i found the limited AAM rules…. its a starter and a booster or 2 boosters played with 1 army of 80 points. <<< official from wizards >>>
my thoughts about this…
you are getting 18 pieces totally random. appr. 9 axis and 9 allied pieces. building an 80 point army. if you pull a 30-40 point rare tank awesome… but what happens if you pull a 50-65 point tank… you almost can’t use it. and what if you get the pieces i consider “time and place pieces” that have uses, but not every day army usues… it just seems it could get too unbalanced too quickly with only 2 boosters totally random.
however i am thinking 3 boosters drafted instead of random gives you more options… i would prolly suggest 100 point army or true tournament style with 2 different 80 point armies. with the draft you could either draft heavy axis or heavy allied with 1 army or if doing 2 armies makes you select the best piece from the box. it takes some of the randomness of opening out of the picture. then if you pull that 50+ tank you could be more inclined to take a good UNC instead and hope that you are getting passed a 30ish tank that the next player didnt need for his army.
honestly there is so much that you could do… and withing the next 2 weeks I will be doing this… will post all rules and results after then.
what we do know… it will be 4 players with prolly 3 (maybe 4 if we have lots of time) boosters choosing (1x reserves, 1x d-day, 1xcontested skies) or we could sub in a set II or base set as we will be doing the 10 pack to save money and give most variety.