Heya all
Me and my friends have been playing Europe quite a bit lately, both the OOB, A1,A1+ and now A2 (almost correct settings in the first games) all in all A2 rules supreme…
First of all A2 gives alot more options for all players… to many ways to describe them all…
How ever in A2, against even skilled players, i have yet to see a Sealion even remotely possible…And by possible i mean not loosing 2/3 + of luftwaffe while doing it.
And i was wondering if I, as axis player was doing something completely wrong or its just the allied players that are too good…
I dl’ed a combat simulator from soemwhere on this page and ran a series of simulation of sealion turn 2 and 3, none of them looked tempting, and i dare say its hard not to se a sealion coming as UK when germany goes beyond total of 3 transporters…
but iam thinking of going subs G1 in order to sack the eco of UK and then go transporters and units on G2 for a sealion G3, that way UK “might” not go all in on units for England 1st round…
any1 got any better ideas?