• @zosima:

    I still think you are better off jsut skipping them.  why take wake, when you could go a space more and capture something that brings in IPC’s and still can be used as a bomber platform?

    if you go two steps instead of one its a good place to rest your loaded transports.

  • If you take the solomon islands as the US you are in range of all of Japans islands.  So the Japanese player has to account for that and plan accordingly, generally that means less money going towards Russia.  I prefer to be in stricking range of the majority of Japan’s income.

  • One thing I do not like about Revised is the restriction on IC’s on $0 IPC territories.

    Midway and Wake Bomber Factories were always a fun strat.
    Solomons SUB pens also is rather enjoyable…

  • I’m glad to see we have some honesty in the group. Case and point someone voted they fail to plan a good navy.  :-)


  • Switch, if you have an IC on a $0 island, how many items can you potentially build on there then?  If there’s no number, does that mean there’s no limit as well?

  • You can’t build any.

    In fact it’s a moot point, since you can’t build a Complex in a territory without an income value.

    From LHTR 1.3 pg 17:

    You can place new industrial
    complexes in any territory that you have
    controlled since the start of your turn and
    that has an income value of at least 1.

    Russian NA “Mobile Industy” doesn’t get you around this either, since you can’t move a Complex onto a transport or through a Neutral territory, so there are no zero-income territories to move to.


  • GEN Fox,

    Not to get into your A, B conversation, but the way I C (  :lol: thats funny) it. You can’t build anything on an $0 space. I just can’t see how Gibraltar can have more industrial potential than England, Berlin, E-US, Moscow and Japan combined. In revised you can’t place more units then the space is worth in IPC’s doesn’t matter if its a Capital or not.

    Does any one think I’m in left field with this?


  • No you can’t build unlimted units in a $0 IPC territory, you can’t build any.

  • I don’t think you could even place the IC b/c it doesn’t have an IPC value of 1.

  • You can neither build an IC, nor any units on a no value territory.  That is a change from Classic.

  • I know i am new to this forum and game but for me i take the islands. My fighters and bombers may land on them for my attacks on the home islands. Also if i see a Japanse Naval force near my Navy and i have transports with men on them, i will move the men onto the island and keep them out of harms way. It is more costly to take them if u play with the NA’s like my friends and i do. But will be worth it in the long run I.M.H.O.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    A few rules of game play:
    1.  If you can destroy an enemy (or potential enemy) landing zone, base, unit, or territory with little or no risk, DO SO!
    2.  NEVER leave the enemy a safe have in the rear of your advance.
    3.  Protect your flanks as much as possible.

    Sometimes an open, worthless, plot of land is perfectly acceptable.

    For instance, why take Midway with Japan if you are storming the beaches of California on a regular basis?  Odds are, American planes are NOT going to be attacking Midway or beyond at that point.  And if America is not going to be wasting fighters and bombers landing them in Midway, then attacking the infantry there is a waste of Japanese resources.

    Same is true for Solomons.  If you are just raiding the Pacific with a few ships, why hit Solomons or even Wake?  If your main flotilla is up in Alaska and the Irkutsk Peninsula (that’s the dangly thing off the Eastern Sea Board of Russia, in case you were unaware) then hitting worthless islands are just a waste of time and resources.

  • Solomons are good if you pursue Dutch East Indies. They are in the way anyway, and you kill a Japanese inf.

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