• '10

    Finally got my N.Africa map onto the game table. Made by using a portion of Tigerman’s global map.

  • '10

    Eastern half on N.Africa map. The total map is about 3x6.


  • '10

    This is not the setup, just some units to highlite the map.


  • '10

    Eastern half of map. Still waiting on the new FMG units to finish the setup. Guess the German units will come with the Italians now.


  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Plenty of room for units! Very Nice.

  • '14

    Cool! Do you have the edge of each territory cut off to be abeach for an amph assault? I like it….be a good one to make!

  • '10


    Cool! Do you have the edge of each territory cut off to be abeach for an amph assault? I like it….be a good one to make!

    The red line along the coast indicates the coast hiway. If I ever get enough truck units then travel along those territories will be faster than others. FMG is supposed to have truck units in their sets. Off road travel by tanks and mech. inf. will be two and the trucks will move three or maybe four along the coast.

  • '10

    Very cool.  Very big!  Are you going to share the file and charts?

  • '10


    Very cool.  Very big!  Are you going to share the file and charts?

    The map is Tigerman’s global file. I just enlarged the Med. area then tiled the pages and printed it on my printer. We have played only one practice game and it brought out some needed changes. It will take a while to perfect it. Will have another game next week. Maybe I will have something about the time your Italian and German units come out.

  • '14

    I’m working on a project right now, but if anyone wants I can make this a printable map. If anyone is untreated let me know.

  • '10

    Part of the setup for our next practice game.


  • '10

    We did our third test game today. Still lots of changes to be made. This is going to take a while. We will have another test game next week.

  • '10

    Some of the new units that we are testing with this N. Africa game are– commanders, anti-tank guns (with entrenchments), artillary which fires from adjacent territories, trucks, light tanks (for Italians), tiger tanks, fighter aces, land based fighters, carrier based fighters, bunkers, supply tokens, pocket battleships (for Germans), and oilers to supply the fleets with fuel. Including AA guns we now have three types of artillary which can only be moved with trucks or halftracks.

  • can you explaine what those do I.e there stats and speatial abilitys.

  • '10


    can you explaine what those do I.e there stats and speatial abilitys.

    This is a work in progress. Many of these units may go through changes, indeed many changes already. No use posting abilities of units until all finalized. For instance we have added a few dirt roads or trails into some of the southern most territories and this does not appear on any of the current photos.

  • So what countries appear in the game? Are minor nations like Greece, and Bulgaria in it? Maybe the coup in Iraq?

  • '10


    So what countries appear in the game? Are minor nations like Greece, and Bulgaria in it? Maybe the coup in Iraq?

    Currently only Greece is represented. The rest of Europe belongs to the axis.

  • I would love to see Greece and Yugoslavia and operation mercury. What year does your game start. I’m super excited about all those new units. I love pocket battleships.

  • I like the look of this variation!

    Any timeline for when the files for map, set up and rules might be available?

  • '10


    I would love to see Greece and Yugoslavia and operation mercury. What year does your game start. I’m super excited about all those new units. I love pocket battleships.


    I like the look of this variation!

    Any timeline for when the files for map, set up and rules might be available?

    The game starts in April 1941. It will be some time before rules are finalized. We are only ready to start test game number five. The map comes from Tigerman’s global map. I enlarged the portion that I wanted and printed that portion. Anyone can do that if I can.

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