my question is lets say russia takes a german territory on there turn(2) and has there land units in that territory…on the U.K 's turn (4) in that same round…can U.K. planes safely land there in that russia territory that they took over from germany. so basically do u have to wait for the entire round to be over before any friendly planes can land in a territory.
Any territory that starts the turn friendly to a player (in this case, the territory that russia captured) has no restrictions for movement, repair, etc. Naval bases, factorys, airfields would all be operational, and you would be allowed to noncombat land planes there.
This is also why it’s better, if it’s possible, to liberate Russian factories with another power than to wait for Russia to liberate them, as russia would start its turn with the factory able to produce units that turn (as opposed to russia liberating it, and being forced to wait a full round).