G1 - no DOW on russia. Hit 110, 111, 109, France, Yugo. Buy Inf and Art, place in Germany.
Japan invades FIC and china, no DOW on the western allies turn 1. Position most of fleet in carolines, 1 CV, 3 TT, 1 BB, 1 CA off of VIC. 3 TT buy.
Italy takes out southern france, french navy, greece if UK didnt taranto.
G2. Take normandy. Reposition. Maybe declare war on Russia, depending on R1 moves and buys. Retaliate for Taranto if done.
J2. Declare war on western allies. Buy IC for FIC, 1-2 TT, maybe a CV. Hit money islands, Malaya if possible. Defend against US fleet.
It2 - stat prepping for survival if UK strong, otherwise, take Gib if possible. Remember, Italy needs to defend itself so Germany can concentrate on Russia, do not over extend.
G3 - Keep at Russia. Shift to mechs for cannon fodder. Maybe a bomber. DD/Sub + air to defend coasts. Smallest possible force to take lenningrad, most of force should go southern route.
J3 - increase land forces in FIC / Yunan. Position most air hear, as much navy that isnt needed to fend of US/Anzac. Keep a TT or 2 to retake money islands as needed.
I4 - same as I3
G4 - should have Ukraine solid, build inf in ukraine, mechs and bomber or 2.
J4 - Burma should be a dead zone at this point. Prep to go overland with a TT or 2 + CV and most to all of Japanese air supporting an India invaison. Capture India if possible J4, J5 for sure. Then on to perisa.