ai. I’ve been playing it wrong. But I’m gonna change that tonight:)
thanks a lot Krieghund!
ai. I’ve been playing it wrong. But I’m gonna change that tonight:)
thanks a lot Krieghund!
I’ve been playing A&A a lot lately and I know you have to cooperate to beat your opponent. This is much easier for the allies, because you can drop your troops in friendly territory, let’s say karelia or captured norway. This standard strategy and cooperation works most of the times for me to beat Germany.
For Axis it’s more difficult to cooperate in this way. I’ve only seen it in capturing Kaukasus or Moscow where Japan can help a little bit. But it’s different.
I don’t like Germany to give navy support to Japan. It’s a waste of your battleship. Japan maybe, can give some navy support in the mediterranean when Japan is playing very well. But that’s pretty much it, I guess.
In my last game I played Japan and purchased 1 AA per turn, sending it to China, Sinkiang, and Buryatia, and developped rockets. I captured India (with the AA), landed my German and Bomber there the next turn, and then started to fire my 4 rocket launchers at Russia. This, plus a Japan SBR, and also a German SBR, got Russia very weak. this creates an option for the Japan navy. you can spend your IPC’s on navy purchases, you don’t need as many land units as you used to. Russia can’t buy a lot, so Germany can take it on it’s own or at least with less Japan support. This is the only option I can think of to cooperate in an effective way.
I know, in the beginning fase of the game the axis can and must take a lot of territory to grow strong. But this raised a new question when I looked at the allies. When allies play, they often choose a KGF or a KJF.
Should the axis focus on ONE ally in special? By example, crushing Russia very hard, Or taking as much as possible UK territories in one turn?
I’ve seen many games where Japan played very well, but just in the advantage for Japan. capturing territories and growing strong. crumbling down both UK and Russia, but too slow.
Take one out soon?
I have a question about the extra hit on the battleship. When I do an amphibious with shore bombardment, can I take a hit on my battleship
which comes from a land unit? Or can I only take the extra hit in seabattles?
And what about the destroyer that blocks Egypt. I know, when you pass an enemy vessel during an amphibious, you have to fight first and you lose the opening fire. The way we play, we send a separate german airforce to wipe away the destroyer first. Then, in the same turn, move into the Egypt seazone to start the amphibious WITH opening fire (because the BB wasn’t in the seabattle). But I’m not sure if this is correct?
And one more thing, can you do the opening fire only once, or on every turn when you roll dice for your troops.
Hope you can help me out! Thanks.
no, we never did. but it sounds interesting. so i will introduce it :-)
do allies always win when they focus on heavy bombers using the box rules?
US builds lots of heavy bombers and bombs japan to hell.
UK builds up just enough defense for UK, and produces some bombers too. if Russia in this situation can just hold the German front and the UK indian fleet wipes away the germans in Africa, the axis are doomed. the can’t buy the same amount of HBs (at least germany can’t) because they really have to focus on the landbattles.
but please, prove me wrong :-o
okay, thanks a lot!
I misunderstood the blitzingrules. the box rules say: ‘you can claim an unoccupied territory by blitzing’, which sort of suggests you can’t claim an unnocupied territory without a tank.
considering this, i don’t get the japanese strategy ‘take china with 7inf on J1’. this leaves FIC and MANC very vulnerable. you actually give them away to india and buryata. ofcourse, a japanese counterattack will be able to wipe them away, but this feels like a waste.
I’ll have to come up with a new strategy, that’s for sure :-)
i’ve been playing A&A for a while now, but many times we find ourselves ending up in having discussions and reading the booklet again and again. please help me out!!!
about empty countries.
-when there are 6 russian inf on buryatia and 0 japanese units on manyouria:
can russia walk in but not capture, or do they need a tank before they may actually enter?
about blitzing
-can you blitz 2 countries in one turn with one tank? by example: a german tank, located in anglo-egypt, blitzing belgian congo and ending in south rhodesia, blitzing both?
submerging subs
UK1: german sub in SZ8 gets attacked by RAF but is able to submerge. is it submerged till G2? so USA1 figs can’t go after it?
and, when it is submerged till G2, only a usa destroyer can kill it, right?
BB hit.
your BB survived a fig attack/sea battle, whatever. your BB got hit once, you lay it on it’s side. till: the end of this battle/turn/next round?
heavy bombers.
many times i’ve seen that usa is developping heavy bombers in usa 1 or 2, then producing a lot of them, 2-3 per turn. the whole europe-russia-japan landwar doesnt seem to make any sense then. in round 4-5 usa is able to make devastating SBRs on both germany AND japan. allies always win?
i read some A&A Q&A about SBRs. when 2 USA heavy bombers SBR tokyo, and roll 10 per bomber(so 20 total) japan loses 16? (because the maximum for japan is 8 per bomber) or do they only just loose 8 because thát’s the maximum?
can japanese fighters located in japan defend when it’s SBR?
can german fighters located in norway defend/fight when RAF flies over? (i know, they should take the baltic sea in this scenario, but just for example)
sorry, i still feel like a noob in some points but i really wanna learn this game!!!
i’m new, and play A&A since december, so i’m not quite good yet and still discovering new options. we started a game yesterday, and i play axis but japan is getting tricky.
it’s J2 now and this is the situation:
i had unfortunate rolls on china so i couldn’t take it but i got rid of the PH fleet pretty easy. (lost the sub)
-UK fleet: BB is together with the US transports and destroyer on the east coast, no UK transports left in the atlantic so no pressure in the next round for germany. the indian fleet is in SZ33.
-the RAF (5 fig, 1bom) wiped out my baltic fleet and is now located at caucasus.
-manchung is taken by 5 rus inf.
-kwangtung IC, 2 fig
-FIC 3 inf, 2 fig, 1 tank
-india 5 uk inf
-china 1 us inf
-sinkiang i us inf, 2 rus inf, 1 rus tank, 1 rus fig.
-japan 4 inf, 2 art, 1 bomb.
i was thinking of taking china with 2 inf and 3-4 fig from FIC.
then take (non combat moves) 2 inf from manilla to kwangtung 2 fig, and my AA and 1 inf to FIC.and locate 4 fig
locate my FIC fleet next to kwangtung, my other fleet in 60.
then drop an AA and 1 tank at japan, trans at 60 and 3 inf in kwangtung
which leaves to:
FIC 2 inf, AA, 1 tank, 4 fig
china 1 or 2 inf
kwangtung 5 inf, 2 fig.
so now my fleets are pretty save, and only my transport next to FIC will probably be destroyed.
there’s 1 us fig at persia and 1fig/1 bom at alaska. uk can’t reach the fleet but may take FIC with good rolls. but then the raf will be way thinner.
please help me out, is this the best solution?