• Can you please explain how the Canal’s work?  Can anyone go through them at any time?  or are there rules here?  i searched the directions and can’t find anything.  Thanks.

    Oh, also, I assume the world is round so you can say go from the sea below Eastern Us and end up below Western US in 1 move?

  • Official Q&A


    Can you please explain how the Canal’s work?  Can anyone go through them at any time?  or are there rules here?  i searched the directions and can’t find anything.  Thanks.

    You may use a canal for sea unit movement only if you or a friendly power have controlled all of the territories that border the canal since the beginning of your turn.  In the case of the Panama Canal, only Panama must be controlled.  In the case of the Suez Canal, both Anglo-Egypt and Trans-Jordan must be controlled.

    Land units may pass through territories containing canals just as they do any other territory.  This is on page 8 of the Operations Manual.


    Oh, also, I assume the world is round so you can say go from the sea below Eastern Us and end up below Western US in 1 move?

    Yes, the map wraps around on the sides, but not from top to bottom.

  • @kfgolfer:

    Oh, also, I assume the world is round so you can say go from the sea below Eastern Us and end up below Western US in 1 move?

    no the world is flat and you’ll fall off the edge if you go that way!

    wait…. what century is it?  My time machine settings are not displaying correctly.

  • ok, i deserved that… :-D

  • Yes, the map wraps around on the sides, but not from top to bottom.

    Such a shame, wouldn’t it be nice to live on a donut?  :-D

  • @kfgolfer:

    Oh, also, I assume the world is round


  • ok… ok… I’m an idiot…lets move on  :?

  • There is also a USA National Advantage in NCSCTR 10.9 that allows the US to create, once per game, a singularity.  With that singularity, a worm hole that lasts only for a single aspect of the current turn (either combat movement or NCM) allows the US to transport every single unit in one SZ or territory to any one other SZ or territory.

    Of course, it is not a good idea to, for example, use it to send all of your EUS land units to SZ60 (they drown).  But if you are careful, it can be a wonderful advantage for the Allies.

    However, be forewarned that if the US uses that NA, the following turn Germany gets 1 free F-117A armed with a nuclear weapon (drawn back in time by future use of the Philladelphia Experiment technologies) that they can use only on Washington, which causes the US to immediately surrender.  This only applies if Berlin is still intact after the US turn where the Singularity NA was used…

    Of course if THAT happens, then the UK can use their 007 NA and they get 1 chance to both have intercourse with Eva Braun AND prevent the German use of the F117A…

  • @kfgolfer:

    ok… ok… I’m an idiot…lets move on  :?

    I was not trying to be insulting (nor do I think Bunnys is either)
    I was trying to be funny.

    I never called (or implied) you were an indiot.
    If you read between the lines in my post, you’ll see that at one time in the world history, humans DID believe the world was flat (note the time machine reference)

  • axis_roll
    I understand that…(and it was funny)  I was just taking the opportunity to bust on myself… :-D  I could have phrased the question a little more intelligently…

    i don’t think anyone here is rude at all.  Actually, everyone takes the time to answer all of our “newbie” questions without any complaints… It’s a great forum…

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