• Hey guys,

    I have a few questions:

    1)  “Passing the Initiative”  Let’s take the first turn for example.  Axis go first.  They conduct all the battles they would like to conduct.  Initiative gets passed to the Allies.  Allies conduct all the battles they would like.  So here’s where I get stuck.  Does the Initiative get passed back to the Axis and so on and so on until no one has any supply tokins or just doesn’t want to attack?

    1. Assigning Hits…  Lets say the Hex I’m attacking has 3 INF, 1 ARM, no ART no supplies no trucks.  I have to roll a 1-6 to make a hit.  Say I roll 3@1, 0@2, 0@3, 0@4, 2@5 and 2@6.

    The way I understand it is the 1st INF is creamed. 1 INF has to retreat.  No more hits are made to the INF. No hits are made to the ARM.  Here’s where I get stuck on this one.  since 5 and six are also hits but there are only 4 defending units will

    a) 5 = 1 and 6 = 2?
    b) 5 = 2 since 1 was already killed and 6 = 3?
    c) do those hits get waisted?

    1. After the killed defending units are selected do the defending units get to counter like in the main-stream A&A or is that taken care of in the passing of the Initiative?


  • Official Q&A


    1)  “Passing the Initiative”  Let’s take the first turn for example.  Axis go first.  They conduct all the battles they would like to conduct.  Initiative gets passed to the Allies.  Allies conduct all the battles they would like.  So here’s where I get stuck.  Does the Initiative get passed back to the Axis and so on and so on until no one has any supply tokins or just doesn’t want to attack?

    Initiative is passed after each hex’s attacks are resolved.  The Axis conducts one or more attacks from a single hex, then the Allies conduct one or more attacks from a single hex, and so on.  This goes on until all eligible (and desired) hexes have been activated for attack once, then the phase is over.  If one player either no longer wants to or can’t attack, the other just finishes all of his/her attacks.

    On the first turn, the Allies can’t attack, so the Axis just activates each of its hexes to attack one after the other until all of the desired and eligible hexes have attacked once each.


    1. Assigning Hits…  Lets say the Hex I’m attacking has 3 INF, 1 ARM, no ART no supplies no trucks.  I have to roll a 1-6 to make a hit.  Say I roll 3@1, 0@2, 0@3, 0@4, 2@5 and 2@6.

    The way I understand it is the 1st INF is creamed. 1 INF has to retreat.  No more hits are made to the INF. No hits are made to the ARM.  Here’s where I get stuck on this one.  since 5 and six are also hits but there are only 4 defending units will

    a) 5 = 1 and 6 = 2?
    b) 5 = 2 since 1 was already killed and 6 = 3?
    c) do those hits get waisted?

    The hits wrap around the strips, so 5 = 1 and 6 = 2.  The result is that the first infantry got hit five times (three 1s and two 5s) and the second got hit two times (two 6s), and both were eliminated.  Additional hits beyond two on the same unit are wasted.


    1. After the killed defending units are selected do the defending units get to counter like in the main-stream A&A or is that taken care of in the passing of the Initiative?

    No, there is no defensive fire.  The surviving units will attack when their hex is activated.  That’s why initiative is so important and where to attack first is such a strategic decision.

  • Do I have to pay 1 supply token for each time the initiative comes back to me?

  • Intiatiative determines who gets to make the first attack. After that attack is resolved the other player gets an oppurtunity to attack or pass.

    If they pass it is back to the first player to pass or attack. If they attack, resolve the attack, and again the first player may attack or pass.

    Repeat until both players pass consecutively. This takes care of your question 3.

    As to addresses when you run out of units take the dice that hit and start at 1 again.

    So for four units defending (2 Inf and 2 Arm for example.) The 1st INF is subject to hits from rolls of 1 and 5 and the 2nd INF is subject to hits from rolls of 2 and 6. The Arm can only be hit with 3 and 4.

    If there were 2 INF and 3 ARM the first INF would be hit on rolls of 1 and 6 while the other Inf only gets hit on 2 and the a ARM would get hit on 3, 4 and 5.

    See this thread for an earlier explanation. But it doesn’t really go into wraparound which is what you are asking about.

    When there are more than six units defending you have to re-roll the dice that hit (all the 6 or less results from the total attack dice) in order to determine the addresses. Say 4 INF, and 3 ARM. Your INF would each be subject to hits from 2 results– 1 & 8; 2 & 9; 3 & 10; 4 & 11. While one tank would be subject to two results 5 & 12 and the other only to 6 and 7.

    Again this would be after rolling the total attack dice and determing the number of results of 6 or less.

    Look’s like Krieg beat me to it.

  • @LT04:

    Do I have to pay 1 supply token for each time the initiative comes back to me?

    You pay supply for each hex you want to attack when it is your turn to declare a attack from a single hex.

    You do not pay each time it is your turn to decide to attack or pass.

  • Thanks for the help.  :-)

    Could you help clear up the deal with trucks.  In the phase 3 movment and reinforcment I may return any of my trucks to my off board area (unless it’s in an enemy zone of control).  In essence do they just teleport?


  • As to conceptually understanding the timing I think of it like so:

    Trucks behind the line are in areas where there is no enemy and would have been returning to the larger supply depots after dropping off. While trucks going into the line (in ZOC) have a more difficult time both dropping of their supplies and extricating themselves because of the shooting, shelling and movement of both friendly and enemy combat units. Way easier to unload when there is no one shooting at you.

  • Official Q&A


    Thanks for the help.  :-)

    Could you help clear up the deal with trucks.  In the phase 3 movment and reinforcment I may return any of my trucks to my off board area (unless it’s in an enemy zone of control).  In essence do they just teleport?


    Not exactly.  Any of your Trucks that aren’t in an enemy zone of control and can trace a path along roads to a friendly board edge without passing though an enemy zone of control or city may be returned.  In addition, any of your Trucks that are in a hex on a friendly board edge that has a road going off that edge in the same hex may be returned, even if that hex is in an enemy zone of control.  In other words, if a Truck can make it all the way off the board with a legal move, it may be returned.  For more information, see the FAQ.

  • :? Okay that was weird. When I orginally posted Krieg’s answer was in front of mine.  :|

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, it is weird.  I just got completely blown off the internet while making that post.  :? :-o

  • As usual, Krieghund & Frimmel, on the spot making it clear!

  • @murraymoto:

    As usual, Krieghund & Frimmel, on the spot making it clear!

    Yes, and I thank them for it.  :-)

  • @murraymoto:

    As usual, Krieghund & Frimmel, on the spot making it clear!


    Yes, and I thank them for it.  :-)

    Happy to help. Just glad I didn’t make it LESS clear.  :lol:

    BOTB is really different from the other games so there is often lots of confusion especially as folks try to bring stuff from the other games in.

  • @frimmel:

    BOTB is really different from the other games so there is often lots of confusion especially as folks try to bring stuff from the other games in.

    You or Krieghund made a good point in the AACG section that I (as a new player to BOTB & AAGC) can’t think of them as A&A games.  That has helped a lot with both of these games.


  • This should probably be a sticky at the top of the BOTB and Guadalcanal forums:


    The first thing that you have to realize about trying to understand this game is that you have to take everything you know about previous A&A games and chuck it out the window.  When you read the rules, treat this game as though it were not an A&A game at all.  Any preconceptions you bring from other A&A games are just going to confuse things, as you are going to read things into the rules that just aren’t there.

  • That would be the quote.  Making it a sticky wouldn’t be a bad idea.

  • @frimmel:

    This should probably be a sticky at the top of the BOTB and Guadalcanal forums:


    The first thing that you have to realize about trying to understand this game is that you have to take everything you know about previous A&A games and chuck it out the window.  When you read the rules, treat this game as though it were not an A&A game at all.  Any preconceptions you bring from other A&A games are just going to confuse things, as you are going to read things into the rules that just aren’t there.

    That’d probably be a good idea.  Your approach to it is a big part.  You have to forget what you know about other games and learn this like a new game with many of the things you love from the others.

    I just play BOTB with a friend over the weekend, and it was his first time playing it.  I tried to explain that it would be easier to play and he would have more fun as the Axis the first time as they get to attack more, but he insisted on the Allies.  Well, turn 4 came and he gave up in disgust with the game.  He pushed everything to the front (against my warning) thinking it was a typical AA game and got clobbered.

    I personally am loving BOTB, it’s one of the best and have GC on order-should arrive this week.  Really gives you a tactical aspect that the larger theater strategic games don’t have, and you get actual pieces rather than only cardboard cutouts.

  • I could certainly go for another game in a similar vein to BOTB. A light game but with a decidedly traditional wargame take on the matter.

    Something on the Eastern Front perhaps?


    I just play BOTB with a friend over the weekend, and it was his first time playing it.  I tried to explain that it would be easier to play and he would have more fun as the Axis the first time as they get to attack more, but he insisted on the Allies.  Well, turn 4 came and he gave up in disgust with the game.  He pushed everything to the front (against my warning) thinking it was a typical AA game and got clobbered.

    I’ve had that experience as well especially with folks who mostly have played Classic. Telling them they’ll have more fun as the Axis is always met with a you’re-trying-to-put-one-over-on-me attitude. I chide them they’re going to lose no matter which side they pick and they seem to want Allies even more.

    Actually had someone laugh at me when I said the Axis has a better chance to win in D-Day. No one ever wants the Axis in that one.  :roll:

  • A wile ago I made a map for AAM of Operation Market Garden.  1 inch = 100,000M I think.  So the board ended up to barely fit onto a 4’ by 8’ sheet of 3/8’’ plywood.

    It was a great map but was to big to be practicle.  This summer I was thinking of scaling the map down some but instead of making all three sites on one map making three maps.

    In essence you would play three diffrent games.  Each on would build up to the next.

    The first one would would start with the British 6th Airborne Division in the South.  Depending on who won that battle would determine who got the Initiative for the second battle with the US 101 Airborne Division and same for the third.

    For example if the Allied player won at the 101st map maybe the Free Polish Parachute Infantry Reg. would have been able to take the ferry a cross to help the 82nd as planed.

    I would be interested in putting something like this together for a BOTB style game if any one would care to help.


  • @frimmel:

    I could certainly go for another game in a similar vein to BOTB. A light game but with a decidedly traditional wargame take on the matter.

    Something on the Eastern Front perhaps?

    Eastern front would be great.  I hear the scuttlebutt about hope for a Stalingrad game, maybe that could be in the BOTB flair.


    I’ve had that experience as well especially with folks who mostly have played Classic. Telling them they’ll have more fun as the Axis is always met with a you’re-trying-to-put-one-over-on-me attitude. I chide them they’re going to lose no matter which side they pick and they seem to want Allies even more.

    Actually had someone laugh at me when I said the Axis has a better chance to win in D-Day. No one ever wants the Axis in that one.  :roll:

    LOL  …I think it’s the planes the Allies get, think you are guaranteed more advantage with them.


    I would be interested in putting something like this together for a BOTB style game if any one would care to help.

    Sounds cool LT, haven’t gotten much into AAM as yet, so not sure if i’d be much help in game play plans though.

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