• 2007 AAR League

    Just picked up the game.  Am convinced either that I can’t read or that Larry Harris needs to fire his writer because the rulebook seemed very abstract in some places (along with the fact that mine still had the error stating you get 5 reinforcement points and 2 per island).

    1. Do you have to use supply tokens to deploy aircraft from your main base?

    2. Can you move ships from the board back to your main base?

    3. Are units immediately removed from the board as soon as they are hit or do they get a chance to fire back when it is the second players turn?

    Thanks for clearing these things up.

  • Official Q&A


    1. Do you have to use supply tokens to deploy aircraft from your main base?

    No.  Fighters may only be deployed on carriers, and they ride along with the carrier for free.  Bombers may not be deployed.


    1. Can you move ships from the board back to your main base?



    1. Are units immediately removed from the board as soon as they are hit or do they get a chance to fire back when it is the second players turn?

    Fire is simultaneous, so destroyed units fire back in the same combat phase (air, sea or land).

  • Saw this and this question came to mind: Since fighters get a free ride on a carrier and their movement sequence is later, can they move two more zones after the carrier moves them one?

    If so, fighters and a carrier at New Calendonia could do this: load up the planes, move the carrier to J or K, then fly off the planes to, say, to New Georgia or Santa Isabel.

  • Official Q&A

    You’ve got it right.

  • :| Between this and the answer to a posting of mine … it’s time to start over! :-o

  • I am a little confused about the earlier answer.  Supply tokens are only used to deploy units (and I think this may be limited to ships only, but I’d have to check the game rules again) at the end of a turn from the base card.  If an aircraft carrier deploys, it may take two fighters along for the ride.  If a transport or destroyer deploys, it may take a land unit(s).  Otherwise, units are “deployed” from the base card during normal movement.  Of course, supply tokens are also used to build and repair airfields.

    One neat trick might be (if you had an abundance of fighters) to deploy a carrier with two fighters, then move those two fighters forward and bring two other fighters on the board from the base card.  At the end of your turn, if you have forward operating airfields, land the carrier’s fighters there and land the base card fighters on the carriers.  Even if your fighters are lost in combat, you still are able to land the base card fighters on the carrier for use next turn in forward areas.


  • After the land aircraft step all planes – even newly purchased reinforcements must be 1 of these things:

    1. On your base island.

    2. On your airfield.

    3. On an aircraft carrier (fighters only.)

    There are no move aircraft steps during reinforcement and repair. To rapidly deploy fighters during reinforcement and repair they must be on a rapidly deploying carrier (not to confuse things but that will use a supply/ies for the rapid deployment.)

    You do not need supplies to move fighters on your base island during the move fighters step of movement. The fighters can move two spaces from the base and then two places to land in the land aircraft step. Unless they’ll be picked off put all your fighters in the air during ‘move fighters.’


    If an aircraft carrier deploys [rapidly with use of a supply during reinforcement/repair], it may take two fighters along for the ride.  If a transport or destroyer deploys, it may take a land unit(s).  Otherwise, units are “deployed” from the base card during normal movement.  Of course, supply tokens are also used to build and repair airfields.

    Okay rereading this I could have just said it was correct.  While adding that supplies are also used to repair damaged ships. :oops:

    One neat trick might be (if you had an abundance of fighters) to deploy a carrier with two fighters, then move those two fighters forward and bring two other fighters on the board from the base card.  At the end of your turn, if you have forward operating airfields, land the carrier’s fighters there and land the base card fighters on the carriers.  Even if your fighters are lost in combat, you still are able to land the base card fighters on the carrier for use next turn in forward areas.


    Getting ahead of your aircraft and especially fighter losses is essential. Or at least something to take into consideration.

    :?  :roll: What am I talking about.

    You pretty much need to get at least one fighter every reinforcement/repair step.

  • Official Q&A


    I am a little confused about the earlier answer.  Supply tokens are only used to deploy units (and I think this may be limited to ships only, but I’d have to check the game rules again) at the end of a turn from the base card.  If an aircraft carrier deploys, it may take two fighters along for the ride.  If a transport or destroyer deploys, it may take a land unit(s).  Otherwise, units are “deployed” from the base card during normal movement.  Of course, supply tokens are also used to build and repair airfields.

    To avoid confusion, the term “deploy” refers only to moving ships onto the board from a Base Card using supplies during the Reinforce, Repair and Deploy step of the Regroup phase.  Normal movement to and from the Base Card during the Movement phase is “movement”, not “deployment”, and doesn’t cost supplies.

  • If you are deploying sea units, doesn’t that mean instead of waiting for movement phase you can take your supply token and place it on the game board? That is how I have been deploying or am I wrong, and thanks for clarifying fighters and bombers during deployment.

  • @moose:

    If you are deploying sea units, doesn’t that mean instead of waiting for movement phase you can take your supply token and place it on the game board? That is how I have been deploying or am I wrong, and thanks for clarifying fighters and bombers during deployment.

    :-) I believe that is the distinction Krieghund made here:


    To avoid confusion, the term “deploy” refers only to moving ships onto the board from a Base Card using supplies during the Reinforce, Repair and Deploy step of the Regroup phase.  Normal movement to and from the Base Card during the Movement phase is “movement”, not “deployment”, and doesn’t cost supplies.

  • I have a question,how many planes can fit on an airfield?Is there a limmit?

  • Official Q&A

    Up to two planes can land on an airfield.

  • Okay,But doesn’t the home base card for the US start with 5 bombers and fine fighters?how are they there with only one airfield?

  • Official Q&A

    The Base Cards have unlimited capacity.

  • So if you deploy a carrier to a seazone right after purchase you can bring two fighters with it or do they need to be on the carrier before hand?

  • @balancebjj:

    So if you deploy a carrier to a seazone right after purchase you can bring two fighters with it or do they need to be on the carrier before hand?

    They can be new or on the base from previous turns.

  • Official Q&A


    So if you deploy a carrier to a seazone right after purchase you can bring two fighters with it or do they need to be on the carrier before hand?

    You can put fighters onto a carrier (or land units onto a transport) from your Base Card when you place it.  The fighters (or land units) are then deployed along with the ship.

  • well that make things alot better

  • I have a question considering the role of islands in movement. If your bombers and fighters are moving between islands do you consider the island a movement space? sorta flying over two sea zones then landing on the island? A bomber could make it but not the fighter.
    Also if the island is bisected by sea zone if you take off from the far airfield is that one zone or two before counting. Sorry that I am a slow learner or confused but I do enjoy playing the game.


  • Official Q&A

    You use a movement point every time you cross a border between two zones, whether they be sea or island zones.  When you leave an island, you cross the border into the sea zone and use one movement point.  When you enter an island, you cross the border from the sea zone and use one movement point.  When you move from one sea zone to another, you use one movement point.  Conversely, if you don’t cross a border between zones, you don’t use a movement point.

    Does this help?

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