• I think for the old board game, just somewhat more modern sculpts than my old guys.
    BRITISH = painted to “normal standards” (inked & drybrushed all over).
    EVERYONE ELSE = Painted to simple (economy) standards.
      The Brits, really need to be done more carefully. The skin tone, and uniform colors are too close, and they look fully nude or something, without reddish ink over flesh and brown ink and khaki over uniform. They have much more exposed skin also. The skin is the biggest difference (visually) between simple and normal paint jobs.
      The bases are all repainted to that army’s original color of plastic.

  • Here are some men done to “fine standards”, from “fortress america” game. Same scale as AAM men. Note the unit patches, and the snipers have black ski masks on.

  • Ok you are finally getting into painting the standard AA pieces.

    MY suggestion to you is to drum up business is to produce a painted line of pieces as complete sets by nation and sold.

    You might wait until FMG releases their Italian line of pieces, or just go for the standard Global sets to paint that come with the game.

    I can make this thread a sticky once you got everything ready.

  • Its just whatever people have, and will ship to me to be painted. I wont go out and buy any, then paint them and try to sell them. That always backfires. Someone will want to buy the finished product for less than what I paid just to get the pieces. I just never had a sample of this kind of work where quality was more important than fine quality. I am not too concearned about people sending anymore sets of these to be painted. Unless they really want them really simple (simpler than these) these things take a long time, and I still cant offer them as cheap as people want. I tried $0.50 per man, and that was too low. Its drudgery to paint these. It takes a good days work just to put the flesh tones on 300 men.
    I am charging 0.60 per (simple), 0.95 per (normal), and 1.75 per (fine). These guys really are not that much easier to paint than the AAM collectables guys, and I charge up to $3,4,5 for some of them. I know thesew guys are all the same pose, so they are easier, but its easy to see why I am not eager to get orders for these board men before i get caught up on all my tanks.

  • Nice

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