For those sincerely interested in the world:

  • an international forum of a german newspaper:

    Just in case you’d like to feel how it is not to be in the overwhelming majority. It is pretty new, but i am sure the user number will increase.

  • Nice of them to make an English edition (I know, you speak more english there than german here).

    I’ll check it out.

    Thanks F_alk.

  • Just out of curiosity…. why is F_alks name appearing as a “guest”???

  • F_alk deleted his own account.

  • But… guests can’t post…

  • Moderator

    The system changed all his posts to guest posts… I know that one through me off too…

  • :roll: sorry to see him go, he used to be a good poster. but lately, not so much. hopefully, he will get over himself and come back, in old form, with good, substantive posts again.

  • HUH? what? Such an enigmatic end to such a illustrious career of brilliant posts. He was quite a friendly type and many got along with him quite well. His legacy will be surely missed. :wink:

  • Why did he delete his account? :? was it an accident or something? :?

  • Moderator

    No I think it goes something along the lines of a protest…

  • But he is still here, if he wanted to protest why wouldnt he just leave?

  • heheh…some people miss him already!  And not the ones I would have guessed…

  • I’ll be honest… I think F_alk was given the bums rush out of here.

    As I posted previously, I think that there has been a significant dispararity in how various folks have been treated on this list, and F_alk was one of the most significant vicitims.

    Many of his posts were sanctioned, while others who were far more inflamatory were allowed to continue.  I think this board suffered a significant loss by his removal, and all of us will be less because of it.

    Disagreement, and an alternate view of world events is NOT a flame; and F_alks posts should not have been treated as if they were.  Responding to an individual’s posts MANDATES that the responder specify the person who made the quote for clarity.  Such a specification is NOT a personal attack or flame.  The fact that many of F_alks posts were apparently taken as such speaks poorly of those of us who remain.

  • Disagreement, and an alternate view of world events is NOT a flame; and F_alks posts should not have been treated as if they were.

    but see, this is the point. lately, Falk has been responding to posts like this (which were not directed at a board member) , which show ignorant and offensive opinions, yes, but also just an alternate view of world events. meanwhile, falk would make a point of responding directly to these posts (and to the person who posted them) with flames and personal attacks. I dont think falk was treated unfairly. I think he got himself worked up about something, and his ire blinded him. its unfortunate. like i said, i respected his old posts. he used to make substantive points, and do it well. but lately, his posts seemed just to be directed responses to posts he took offense too. then he deletes his account out of protest. fine. if he wants to do so, ok. no one was chasing him out of here, and no one was treating him unfairly. he did it all himself.

  • and his ire blinded him

    Thats basically the “thing” about him… Everything he did was turn things into another SHP style personal attack mode, where his latent anger provoked many negative  feelings against him. He “undid” himself in nearly every post and unraveled his positions into continious personal problems with everybody except CC. That alliance on the other hand was never broken by any position as if he NEEDED some ally who would be favorable to his taunts.Sometimes we all need that comforting blue blanket at night. I hope he finds peace…

  • @Imperious:

    and his ire blinded him

    Thats basically the “thing” about him… Everything he did was turn things into another SHP style personal attack mode, where his latent anger provoked many negative  feelings against him. He “undid” himself in nearly every post and unraveled his positions into continious personal problems with everybody except CC. That alliance on the other hand was never broken by any position as if he NEEDED some ally who would be favorable to his taunts.Sometimes we all need that comforting blue blanket at night. I hope he finds peace…

    Not true.
    You missed many of our earlier discussions on religion. 
    Those were the good old days . . . F_alk, FinsterniS and CC had a few nasty battles then . . . .

  • Yea and your best friend Sex harrasment panda… im sure you had a few good battles with him… that guy and F_alk were basically of the same mold.

  • Well F_alk, I think you’re making a big mistake by leaving.  I am not able to personal message you on this, but I think the forum will miss you a lot.

    Hell, even if you do go, we had some good times arguing on the issues that mattered.

  • bows
    welcome back, oh great leader . . .

  • Moderator


    Holy Moly!  TG Moses!!!

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