They Fixed Transports in the New Patch

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Posting it in the subject since the thread Beamdog made is vague. This is a huge Quality-of-Life improvement that has been asked for by many (myself included) basically since the game came out.

    There are also reddit posts (too lazy to dig them up) by Beamdog indicating that:

    • There are plans to implement other maps, but licensing issues are giving them a problem.
    • There are plans to implement the ability to land your FTRs on a friendly power’s Aircraft Carriers for some time in the future.

    Both of these are departures from comments Beamdog has previously given when asked about these potential changes. In the past, Beamdog had said that 42SE was the only planned map for now and that the FTR/Carrier issue was an intentional design decision that would not change. Good to see that Beamdog’s internal mindset may be shifting on these issues.

  • '12

    What exactly is fixed? As of August 8th, 2020 I’m finding that Transports do not work properly if you need to move before loading units- you will never be able to unload them. There is also an issue with not being able to decide the Transport’s path. I just had a game where I had Transports in SZ 13 off Spain and I wanted to attack France. The game forced me to unload in SZ 14 and not SZ 8 like I needed to have happen. These issues are severely hampering my ability to play the Allies and I may have to switch to Axis until they get fixed.

  • '12

    Just as an update, the Beamdog team is at least pretty responsive. I have replies to both of these submitted bugs although there is no promise of if or when they might be addressed. Fingers crossed though as it is very frustrating being in the Pacific in particular as Japan and being unable to make use of the island garrisons as fast as you would like.

  • @Eqqman They used to be a lot worse, trust me. At least now you can click on your unit, then click on the transport you want to load them into. In the past, you had to click the transport, then click the units you wanted to load, then click what SZ to move to, then click the landing target. It was borderline-unplayable if you were used to a system that didn’t suck (like TripleA).

  • '12

    They closed out my ticket by telling me you can just do X to solve the problem even when I said in my original report that doing X doesn’t work. I’ll keep pestering them!

  • '12

    I have this reply now from the Beamdog support staff, so basically you have two modes: transport-picks-up-unit and unit-gets-on-transport. The former is a bit slower to use but the only way to get things to work when the movement is more complex, such as if a transport must pick up a unit outside its starting area or be very explicit in what sea zones it moves to:

    From Beamdog

    Transport -> Unit Loading (Original, Classic method)

    Select Transport Stack (left-click on Transport Stack you want to move)
    Load a unit in an adjacent region if desired (right-click on Unit you wish to load)
    Move Transport to Region you want to move the Transport to (right-click on target region (blue highlight))
    Load a unit in an adjacent region if desired (right-click on Unit you wish to load)
    Optional: Move Transport to Region you want to move the Transport to (right-click on target region (blue highlight))
    Unload units into target region (right-click on territory you wish to unload the units into. Transport will move to the adjacent region and automatically unload the cargo into the desired region)

    Unit -> Transport Loading

    Select Unit you wish to load into Transport (Left Click on unit stack)
    Move the Unit into the Sea Zone with a Transport (right-click on target sea zone)
    Select the Transport Stack in the adjacent sea zone (left click on Transport Stack) OR click on Destination Marker for loading to open the Dossier to select the Transport.
    Optional: Open Dossier, confirm which Transport is selected by observing the glow effect around the desired Transport. To select the desired Transport, left-click on the Transport you wish to move)
    Move Transport to Region you want to move the Transport to (right-click on target region (blue highlight))
    Select Unit you wish to load into Transport (Left Click on unit stack)
    Move the Unit into the Sea Zone with a Transport (right-click on target sea zone)
    Select the Transport Stack in the adjacent sea zone (left click on Transport Stack) OR click on Destination Marker for loading to open the Dossier to select the Transport.
    Optional: Open Dossier, confirm which Transport is selected by observing the glow effect around the desired Transport. To select the desired Transport, left-click on the Transport you wish to move)
    Optional: Move Transport to Region you want to move the Transport to (right-click on target region (blue highlight))
    Unload units into target region (right-click on territory you wish to unload the units into. Transport will move to the adjacent region and automatically unload the cargo into the desired region)

  • As of Nov 13th 2020 transports still don’t work as in the boardgame.
    Extremly annoying when you knwo the game “as it si supposed to be”.

  • @Magro said in They Fixed Transports in the New Patch:

    As of Nov 13th 2020 transports still don’t work as in the boardgame.
    Extremly annoying when you knwo the game “as it si supposed to be”.

    Please elaborate.

  • @Magro I’m curious what the issue is for you? I find that with the most recent patch, transports are working fine.

  • @Nosho Contextually, probably allied use of transports. There are some changes that veterans notice more.

    (edit - DoManMacgee’s a veteran; his use of “fixed” is probably a control implementation reference. The board game rule change is still “broken”, always has been.)

  • @Nosho I cant move one step and then fill the transport. Unist must start adjacent to it. Also i cna’t chose movement path if several seazones are possible to unload from.

  • @Magro said in They Fixed Transports in the New Patch:

    @Nosho I cant move one step and then fill the transport. Unist must start adjacent to it. Also i cna’t chose movement path if several seazones are possible to unload from.

    1. If you mean move a transport then load units onto transport, you should be able to do that. If you can’t, either you’re attempting illegal movement or there’s a bug. If you mean move land units that then load onto a transport the same turn, that’s not legal movement.

    2. You have to move the transport in question to the sea zone in question then unload manually. It’s awkward, but you can make the legal movement.

  • @Magro You can. This is what you can do:
    Left-click the sea zone with the transport. Right-click another sea-zone. Right-click the unit next to that sea-zone. Right-click the 3rd sea zone. Right-click the land where you want to drop these units to.

    You can choose movement path if you go zone by zone. Right-click to 1 zone, then right-click to another zone.

  • I have to try that. Sounds overly complicated but whould help!
    I hope they make these things smoother, being on Steam will attract players.

  • @JuliusBorisovBeamdog Sorry but it still does not work. UK1 transport moves to Sea zoen 34 infantry in Persia lods can not unload in Egypt (or contunie to a new sea zone). No option to eitehr unloa or continue moving.

  • @Magro Please provide a screenshot and/or detailed step by step what you’re doing.

  • @JuliusBorisovBeamdog I followed your list aboce with rightclick-left lcik etc. Just not playing this until it is updated again.

  • @Magro Thing is, it’s working in my game. I suspect you’re not doing something that is required but I can’t help without the details.

  • transports are still effed.
    If you wanna start in one SZ ; load a single unit ; move one or two steps ; load a second unit ; then offload both of these into a third territory ; you must ALWAYS without fault follow this Sequence:

    1. Click on the Transport you wanna lose with leftclick, make sure it is properly highlighted as selected. 2) RIGHT CLICK on the first unit you wanna onload 3) RIGHT CLICK move the transport into the SZ you want it next ; 4) RIGHT CLICK onto the next unit you want to LOAD ; // THIS IS IMPORTANT // do not move into another seazone and try to click onto an adjecent Land territory, BUT!! 5) Right Click onto the Land Territory you want to conduct the Naval Invasion towards immediately, not taking any intermediary steps in the Seazone.

    It will never work if you try to move the land unit by clicking it and moving it onto the transport
    it will also never work if you have several transport in a SZ and you try to onload all of them, then move all of them, onload some new units, and then offload them - you must ALWAYS conduct this sequence exactly for each single individual transport; no excuses.

    Its Unplayable!

  • @teferi Please edit out the foul language from your post. You’re borderline, if not in full, rules violation.

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