• Yep, you got it.

  • I meant "We’ll try again……

    I agree, it was fun when we were all in armor. I liked it when we were loading up on that armored car and rolling down on that road that had a mad amount of emeny units everywhere. I think it was Mansur city or something like that.

  • Matsuur city it was, my fav map! We got like 10 kills each run.

  • Thats the one!

  • I be playing right quick……sick

  • I’ll probly be playing most of today and tommorow. same IP#?

  • I can probably play tomorrow…after noon or so, EST.

    Do you guys make a squad and use mics?  That’s about the only I play…

    But I haven’t played this in a while.

  • same Ip not that is matters a bunch now. I should have been more clear

    Ya, we squad up but don’t have a mic

    I work on Sunday at 6:00am so I don’t think I’ll be able to play tomorrow……we"ll see.

  • Rrrg, sorry guys, I’ll try and play today but I got alot of essays to do for homework. Hey, you know what, try and get online here before going to play, and I’ll try and be on the site around noon, that way we can send a PM and will know exactly when we both start.

    Heres an IP that I usualy play all the time, it’s realy fun The only bad thing about your server was the fact there theres vihcals involved, I don’t care if there cars and helos, just the APCs and arm that I have so much probloms dealing with. Not that I wont play it though.  :evil:

  • I hope you got my message Gewehr. I when back to read over what I sent you but I couldn’t find the message so I began wondering if I sent it properly.

    Either way I post here.

    I play mainly on weekends Friday and Sat. when I’m at Yig’s.  But thanks for the invite.

  • Yea, I got the message.  :-D

  • I like the Project Reality mod.
    The whole style changes a lot though.
    Used to play that a lot, months ago.

    Just noticed the new cool is the “Forgotten Hope 2” mod.

  • realism mods are tight

    I’m about to jump in yo


  • Send me a massage right before you go on ok.  :evil:

    See you on the battlefield!

  • any COD2 players???

    Ill be on tonight.

    goto CTF type server…usually the one with 16-22 out of 22 total players and low ping


  • I fired up COD2 the other day at the internet cafe and had some fun.  Still love the BAR, but digging the shotgun.  But really, I understand why people do the rifles only mods, because EVERYONE picks and smg and sprays and prays.

    BTW, IL, ping is relative to everyone. :)

  • I don’t think thats correct. About half of the peeps stuck with the sniper rifles and just camp and shoot.

    The shotty is a noob gun as well. In fact some have hacks that allow them to range like 50 yards. Its also a noob gun because its does not recoil alot which gives it stability. The Thompson,MP 40 and the PSSH are my primary guns because they give you the smoker which my main weapon for frags. I can smoke out and kill those campers with ease. MP44 is better for stability and damage, but i don’t get that smoker.

    The Bar and grease guns have issues. The bar has a small mag and the grease gun has low damage, but i sometimes use it.

  • @Imperious:

    I don’t think thats correct. About half of the peeps stuck with the sniper rifles and just camp and shoot.

    The shotty is a noob gun as well. In fact some have hacks that allow them to range like 50 yards. Its also a noob gun because its does not recoil alot which gives it stability. The Thompson,MP 40 and the PSSH are my primary guns because they give you the smoker which my main weapon for frags. I can smoke out and kill those campers with ease. MP44 is better for stability and damage, but i don’t get that smoker.

    The Bar and grease guns have issues. The bar has a small mag and the grease gun has low damage, but i sometimes use it.

    I think the BAR was much better in the first one, and I hate how they changed 2 so that you can’t set your fire type (semi, auto).  In the first, I would set it to single shot and use it like a rifle until I got up close.  It seems to do less damage in 2 as well, which kinda defeats the purpose of using it.  And it takes a while to reload.

    I wish the thompson still had 30 rounds instead of 20, but it’s still a good gun.  I’m glad for the addition of smoke as well.  Don’t care for the grease gun too much, but I’ll take it to replace my pistol without hesitating.  I try and roll with a rifle and an smg.

    The STG44 is great, and I think it got better than the BAR in 2.  But the shotgun only works for CQB when I’ve played…which I see very few TDM or HQ servers with people in them and low ping.  I’ve tried blasting at people from a decent range and it just won’t hit them.  You’ve got to be within 20 yards, and within 10 is a guaranteed kill.  I don’t think it’s very noobish, you just got to know when to use it, which is only up close.  And it’s only a single shot so the recoil doesn’t really matter.  If it was set to auto, it would have a hell of a kick.

    I only see a few snipers on the couple of servers I’ve played lately.  But most of the maps that are circulated aren’t very open like in the first.  I do miss Brecourt, though.

  • yea they dropped the Thompson from 30 to 20. I think thats a modification from most servers however rather than a game thing. The Thompson is easy to handle and is steady, but with 20 shots you have little room to spray and pray because it shoots at a high rate of fire.

    COD2 has some recent new multi maps –Rostov and Wellingburg ( sp?) I like Rostov alot for the Soviets.

    The shotty has a wide spread of damage so you don’t really need to aim directly at the person, just kinda in his general direction which is why its kinda noobish, cause you basically hide and pop out and plug people who have no time to respond and they are basically gone in one shot even if you don’t hit them square on.

    The best tactic is to get behind a machine gun but throw smoke right in front to cover your location. You need to know by memory where exactly to aim, but you get alot of frags if you practice because peeps often think they are free of the kill if your blinded by smoke.

  • Hey goul, whats up, havent seen you in awhile. Still always up for game if your interested…though yesterday I tried playing after 3 weeks of COD4, and …I got slautered  :lol:  :evil:

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