• I don’t recall many Xbox 360 users on here, but thought I’d ask.  Anyone playing BF43?  It’s the redo of the classic Battlefield 1942.  Condensed, but nicely done and lots of fun.  Hit me up if you are interested in getting in a game.

  • Downloaded the PS3 demo and it looks entertaining enough playing thru the tutorials but I’d already picked up Ghostbusters and I’m pretty lousy at FPS. Certainly has an attractive price point for giving that style of game a better look.

    By the time I’m done with Ghostbusters, Batman:Arkham Asylum should be here and then a replay of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune before the arrival of Uncharted 2 and Assassin’s Creed 2. Come to think of it I have no idea why I’m asking about the Matrix Games my slate of video gaming is full. :lol:

    I assume the game isn’t ‘cross platform’ with PS3 and Xbox playing each other?

  • The tutorials really don’t do it justice.  Multiplayer is where it is at.  It’s very simple and only 3 (4 if PS3 community has reached 43 million community kills) maps, but it is never dull.  There are 3rd person views for the vehicles, but I don’t recommend this except to see who is around you.  The price is definitely worth it.

    That is a good list of games to be playing.  I’m waiting on COD:MW2 and Left4Dead2.

    I don’t think they do cross platform very often, but it does occur.  That would be an interesting event.  I know they occasionally do 360 vs. PC, but I think that it’s imbalanced…

  • I have some time left, like 28 minutes, on the Battlefield demo and I’ll probably use that up at some point.

    But I’ll probably play the Rainbow Six I picked up new for $15 bucks that has been sitting on my shelf if I can’t resist the shooter bug. I figure I’ll be better off playing thru a campaign before getting into the deep end with multiplayer.

    I checked out the COD:World at War demo. It was my first experience with a COD game and it grabbed my attention. Had one of those, “Ohhh, this IS pretty cool,” moments. And this expensive but 'night vision for $150? :? :-o version of MW2 has caught my attention. The question is are the NV’s complete junk or at least modestly functional?

  • I have a bad habit of not finishing games/reading books/wearing clothes that I buy.  I’ve been trying to finish Bioshock for a while but have been stuck too much on Left4Dead, the Sega Genesis Collection (Nostalgia!), and BF43.  Left4Dead is also why I stopped playing CoD:WaW.  WaW is a great game - the biggest multiplayer CoD yet, coop campaign, coop zombies.  It’s a lot of fun, but most people prefer the modern ones I think.  And MW2 is just looking incredible, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the first.

    I have no idea on the night vision but knew they were putting out some goofy collector stuff that someone is going to buy…

  • So I played all of my demo time on this and must admit it is a kick. I haven’t done much multiplayer stuff except for some Red Baron but this has seriously moved up the consideration list.

  • It’s one of the best ways I’ve spent $15.  I’ve had some great moments and a lot of fun on this game.  Did PS3 unlock Air Superiority (Coral Sea) yet?  I’ve been hooked on the planes only map for a while too.

  • @Jermofoot:

    It’s one of the best ways I’ve spent $15.  I’ve had some great moments and a lot of fun on this game.  Did PS3 unlock Air Superiority (Coral Sea) yet?  I’ve been hooked on the planes only map for a while too.

    I’m not sure but think so. I have only played the demo. I’ve tried flying a couple of times in the tutorial but I’m having some problems getting the hang of it.

    I just got the new download content which was only $5 for Savage Moon and have been playing that but I have a love/hate relationship with Savage Moon and in the next hate cycle I’ll probably get the full game.

  • I just checked, PS3 did unlock it.

    I’ve had a hard time with planes too, but since I’ve been playing that map, I’m a lot better.  It’s pretty easy to fly once you start dogfighting.  Evading is a bit difficult, but chasing & gunning has been improved dramatically from just playing.  Bombing runs…that’s a different story.  I’m not to great at it, but there are tips out there.  Fly, fly, fly some more is what that’s about.

    I had one game last night where I was chasing a really good pilot and doing a nice job of keeping me from getting some good shots in.  Finally, I was able to rip him some shots and knew he was going down in the next few hits.  Instead he bailed out over one of our flags so I followed his flight & jump path, estimated, and dropped my bombs.  I got him, amazingly, especially since bombs are terrible at killing infantry.  Couldn’t do it again though.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Just got this on the PS3. Loving every minute of sniper action.

    Can we get a private group together on this sometime? It would be fun to play against a bunch of people I “know”.

  • @Variable:

    Just got this on the PS3. Loving every minute of sniper action.

    Can we get a private group together on this sometime? It would be fun to play against a bunch of people I “know”.

    Never did pick this up. Just too many other things asking for my gaming time.

    However, I did end up in the Beta test for Battlefield:Bad Company 2 and have a pre-order in for the full game, hopefully it won’t take as long as my ACII to ship. Demo for BC2 is supposed to be out this week or next.

    It has a very similar feel to BF:1943 but in modern times. I had a blast in the Beta playing a lot of hours (like 50!) despite it being only one game mode and map. Love me some tank driving.

    The demo is supposed to have helis!!!

    Send me a FR anyway though – Criticalfrimmel.

    I’m afraid that Jermo is on that ‘other’ system.

  • Yup, I’m on the 360.  A good friend of mine has a PS3 now, but playing MW2 too much.

    I did download the Bad Company 2 demo from Xbox Live.  It’s pretty neat - far from the demo I played for BC1 and the last Battlefield game I really played, Battlefield 2.  It feels like it needs some polishing though - everything feels kind of clunky, the bullet spread is pretty ridiculous, or perhaps it’s the hit detection.  But overall it’s a fun experience.

  • I think it is more a weapon thing.

    Or maybe a gravity thing? There is ‘bullet drop’ in BC2.

    I felt like I couldn’t hit anything at first during the Beta but after the first assault weapon unlocked things felt tighter but still seemed to need a whole clip to drop a guy.

    There was a long list of changes from the Beta and it certainly seemed like the devs listened to player feedback. Can’t wait to check out the demo.

  • @frimmel:

    I think it is more a weapon thing.

    Or maybe a gravity thing? There is ‘bullet drop’ in BC2.

    I felt like I couldn’t hit anything at first during the Beta but after the first assault weapon unlocked things felt tighter but still seemed to need a whole clip to drop a guy.

    There was a long list of changes from the Beta and it certainly seemed like the devs listened to player feedback. Can’t wait to check out the demo.

    It hasn’t been terrible, but definitely some instances of “what the hell?”  I was a medic class one game attacking, hid out for a sec, squatted down, saw another medic come trotting up.  I had the jump on him by a second, burst fired, and he fired while moving and killed me in just a shot or two.  When it did the “showing your killer” thing, he still had 100% health.  I do not get how that could happen. Or you’ll be nearly toe to toe and nothing hits even aiming down the sites. I had to figure out about bullet drop the hard way defending as a sniper as I kept getting sniped.  I finally located the sniper (actually 3 of them in a stepping stone fashion FAR down the left), missed my first shot which went low.  After that I raised my shots and somehow headshot all 3 (in 3 shots, not 1) of them pretty much from maximum distance.  That didn’t make sense either…

    I like the game it just feels it needs a little polish, which it’s in that stage to do so now.

  • Is there a PC platform for the game?I have seen 1942 pc platforms. I quit buying console games while in school- too much dang money.

  • I miss naval combat in the newer BF games. It was part of what made 1942 so awesome. I loved sinking the enemy carrier.

  • I don’t think BF43 is on PC…

    Yeah, I miss ships.  But I think I miss Battlefield 2 with squads and commanders more.

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