Our gaming group has come to the conclusion that some bid is needed to balance the game for the Allies. In reading through the posts it seems to me that the general consensus is that the Allies need a bid of about 9-12.
My questions are:
Is a bid of 9-12 the current and reasonable amount? As we will not want to bid for a particular side, we will set a certain bid point for each game and then let people choose which side they want to be as some Players enjoy playing particular Powers. So what is a fair bid?
My group usually goes 10-15, some where in the ball park of 8 to 14 is what everyone does.
Is this bid added as starting income to be spent on Turn 1?
What Siparo said.
Is this bid added as units and money such as the Revised FIDA bid?
Never played revised, and what is FIDA? Another government agency?
Is this bid added as units on the board with remainders as starting money?
Siparo doesn’t do it, but my group allows it.
For any units placed on the board are there any restrictions? For example:
a) Must have a unit already in the territory / sea zone?
b) May not place more than X number of units?
My group has 3 rules:
1. Must be one unit per territory/seazone.
2. Can only be placed in a territory/seazone where you already have units occupying it.
3. Can only be a unit that power has access to (china can be inf and art only).
I would appreciate your kind thoughts and comments. Thank you…