Why are the allies so gimped lately? Why transports suck?

  • @Cow:

    I also share this idea, that Allied victories take longer than Axis ones. I felt it already on 1st Ed., where the Allies  win by securing Africa and earning more than Axis while preventing Russia from falling.

    omg I get it now, you always played the income game in revised.

    Look most games are not played the way you play it.

    Russians charge full steam. buys 4 armor and arty or 3 inf 3 armor. kill ukraine and west russia with every available unit. bring everything toward russia/caucasus from the pacific side. If germany stacks karelia, russians all in, same for ukraine or belorussia. From west russia you skirmish karelia/belo/ukraine. meanwhile the brits are either A) dropping norway round 1 B) dropping algeria round 1 with usa and germany has like 50/50 odds as killin the fleet or algeria. UK could shove 2 fighter 1 bomber at 2 sub 1 tran and 1 dd or use the bomber to take back egypt or fly all the air in range of sinking the germany transport/battleship in africa. carrier/dd should always attack the lone transport japan has. the australia transport either takes new guinea or brings new zealand to australia and threatens borneo. Sometimes uk will attack FIC or borneo same turn if egypt defended itself.

    Japan will eventually churn out armor and go to take russia, usually the allies rush berlin out of the game before japan falls, hence the 7-9 bid the axis get in revised… which either A) goes toward holding karelia G1 or B) gets placed in africa to blitz

    Now, if you play the turtle game. there is a huge problem. 1) the turtle game usually involves usa shuffling units to africa and those units marching toward caucasus/india while the uk shuffles archangel to russia. - It is not hard for germany to stack karelia and strafe your archangel drops.  - germany can rush caucasus alternatively - japan has 2 battleships so usa will have it hard trying to march its way in time.

    Plus germany doesn’t have to keep units at west europe. He can make a good push to hold west russia and if germany holds west russia, caucasus is done, and when germany has caucasus, that is not good, because then the income starts to even out. Sure you could say usa will have 6 bombers 1 germany, but japan can do the same thing to america from alaska.

    none the less the income game was always boring. I am disappointed that you play that way, when the allies can just rush berlin no problem and win outright. Now maybe if the axis started turtling right off the bat, would I go, you know what… how about I just make more money and win that way. Usually that is not the case.

    Anyway that was a rough analogy of how revised was played. Usually players rushed. I understand the forum games are much more conservative, but it is not representative of live games people play in real life. No one does that, because there is this popular game called monopoly that is based on income. The triplea lobb is half n half, which is cool, because there is a good mix of play styles. As well as a good mix of dice and low luck games.

    Aggressive strategies do work in both dice and low luck for revised. You can ask Bayder, if he ever comes back lol.

    I play as I like to play and as it makes me win :)
    I’ve actually played bayder several times on TripleA (never won him though) and he was a master of Revised. But he would switch between both aggressive and passive - he would also be trying new stuff all the time- and if your opponent is playing for income and his strategy is winning then you adjust your own strategy and vice-versa. It’s all a matter of the right conditions and also to force your opponent to play in a style that he’s not used to. Bayder also controlled that by almost only playing Low Luck but he would respond to your moves.
    This is why critiques such as above: "I’m disappointed that you play the income game’ are meaningless to me. Actually, I’d be glad to disappoint you during a game - because it means I don’t play like you expect me to play, where you are confident of your abilities, which can give me an advantage. So, I’m already starting to defeat you even before I roll the dice :)
    And from my experience on A&A (including TripleA and GTO), if you play the long-term game you have a better chance of winning, because you know the long-term effects of certain actions and how to use them to your advantage. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase: “amateurs discuss tactics, professionals discuss logistics”? That pretty much sums it up for me.

  • '12

    “amateurs discuss tactics, professionals discuss logistics”

    Has got to be one of the best quotes if not THE best quotes.

  • TripleA

    Speaking frankly, if you review your own thread you will find that it is you, not Hobbes who is the minority. I am in no way commenting on the validity or invalidity of your strategy. I’m just pointing out that your assumptions of what “most” players do have been consistently inaccurate. Your gaming group is obviously not a reflection of the A&A gaming community as a whole.

    You can just spectate most of the revised games played, it is not passive. When revised was big, most of the games were not passive at all.

    I’ve actually played bayder several times on TripleA (never won him though) and he was a master of Revised.

    Everytime I beat Bayder it just ended up with him flaming. It was so much fun trolling him after. The extreme low luck thing drove me nuts, the spreadsheet, and all that… was a little nuts… just way too much effort to just play a game. So I played 1 game of ELL with him just to entertain him and it proved to be too much. I ended up doing little stupid battles I normally don’t do just to rack up some ELL points so I can win a battle that mattered with closer to 100% odds. LOL. Next thing I knew he came back with a new system that couldn’t be exploited as much.

    Bayder was a master of low luck revised, but he lost games… lots of them too, but he didn’t play everybody. That guy was too much.

  • TripleA

    Considering I play hyper aggressive, ELL screwed me up really hard.

    I’ll entertain you with a low luck triplea revised game. Hop on the lobby. I haven’t played one of those since aa50 came out. You can probably tell that by my last revised game with functioneta, lol. I still remember all the different openers though.

    It really sucks that the allies lost so much steam, their potential to be aggressive is diminished. It sucks.

  • @Cow:

    I’ll entertain you with a low luck triplea revised game. Hop on the lobby. I haven’t played one of those since aa50 came out. You can probably tell that by my last revised game with functioneta, lol. I still remember all the different openers though.

    No thanks. After Spring 1942 1st Ed. came out I stopped playing Revised, the same way I retired from Classic when Revised came out. I rather play something new than going back to the old maps and strategies :)

  • @Cromwell_Dude:

    Agreed. I never can go back to Classic or Revised. I am curious though if I will prefer 1942.2 over 1942.1.

    Heh, I feel slightly guilty that my copy of Revised (all I had the last 8 years) is being neglected due to 1942.2.

  • TripleA

    Everything gets neglected with aa50 sitting around. Even the newer maps.

    Hell, even online I can host a game of aa50 and someone will join in 2 minutes or I could sit and wait an hour for global.

    I hate the revised version without the transports defending, that is the most predictable version they ever printed. Not sure what people set the allies bid at, revised was around 9 axis, not sure if people bid or how much for the allies.

  • TripleA

    So from what I gather, you guys like this edition simply because it is something new. hmmm

  • @Cow:

    So from what I gather, you guys like this edition simply because it is something new. hmmm

    I own AAP&E40 and AA50 but the Revised/Spring 1942 were always my favorites because they are simpler and easier to play. And since they are all different editions to me the new one is always an upgrade. On 2nd Edition they went much further than from Revised to AA42.1 and it is forcing me to rethink all strats, which is healthy and a bigger challenge.

  • @Cow:

    Everything gets neglected with aa50 sitting around. Even the ne

    Don’t worry, man. At this rate, Axis & Allies 50th (52nd?) Anniversary Second Edition will be out by Christmas.  =D

  • TripleA

    I just like both sides being able to have aggressive and defensive strategies available.

  • With all the different unit options coming out recently I can easily see A&A moving to a 12 sided die. It is getting to the point where you need a bigger spread in attack and defend to really create niches for all the different pieces. Especially if you want to incorporate HBG’s or FMG’s pieces.

  • @MajorTaylor87:

    With all the different unit options coming out recently I can easily see A&A moving to a 12 sided die. It is getting to the point where you need a bigger spread in attack and defend to really create niches for all the different pieces. Especially if you want to incorporate HBG’s or FMG’s pieces.

    The more complexity you add, the harder it gets for new players.

  • @MistuhJay:


    Agreed. I never can go back to Classic or Revised. I am curious though if I will prefer 1942.2 over 1942.1.

    Heh, I feel slightly guilty that my copy of Revised (all I had the last 8 years) is being neglected due to 1942.2.

    it’s worthless now, bro, just as 42 2nd will be the minute 52anny hit’s!

  • Lol! Maybe we should establish an annual moment of silence for all the obsolete versions of AA we’ve accumulated over the years?

    “Ah, Classic. How I knew ye…”

  • Customizer

    Our group plays Classic quite often, Anniversary has been getting the most plays lately but quite often, especially after a bout of Global, we’ll play Classic to cleanse the palate.

  • TripleA

    aa50 still has more going on for it, so that board will not likely die.

  • Your right, historically speaking transports were armed, but from what I can tell only with AA guns.  So how about transports defend on a 1, but can only hit aircraft?  And you still have to select transports last as casualties.  Transports weren’t built to take combat hits, they were built to carry people, and equipment, and to be protected by other ships.

  • TripleA '12

    I like that Transports can defend at 1 but hits cannot be assigned to air units, pretty cool.

  • @Lozmoid:

    I like that Transports can defend at 1 but hits cannot be assigned to air units, pretty cool.

    You mean can be assigned to only air units?  Transports taking out any other sort of naval vessel just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.  I never understood how a transport with some AA guns could ever take out a destroyer, let alone a battleship.  MAYBE a sub if it was on the surface, but not if it’s submerged which i would think it would be if it was either attacking or about to be attacked.

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