• Weapons Development

    Shared Tech
    If any ally has acquired a Tech, you may roll for that same Tech at 3IPC per roll less (e.g. If Japan develop Super Submarines on J1 at 5 IPC per roll, then Germany may attempt to roll for Super Submarines on G2 at only 3 IPC per roll).

    1.  Jet Fighters
    Your fighters are now jet fighters. They are immune to AA fire and may intercept bombers (including superfortresses) in a SBR.

    Bomber Interception: This battle last for one cycle of combat only. The defender declares intercepting fighters before any defending AA guns fire. The intercepting fighters attack on a 3 were as the bomber defend on a 1 (2 if superfortresses). The surviving bombers are on the second cycle of combat subjected to any AA fire. Any fighters used in a interceptor role may not also defend in a regular land attack against that same territory on the same turn.

    2.  Rockets
    Your antiaircraft guns are now rocket launchers. In addition to their normal combat function, they can reduce enemy industrial production. From each territory, one antiaircraft gun may attack an industrial complex within 3 spaces. Roll one die for the rocket. The result of that roll is the number of IPC’s destroyed by that rocket. The maximum combined damage inflicted in one turn by all rocket attacks and strategic bombing raids on the same industrial complex is the territory’s income value. The opponent must surrender that many IPC’s to the bank (or as many as the player has, whichever is the lesser amount).

    3.  Super Submarines
    Your submarines are now super submarines. They attack and defend on a 3 and may not be attacked by enemy aircraft when alone or in company with other submarines only, unless an enemy destroyer is present.

    4.  Long-Range Aircraft
    Your fighters are now long-range fighters, and your bombers are now long-range bombers. Your fighters´ range increases to 6. Your bombers´ range increases to 8.

    5.  Heavy Artillery (replace Combined Bombardment)
    Your artillery are now heavy artillery. They attack on a 3.

    6.  Heavy Bombers
    Your bombers are now heavy bombers. They roll two dice each in an attack or strategic bombing raid (see Special Combats in Phase 4: Conduct Combat), but still only a single die on defense.

    National Advantages

    Soviet Union National Advantages

    1.  Russian Winter
    Russia’s greatest ally was its winter cold. Germany’s invasion stopped dead as the snows came down.
    Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a severe winter. Until the start of your next turn, your infantry in red territories defend on a 3.

    2.  Nonaggression Treaty
    The Japanese refrained from attacking the Soviet Union during most of the war. They already had one bear coming at them from the east.
    The first time in the game that the Japanese forces attack any red territory, you may place four of your infantry for free in that territory before resolving combat. If Japan attacks more than one red territory in that turn, you may decide which such territory receives the infantry. If you attack an orange territory before Japan attacks you, you lose this national advantage.

    3.  Mobile Industry
    In response to the threat from the Russian front, the Soviets moved their factories east. They produced 5,000 tanks east of the Urals in 1942.
    Your industrial complexes each may move 1 territory during your noncombat move phase. It may be used in the same turn to place units (up to a maximum of the new territory’s value). They cannot move during the combat move phase. If an opponent captures them, that opponent cannot move them. You may mobilize at a complex if you controlled both the industrial complex and it’s new territory at the start of your turn.

    4.  Conscripts (replace Salvage)
    The Red Army won many battles with their raw manpower, by using untrained infantry and many times unequipped.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in any red territory if you control it. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    5.  Katyusha Rockets (replace Lend-Lease)
    The Soviets were able to supplement the artillery with massed batteries of rocket launchers. The sheer volume of fire more than compensated for individual lack of accuracy.
    During the first cycle of combat only, on attack, your artillery fire in the Conduct Opening Fire phase (instead of the Attacking Units fire phases). Casualties are removed at the end of Opening Fire.

    6.  Trans-Siberian Railway
    The Trans-Siberian Railway spanned 10,000 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, the longest main line in the world.
    In the noncombat move phase, your infantry, antiaircraft guns, and artillery may move 2 territories per turn only among these territories: Russia, Novosibirsk, Yakut S.S.R., and Buryatia S.S.R.

    Germany National Advantages

    1.  U-Boat Program (replace U-Boat Interdiction)
    Determined to undermine the Allies’ supply chain, Germany eventually endorsed a program of shipbuilding. As a result a fleet of U-boats were built in an attempt to starve Britain.
    Your submarines now cost 6 IPC’s.

    2.  Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European Atlantic coast with massive defensive systems from Norway to Spain.
    During any amphibious assault against a gray territory, all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3.  Panzergrenadiers (replace Panzerblitz)
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks.
    Each of your tanks give one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    4.  Tiger Tank Battalions (replace Wolf Packs)
    The massively powerful Tiger tanks were assigned to heavy tank battalions to support other units for special operations, to be deployed en masse for decisive shock action.
    You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank attack and defends on a 4 or less. Each Tiger tank costs 6 IPC’s and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers have a movement capability of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.

    5.  Blitzkrieg (replace Luftwaffe Dive-Bombers)
    German warfare combined the use of mobile units with the close support of airpower into a steel juggernaut emphasize speedy movement and maximization of battlefield opportunities.
    When a fighter attacks along with a tank, their attack increases to 4 respectively. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis. The increased attack ability is for the first cycle of combat only and is cancelled if defending fighters are present.

    6.  Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoints on key terrain in Europe .
    Your artillery in gray territories defends on a 3.

    United Kingdom National Advantages

    1.  Radar
    Britain’s radar alerted it to the threat of German planes crossing the channel.
    UK owned antiaircraft guns in tan territories hit air units on a roll of 1 or 2.

    2.  Joint Strike
    The most powerful strike in the war was the joint Allied assault on Normandy. The planning required to launch this simultaneous invasion has never been equaled.
    Once during the game at the start of a round (before the Russian turn), you may declare a joint strike. That round, you complete your turn as normal, except you must skip combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases. On those phases of the U.S. turn, the U.S. player uses your units in his or her combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases together with his own units. You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties, or the opposing player gets to choose them. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-U.S. die is rolled. Weapons developments or national advantages still only apply to the units of the power that gained the development or has the advantage. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.

    3.  Enigma Decoded
    Working in a secret facility in Bletchley Park, Alan Turing’s cryptographers broke the codes of the Nazi Enigma machines. They could then send false messages back.
    Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from any one adjacent space into one friendly sea zone being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a sea zone being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one of your units behind. This special move otherwise follows the rules for a noncombat move. If your units survive, they remain in the space to which they were moved.

    4.  Commonwealth Troops (replace Mideast Oil)
    The British Commonwealth Troops served in all theatres in World War II - from Europe to North Africa to South-East Asia.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in any tan territory with an income value higher than 1 IPC if you control it. If the teritory contains an industrial complex, you can mobilize nomore units than the income value of that territory.

    5.  French Resistance
    France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
    Once per game, if the Allies control Western Europe, you may place three of your infantry there for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.

    6.  Colonial Garrison
    World War II represents the height of the United Kingdom’s colonial empire. Two decades later the Commonwealth was a shadow of its world-spanning former self.
    You begin the game with one additional industrial complex in any tan territory with an income value of at least 1. (You still can’t have more than one industrial complex in a territory.)

    Japan National Advantages

    1.  Tokyo Express
    The Japanese High Command used destroyer convoys to ferry infantry. Allied forces at Guadalcanal dubbed this the “Tokyo Express”.
    Each of your destroyers may act as a transport for one infantry. These destroyers follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as transports do. Your destroyers can also conduct shore bombardment (using an attack of 2) in an amphibious assault.

    2.  Kamikaze Attacks (revised)
    A terrifying development was the Japanese suicide tactics as a desperate means of slowing the Allied advance. The Japanese used pilots who only knew how to take off and dive into their target with an aircraft full of explosives.
    You may make six Kamikaze attacks during the game for free. Kamikazes are not represented by a unit, hence a Kamikaze can not be taken as a casualty. Use a die to keep track on how many Kamikaze remain to be used. These attacks may be launched if an Allied player move ships within 2 sea zones from Japan, after all combat movement has been completed. Kamikaze may target specific enemy ships, except for submarines. They attack on a roll of 2 or less during the opening fire step of the first cycle of combat only. Before you rolls dice to launch a Kamikaze attack, you must announce the target(s) and how many Kamikazes that are participating. If a Kamikaze is used during an allied combat phase this counts as a naval battle and will prevent all ships in that sea zone from conducting shore bombardment.

    3.  Long Lance Torpedoes (replace Kaiten Torpedoes)
    The Japanese Navy possessed superior torpedoes in comparison with its Western counterparts, possessing an unequaled combination of speed, range, and hitting power.
    Your submarines attack on a 3 (4 if you have the Super Submarines development) in the opening fire step of combat. This increased attack factor is for the first cycle of combat only.

    4.  Super Dreadnoughts (replace Lightning Assaults)
    Dreadnoughts or leviathans like Yamato and Musashi were the largest and most powerful battleships the world has ever seen.
    Your battleships attack (imply shore bombardment) and defend on 5.

    5.  Dug-In Defenses (revised)
    The Japanese introduced the tactic of endurance engagements intended to inflict maximum casualties. This tacic included bunkers and pillboxes connected by tunnels.
    All your infantry on islands are immune to shore bombardment and defend on a 3.

    6.  Banzai Attacks
    A fearsome rallying cry of the Imperial Japanese Army, “Banzai!” meant, “May you live ten thousand years.”
    When you begin an attack with only infantry, all those infantry attack on a 2. This also applies to any amphibious assault in which all your attacking units in the land combat (other than those conducting shore bombardment) consist of only infantry.

    United States National Advantages

    1.  Lend-Lease Program (replace Island Bases)
    During World War II, the U.S. military began administrating what became known as the “lend-lease program”. In this program, the U.S. gifted its allies with an array of military equipment and munitions, including ships.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you can convert any U.S. units to equivalent U.K. or Soviet units. The conversion can only take place on an allied territory or in a sea zone adjacent to an allied territory containing an industrial complex. Remove the all affected units from play and replace them with the same unit of your allys´ color.

    2.  Chinese Divisions
    The Chinese had three hundred divisions in 1942. President Roosevelt spent much of the war trying to get Chiang Kai-Shek to do something with them.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in one of the following territories if you control it: China, Sinkiang, or Kwangtung. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    3.  Marines
    “Send in the Marines!” was a popular U.S. rallying cry in World War II.
    Your infantry attack on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault. Even if supported by artillery, their attack remains 2.

    4.  Mechanized Infantry
    With its fleet of trucks, the U.S. Army was the most mobile force of soldiers in World War II.
    Your infantry have a move of 2 and may blitz as tanks do.

    5.  Liberty Ship Program (replace Fast Carriers)
    In 1941, the U.S. embarked on a massive expansion of the merchant marine fleet under the auspices of the Emergency Shipbuilding Program. The standard Liberty ship was the centerpiece of this program.
    Your transports now cost 6 IPC’s.

    6.  Superfortresses (revised)
    The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
    Your bombers roll one additional die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Hey B, did you already submit this one to the website?

    I have a backlog of a bunch of your house rules, etc. I’ll slowly get to them all.

  • Ok!

  • @djensen:

    Hey B, did you already submit this one to the website?

    I have a backlog of a bunch of your house rules, etc. I’ll slowly get to them all.

    No, not really. But I would be greatful if you replaced the old ones with these. Thanks in advance of your respons!

    /B. Andersson

  • shouldn’t this subject be under ‘house rules’?

  • @theduke:

    shouldn’t this subject be under ‘house rules’?

    You are so right duke! This will most likely be here for a short while, since I hope that the webmaster will publish it online on the homepage!

    Anyone: I would like to here what you think about replacing Combined Bombardment with Heavy Artillery??? :D

    Why not play with the optional rule that all destroyers may make a support shot on amphibious assaults on a 2.

  • Mr Andersson,

    thank you for these fantastic revised NA’s.
    However, I have to say the 4th NA (Lightning Campaign) for Japan is way too powerful. If GB doesn’t get an extra IC (that I would place in India), you(allies) can forget about Asia.
    We are currently playing a game right, and from the first turn on my situation is almost hopeless. The Asian continent is overswarmed by Japan.
    On the other side, I like the game because it requires a very different strategy- I built a GB IC in Anglo-Egypt and I am concentrating the US efforts completely on the Japs. But I believe it’s all over already.

    Do you have any suggestions for changing the rule?

    Note: we don’t choose NA, we roll a dice…

  • @Mr.Bo:

    Mr Andersson,

    thank you for these fantastic revised NA’s.
    However, I have to say the 4th NA (Lightning Campaign) for Japan is way too powerful. If GB doesn’t get an extra IC (that I would place in India), you(allies) can forget about Asia.
    We are currently playing a game right, and from the first turn on my situation is almost hopeless. The Asian continent is overswarmed by Japan.
    On the other side, I like the game because it requires a very different strategy- I built a GB IC in Anglo-Egypt and I am concentrating the US efforts completely on the Japs. But I believe it’s all over already.

    Do you have any suggestions for changing the rule?

    Note: we don’t choose NA, we roll a dice…

    I dont find this noncombat move before the Soviets turn during the first round of to play a too big role. It is a one timer and I think it is pretty puny. However If you don’t like it I would suggest one to stick to the old one or Floatplane Fighters.

    Floatplane Fighters
    (replace Lightning Assaults)
    With an empire stretching across thousands of kilometers of the Pacific, the Japanese specialized in good floatplane fighters.
    Your fighters may treat islands and adjacent sea zones as one. Therefore your fighters may move in and out from an island without a movement penalty.

    Or Long Lance Torpedoes, the NA I actually replaced the Lightening Assaults with.

    Long Lance Torpedoes
    (replace Lightning Assaults)
    The Japanese Navy possessed superior torpedoes in comparison with its Western counterparts, possessing an unequaled combination of speed, range, and hitting power.
    Your submarines attack on a 3 (4 if you have the Super Submarines development) in the opening fire step of combat. This increased attack factor is for the first cycle of combat only.

    Was this answer helpful to you?

  • I think kamikazes should attack at 5. I don’t like heavy artillery.

  • Thank you mr. Andersson. However, I don’t think my antagonists would like the idea of changing that rule.
    Well, I won the game anyway, but thanks to Axis mistakes. Jap decided to attack my W US ‘fleet’ instead of pearl harbor, so I easily wiped out his fleet with ftrs, bmbr and pearl harbor fleet. No answer was found against my IC in Anglo-Egypt.
    I put pressure on Jap with the US and the Russians and Britain forces dealt with Germany.
    It was, in hindsight, a very fun game and very different from other games.

  • Hi guys.

    There is an analysis of National Advantages that you might like in one of the webzines I help edit. The analysis talks about the rules in general and then it analyzes the individual NAs.

    Here’s a link to the group:

    The article is Policy Paper #06 in the files section.


  • it’s memebers only apparently

  • Well, we have a commitment to keep to our associates in Moscow. If we don’t deliver a batch of new credit card numbers every week they get upset.

    Seriously, however, we insist on membership to keep the ‘noise’ low. You won’t get any spam from the goup. Heck, you won’t get much email period. It’s mostly about the articles.

    The articles include strategy guides for beginners, problems to solve, and various analyses of rules and strats. There’s a database with odd terms and acronyms. There are dice sims. We even posted source code so you can write your own battle sim.

    If you don’t like it, you can always drop out. But you won’t. You’ll love it. You’ll love it so much you’ll tell you’re mom, and she’ll read the articles, and she’ll start playing Axis.

    ALL your friends will start playing Axis. And if they don’t, are they really your friends?


  • @Feldmarshall:

    I think kamikazes should attack at 5. I don’t like heavy artillery.

    You are probably stoned or have not read the artcle about my kamikazes! Attack on a 5 or less and six such attacks for free at no cost!!! And about the heavy artillery. You say you dont like it, who cares!!! Unless you dont tell why!?? Respect is something one earn!

    / Mr. Andersson

  • 2. Kamikaze Attacks (revised)
    A terrifying development was the Japanese suicide tactics as a desperate means of slowing the Allied advance. The Japanese used pilots who only knew how to take off and dive into their target with an aircraft full of explosives.
    You may make six Kamikaze attacks during the game. These attacks may be launched if an Allied player move ships within 2 sea zones from Japan, after all combat movement has been completed. Kamikaze may target specific enemy ships, except for submarines. They attack on a roll of 2 or less during the opening fire step of the first cycle of combat. A Kamikaze may not be taken as a casualty. Before you rolls dice to launch a Kamikaze attack, you must announce the target(s) and how many Kamikazes that are participating. Use a die to keep track on how many Kamikaze remain to be used. If a Kamikaze is used during an allied combat phase this counts as a naval battle and will prevent all ships in that sea zone from conducting shore bombardment.

    Under these rules I can’t see why Japan would choose a battleship as a casualty. The only advantage to Kamikazes is that you get to choose your hits, but since your opponent will always choose a battleship as their 1st casualty anyway, you haven’t gained anything. You should only hit a battleship if the kamikaze hit is the 2nd hit on that battleship. Actual kamikazes commonly hit either carriers or battleships but under these rules I’m afraid that kamikazes would almost exclusively only go after carriers.

    4. British Commonwealth Troops (replace Mideast Oil)
    The British Commonwealth Troops served in all theatres in World War II - from Europe to North Africa to South-East Asia.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in one of the following territories if you control it: India, Western Canada, Eastern Canada, Australia, South Africa, Anglo-Egypt, or New Zealand. If the teritory contains an industrial complex, you can mobilize nomore units than the income value of that territory.

    This is very similar to my ‘Colonial Garrision’ rule where UK may place no more than 1 of their purchased infantry in any non-industiralized tan territory worth more than 1 IPC. I’m just curious why you defined where you may place this infantry as you did. Why New Zealand and not in the middleast?

    3. Enigma Decoded
    Working in a secret facility in Bletchley Park, Alan Turing’s cryptographers broke the codes of the Nazi Enigma machines. They could then send false messages back.
    Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from any one adjacent space into one friendly space being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a space being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one of your units behind. This special move otherwise follows the rules for a noncombat move. If your units survive, they remain in the space to which they were moved.

    I think this rule can easily be exploited such that it’s too powerful. For example, if UK gets to the point where they may unload 6 infantry every turn into Norway or Karelia, then they would probably have such a build-up of infantry that they would effectively be able to strongly defend every territory neighboring the teritory they are in. If UK could instantly move 10-15 infantry like that, then they could slaughter the Germans if they ever attacked a territory adjacent to these units. I think there is a good chance this rule can be exploited too much towards latter in the game.

    2. Joint Strike
    The most powerful strike in the war was the joint Allied assault on Normandy. The planning required to launch this simultaneous invasion has never been equaled.
    Once during the game at the start of a round (before the Russian turn), you may declare a joint strike. That round, you complete your turn as normal, except you must skip combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases. On those phases of the U.S. turn, the U.S. player uses your units in his or her combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases together with his own units. You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties, or the opposing player gets to choose them. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-U.S. die is rolled. Weapons developments or national advantages still only apply to the units of the power that gained the development or has the advantage. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.

    It was hard enough organizing D-day. Under these Joint-Strike rules the UK and US player can combine their attacks on every battle, even those in the Pacific and mainland Asia. This isn’t very realistic IMO as well as too strong. I would be scared if I was playing Japan knowing that on any given turn my fleet may be attacked by all of the US fleet and all of UK remaining fleet and Royal navy. I’m pretty sure many Japanese players don’t ‘over-build’ their navy well enough to defend against this.

    4. Tiger Tank Battalions (replace Wolf Packs)
    The massively powerful Tiger tanks were assigned to heavy tank battalions to support other units for special operations, to be deployed en masse for decisive shock action.
    You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank attack and defends on a 4 or less. Each Tiger tank costs 6 IPC’s and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers have a movement capability of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.

    Introducing new units opens up a whole new can of worms. How do you distinguish between the two types of German tanks? Also, I find that the European territories are crowded enough as it is. Now you need to have 2 separate stacks of tanks for many territories. Is it worth it?

    3. Panzergrenadiers (replace Panzerblitz)
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks.
    Each of your tanks give one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    Once again, I have almost the same rule in my house rules. Amazing. In my rule I have mechanized infanrty as a tech though, so any nation can possibly utilize mech infantry. Also, in my rule I have it so the infantry can move 2 as long as it ends up in the same territory as the tank. This is so the mech inf can move to the battlefront without the armor that’s already on the front needing to come back for the infantry.

    1. Russian Winter
    Russia’s greatest ally was its winter cold. Germany’s invasion stopped dead as the snows came down.
    Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a severe winter. Until the start of your next turn, your infantry defend on a 3.

    Should you restrict this to red territories? Russians in India or the middleast defending at 3 because of cold weather doesn’t make much sense does it? Another point in terms of realism is that the Russians couldn’t choose when to have Russian winter. In my house rules I have the winter randomized to possibly occur every 3 turns (I have 1 year = 3 turns).

  • @theduke:

    Under these rules I can’t see why Japan would choose a battleship as a casualty. The only advantage to Kamikazes is that you get to choose your hits, but since your opponent will always choose a battleship as their 1st casualty anyway, you haven’t gained anything. You should only hit a battleship if the kamikaze hit is the 2nd hit on that battleship. Actual kamikazes commonly hit either carriers or battleships but under these rules I’m afraid that kamikazes would almost exclusively only go after carriers.

    Kamikazes do only attack during the opening fire step of the first cycle of combat. And if one would like to destroy a BB one should use 4-6 kamikazes to target a BB and that most likely will kill that BB! The kamikazes always pick their targets! And kamikaze may also be used during an allied combat phase, that will prevent all ships in that sea zone from conducting shore bombardment in an amphibious assault. A destoyed BB (2 hits) may not return fire and is worth some 24 IPCs. That is a very strong NA, but you are right about that an AC would be an even more interesting target! However this rule is play tested more than 1000 times by Avalon Hill and me my self for A&AP and everyone seems to be happy about it! I think it is splending compared to all other fighter based variants I have heard of.


    This is very similar to my ‘Colonial Garrision’ rule where UK may place no more than 1 of their purchased infantry in any non-industiralized tan territory worth more than 1 IPC. I’m just curious why you defined where you may place this infantry as you did. Why New Zealand and not in the middleast?

    Cause these territories are were they came from. Concerning the Middle East: There were over two and a half million Indian citizens in uniform during the war. The Fifth Indian Division, for example, fought in the Sudan against the Italians, and then in Libya against the Germans. From North Africa the Division was moved to Iraq to protect the oilfields.


    I think this rule can easily be exploited such that it’s too powerful. For example, if UK gets to the point where they may unload 6 infantry every turn into Norway or Karelia, then they would probably have such a build-up of infantry that they would effectively be able to strongly defend every territory neighboring the teritory they are in. If UK could instantly move 10-15 infantry like that, then they could slaughter the Germans if they ever attacked a territory adjacent to these units. I think there is a good chance this rule can be exploited too much towards latter in the game.

    I dont know what you are talking about, please be more precise. I think you have not red the rule. This rule is not revised by me, it is the original one.


    It was hard enough organizing D-day. Under these Joint-Strike rules the UK and US player can combine their attacks on every battle, even those in the Pacific and mainland Asia. This isn’t very realistic IMO as well as too strong. I would be scared if I was playing Japan knowing that on any given turn my fleet may be attacked by all of the US fleet and all of UK remaining fleet and Royal navy. I’m pretty sure many Japanese players don’t ‘over-build’ their navy well enough to defend against this.

    It is a onetimer and yes it is powerful, but not too powerful in my opinion. Your idea about using it in the Pasific against the Japanese navy is a good tactic for a KJF strategy.


    Introducing new units opens up a whole new can of worms. How do you distinguish between the two types of German tanks? Also, I find that the European territories are crowded enough as it is. Now you need to have 2 separate stacks of tanks for many territories. Is it worth it?

    Tigers were legendary and this would be the exception to no new units/pieces. It is strictly nostalgic and game balanced of cause!


    Once again, I have almost the same rule in my house rules. Amazing. In my rule I have mechanized infanrty as a tech though, so any nation can possibly utilize mech infantry. Also, in my rule I have it so the infantry can move 2 as long as it ends up in the same territory as the tank. This is so the mech inf can move to the battlefront without the armor that’s already on the front needing to come back for the infantry.

    If you use it as a tech then I suggest that each matching infantry attack on a 2 as well, just like artillery. However I dont like the idea of enhancing infantry too much since it cause the IPM effect! I like my heavy artillery a lot more. But the Mech Infantry tech is my second choise!


    Should you restrict this to red territories? Russians in India or the middleast defending at 3 because of cold weather doesn’t make much sense does it? Another point in terms of realism is that the Russians couldn’t choose when to have Russian winter. In my house rules I have the winter randomized to possibly occur every 3 turns (I have 1 year = 3 turns).

    That idea is not bad at all, I will restrict it for red territories only! The every 3rd turn variant would be too complex/advanced in my opinion.

  • just because a rule is from the box doesn’t mean i like it. i dislike many of the box rules, which is the main motivation driving my house rules. i know that some of the rules you used here are from the box, but i still have contention with them.

    Kamikazes do only attack during the opening fire step of the first cycle of combat. And if one would like to destroy a BB one should use 4-6 kamikazes to target a BB and that most likely will kill that BB! The kamikazes always pick their targets! And kamikaze may also be used during an allied combat phase, that will prevent all ships in that sea zone from conducting shore bombardment in an amphibious assault. A destoyed BB (2 hits) may not return fire and is worth some 24 IPCs. That is a very strong NA, but you are right about that an AC would be an even more interesting target! However this rule is play tested more than 1000 times by Avalon Hill and me my self for A&AP and everyone seems to be happy about it! I think it is splending compared to all other fighter based variants I have heard of.

    Play testing is mostly to weed out rules that can be exploited to be too powerful. Rules that are not as effective as they should be will probably pass play testing. This Kamikaze rule is not as effective as it should be so it doesn’t surprise me that it passed play testing, but I still have a problem with it because it’s not that effective (at least towards battleships).

    Cause these territories are were they came from. Concerning the Middle East: There were over two and a half million Indian citizens in uniform during the war. The Fifth Indian Division, for example, fought in the Sudan against the Italians, and then in Libya against the Germans. From North Africa the Division was moved to Iraq to protect the oilfields.

    I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I don’t think New Zealand is any more likely or able to support an infantry division than a territory in the middle east. If New Zealand has enough production ability to support an infantry division then Trans-Jordan should as well. I don’t think either territory should be able to place an infantry there. I think it will be simplier if you just define which territories can support that infantry by saying any territory worth over 1 IPC can place an infantry there. This would exclude New Zealand and W. Canada but worth the added simplicity in the rule definition.

    If you use it as a tech then I suggest that each matching infantry attack on a 2 as well, just like artillery. However I dont like the idea of enhancing infantry too much since it cause the IPM effect! I like my heavy artillery a lot more. But the Mech Infantry tech is my second choise!

    I have mech inf and heavy rtl as the same tech. I’ve haven’t come up with a name for it yet that I love, but right now I call it Ground Warfare.

    I think rtl attacking at 3 is too powerful. This is because with the box rules no unit has a better attack value (factoring cost) than infantry has defense. Here are some numbers:

    Box rules:
    inf cost 3 and defend at 2.
    arm (the best offensive for the cost) cost 5 and attack at 3.
    assume russia is on defense and germany is on offense and both have the same amount of IPCs, let’s say 30 IPCs.
    russia decides to buy 10 inf and have a defense of 102=20.
    germany decides to buy 6 armor and have a offense of 6
    the best offense has less attack value than inf have defense value.

    Your heavy rtl rules:
    inf cost 3 and defend at 2.
    h. rtl cost 4 and attack at 3.
    russia buys 10 inf and defense value is 102=20 (same as before)
    germany buys 7 rtl and saves 2 IPCs. 7
    germany still has a better attack value than russia has a defense value even though they spend 2 less.
    alternatively you could make the ‘theoretical’ calculation germany buys 7.5 rtl and has an attack value of 7.53=22.5

    My argument is this: with the box rules there was no unit on offense that could beat inf on defense. the only way to beat all inf defense is by spending more on offense than is spent on all inf defense. Now with your rules heavy rtl has a stronger attack value than inf has defense value. true, inf will probably still win because there are more of them, but the greater attack value than defense value might be too much for the Russians to handle.

  • @theduke:

    I think rtl attacking at 3 is too powerful. This is because with the box rules no unit has a better attack value (factoring cost) than infantry has defense. …

    My argument is this: with the box rules there was no unit on offense that could beat inf on defense. the only way to beat all inf defense is by spending more on offense than is spent on all inf defense. Now with your rules heavy rtl has a stronger attack value than inf has defense value. true, inf will probably still win because there are more of them, but the greater attack value than defense value might be too much for the Russians to handle.

    You forgett one thing that is important. To get heavy rtl (attack on 3), one has to spend some 30 IPCs. If you consider that aspect then your box rules will say somthing else! :wink:

    It is not too powerful to have rtl to attack on 3. I suggest you playtest it for a couple of times and you will find out the same. :)

    Considering my reply to you why my kamikaze rule is powerful and balanced, you cannot be serious. That NA will almost for sure sink enemy pieces worth at least 24 IPCs and possibly save Japan from an invasion. I thought you were a resonable man. :-?

    However I like your suggestion to the CWT NA, about only territory worth over 1 IPC. :D

  • let me get this straight, kamikazes are automatically always removed after the first round of combat? they only attack at a 2? i just want to be clear before i do any calculations.

    I thought you were a resonable man.

    i am only as reasonable as the numbers allow me to be. after that, all bets are off :wink:

  • @theduke:

    let me get this straight, kamikazes are automatically always removed after the first round of combat? they only attack at a 2? i just want to be clear before i do any calculations.

    Remeber that the carriers were always the primary target for kamikazes! Considering a kamikaze attack on a singel targetted unloaded AC. Using all six kamikazes. There is a 91,2 percent chance ( 1 - 4/6^6) of sinking that AC worth 15 IPCs which is compareable to the Colonial Garrison advantage. One must not forget that an AC is almost always loaded and that the kamikazes actually doesn’t cost anything to Japan! Now I made the math for you too! :wink: More over this kamikaze rule are of a psycological/strategical value!

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