With transports being completely defenseless in A&A1942 what is the best way to protect them? Keeping a pipeline into various areas seems much more difficult to obtain with this new rule. There also is no easy unit in the sea to produce and buy each round to stack next to them like infantry.
I have been hiding my transports and keeping them out of range as best as I can but that kills any real stream of units (for example from the UK into Norway). The best thing I have come up with so far is to try and build a buffer around the mass of transports. I just occupy all land zones or sea zones with at least one unit that aircraft cannot fly over so they will need to enter into combat before they can reach the transports. However, I find it to be costly and hard to maintain. Any suggestions would great!
Best/cheapest/most effective defense for transports is a loaded carrier and a destroyer (or two). Destroyers are your fodder, and if you have to lose a plane the US can usually afford to send one to replace it. If you need to stall the German navy place a destroyer by the Baltic and force Germany to lose air.
Like KH said, you can’t stall aircraft.