• How exactly do you use edit?  I have some need for this myself.

  • @notquitenorse:

    How exactly do you use edit?  I have some need for this myself.

    turn on the edit mode

    and in the combat/noncombat move phase move your units wherever you want

  • if you want to delete units, then just go to the edit button, which is next to stats, territory…

    and then select your units,  a ˝remove selected units˝ button will higlight, press on it, and the units are deleted

  • 2007 AAR League

    It´s legal since there is no way you can “loose” the fight vs the sub, Either the sub is destroyed or it submerges witch enables your navy ships to move over it in non-combat.

  • @Nix:

    It´s legal since there is no way you can “loose” the fight vs the sub, Either the sub is destroyed or it submerges witch enables your navy ships to move over it in non-combat.

    it’s legal regardless of the outcome of the battle.

    If there is any chance that you can win the battle to clear the path, then it’s legal.

    And any battle is theorectically possible to win

  • @Amon:

    if you want to delete units, then just go to the edit button, which is next to stats, territory…

    and then select your units,  a ˝remove selected units˝ button will higlight, press on it, and the units are deleted

    I’m not sure that we are using the same program.  Take a look, there is no edit tab (http://triplea.sourceforge.net/screen/battle.png).  Perhaps this feature was removed in newer versions?

  • Axis Roll is correct.  ANY chance of winning allows the move.

    For example, I could send a single SUB against 15 BB’s to attempt to clear a sea zone that my AC would need to pass through in order to recover fighters used in another battle.

    Since there is a chance, however minuscule, that the SUB would defeat all 15 battleships, the move IS legal.

    And when the SUB dies in the attempt, and the AC cannot move forward to recover the FIGs, the FIGs simply die.

    Not a lot of occasions when you would want to try this due to the expense involved.  But there are occasions when it may indeed make sense (being able to trash a large number of loaded TRN’s that have no escort, to take an enemy capital, etc.)

  • @notquitenorse:


    if you want to delete units, then just go to the edit button, which is next to stats, territory…

    and then select your units,  a ˝remove selected units˝ button will higlight, press on it, and the units are deleted

    I’m not sure that we are using the same program.  Take a look, there is no edit tab (http://triplea.sourceforge.net/screen/battle.png).  Perhaps this feature was removed in newer versions?

    Look on the top left menu and click “game” then “enable edit mode”

  • @Amon:

    Look on the top left menu and click “game” then “enable edit mode”

    No such option exists under the game menu.  Is there another way to do this?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree, there’s not a lot of times you’d want to do that.  But I could see it in rare circumstances.  Usually transports, even unloaded ones (who leaves loaded transports out where they can be shot at?)

    More fun is when someone forgets in AAR a submarine does not block enemy submarines and you sail under, sink his three aircraft carriers, submerge with your surviving submarines and watch his 6 fighters go sploosh in the Pacific Ocean.  It was a beautiful day.  He could have recovered easily, but the moral hit alone caused him to concede the game.  The best part is, submarines can’t shoot aircraft, so he HAD to take the carriers as casualties!

    How often does that occur?  Like almost never!  Same with having a need to send fighters out to kill something and feinting at enemy ships to make the move “legal” even if you have no intention of ever recovering those fighters!

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