The optimized German attack on the UK navy, and the following attack on by UK on the Italians (Tobruk and Taranto) are probably optimal moves, but that hasn’t always been the prevailing view. Our early games gave Italy some breathing room and if this happens in a certain game then all sorts of options are on the table that normally aren’t. The games played separately are quite different than the linked “Global” game and after our first 10-20 plays we stopped playing them individually.
We also played around with various G4/J4s where 1) Japan takes Alaska and Germany lands on them (via Iceland) Hollywood 2) Germany and Italy get in USA face and japan goes through panama via Hawaii 3) Germany heads for south Africa or enters the med 4) or heads towards south Africa 5) or the classic, double sea lion where Italy throws itself at UK and Germany follows up.
All of these are really fun but they aren’t very good ways to win the game, especially if they aren’t novel or your opponent isn’t a noob, and the number of noobs is lower since we all were, at some point.
Also there are whole run of exploits and nuances that open new strategies that it took a while for the community to circulate. Some wise souls pointed these details out early on, but they weren’t necessarily discussed at that time and so they pop back up in discussion from time to time–some of these are so cheesy/fluffy fun that you can make an entire strategy out of them.
In the older games, the “leapfrogging” strategy meant that a player higher in the turn order would take a land territory, then a player later in the turn order would land all their air there in defense. This was been complimented by the “can opening strategy”, where the fact that Italy goes right before Germany without a real ally in between means that Italy can pick off blockers and Russia just has to run it cant stack.
So like chess, its just a deep, nuanced game and the community here is basically developing and discussing the ideas that are your toolkit. Many players don’t consult this resource and have to see these strategies used against them in order to respond, which can take years of casual play.