no effort throughout the game.  Japan’s advantage is its overwhelming cash and this seems to negate that.

  • Good Points, had not thought about all the lost IPC’s!

  • Also ignoring China and letting them liberate Kiangsu or Manchuria will negate a Japanese National Objective. It takes almost no effort of Japan’s part to eliminate China. Manchuria and Kiangsu are also great for Japanese ICs. They are on the mainland so they do not require a navy to service them. They also can only be liberated by the Allies, never captured. This means should you loose them, they can not be used to produce units that will be used against you.

    Also consider that Chinese infantry are “free” any other Allied unit in that area had to be bought and brought there. Which is a bit easier said than done. I see no reason not to stomp China flat from the get go.

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