Seth the newbie axis vs strategic planner allies $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • Just as an fyi for uk, submerge any german ss if no dd present

  • Russia buy 11 inf 1art.
    Move caucus inf to Volgograd
    Move 1 Bessarabia inf to Ukraine
    Move west Ukraine units to Ukraine
    Move Baltic states inf to Novgorod
    move vyborg and Karelia and archangel and Belarus  inf to Novgorod
    Move 1 east Poland inf to Baltic states
    Move Russia mechinf/tank to Stalingrad
    Move Novgorod ftr to Russia
    Move all Stalingrad units to ukraine(besides new arrivals)(inf to Rostov)
    Place 10inf in Moscow, place inf/art in Ukraine
    Collect 37ipc
    Proceed with japan

  • Please do your noncoms like this:
    Ex [(unit type and amount) from (territory) to (territory)]
    You don’t have to do the brackets and parentheses when doing this.
    Thanks, this makes it clearer!

  • You can’t move aa on land
    What is Sita?
    Proceed with Japan urgently!

  • @strategic:

    You can’t move aa on land
    What is Sita?
    Proceed with Japan urgently!

    I’m definitely allowed to move my aa around during noncombat. Feel free to move your USSR aa on US’s turn this time if you wanted/needed them moved before Germany goes again. Just to confirm, you’ve left an inf behind in Caucasus. Or did both go to Vol? sita is S. Italy

  • Both went to vol.
    Thanks for Sita.
    My bad on aa sorry
    I might move aa.

  • So, I’m slightly confused. Who is going to rostov? No moves in the soviet far east? No move out of Russia besides mech/arm? Also, please name the territories and not the VC as I don’t have the game board and battlemap just has a star for the VCs and doesn’t name them. If we’re going to continue this, let’s summarize all units for that power as we complete each turn. So for example I’ve got the USSR as such

    sz127 - ss
    sz115 - ss, ca
    Nov - 16inf, art, 2aa, AB, NB, minor
    Bal - inf
    Epl - inf
    Bes - inf
    Ukr - 6inf, 2art, mech, arm, minor
    Vol - 2inf, mech, arm
    Rus - 11inf, art, 2aa, 2ftr, tac, AB, major
    Bury - 6inf
    Sak - 6inf, 2aa
    Amur - 6inf

    I’m not attacking USSR w/Japan and what they do won’t affect my turn much if at all. Please make any corrections to USSR and/or correct me if I’m wrong with where I have your troops before doing US. I’ll consider USSR complete as I just listed if US turn goes.

  • Japan T1
    Purchase 2trn, dd, save 4

    2inf, art Jehol to Chahar wi
    3inf, art Shantung to Anwhe wi

    Hunan (2inf)
    3inf, art Kiangsi
    2ftr, 2tac(1) Manchuria
    ftr(1) Formosa

    ADiceInput ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “/>D” is not correct 2@2:

    Yunan (4inf)
    3inf, art Kwangtung
    2bmb(1) Japan
    ftr, tac(1) Kiangsu

    ADiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 1@3 3@4; Total Hits: 62@1: (2, 1)2@2: (1, 2)1@3: (3)3@4: (3, 4, 5)
    DDiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 14@2: (6, 5, 2, 3)

  • Hunan (3inf, art, 3ftr, 2tac vs 2inf)
    ADiceRolls: 2@1 2@2 3@3 2@4; Total Hits: 52@1: (4, 4)2@2: (1, 2)3@3: (1, 5, 6)2@4: (4, 2)
    DDiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 4)

    Yunan tw/inf loss

  • Com Results

    Hunan twol
    Yunan tw/inf loss
    all air from battles to Kwangsi
    ftr Okinawa to Kwangsi
    ftr Korea to Kwangsi
    3inf, art Kiangsu to Kiangsi
    inf, arm Japan to Kiangsu v/t
    mech Manchuria to Anhwe
    3inf, art, aa Manchuria to Jehol
    trn sz20 > sz34
    ca sz20 > sz36
    ss, dd, bb sz19 > sz36
    ss, 2dd, ca, bb, 2cv, 2ftr, 2tac sz6 > sz33
    inf, art japan to Kwangsi
    4inf Korea to Manchuria
    ftr, tac Japan to Caroline
    ftr, tac Japan to Kwangsi

    Place 2trn, dd sz6

    Collect 30 + 10 NO + 4 saved = 44ipc

    Japan - 4inf, art, 3aa, AB, NB, Major
    Manchuria - 7inf
    Jehol - 3inf, art, aa
    Chahar - 2inf, art
    Anhwe - 3inf, art, mech
    Hunnan - 3inf, art
    Kiangsu - inf, arm
    Kiangsi - 3inf, art
    Kwangsi - inf, art, 7ftr, 4tac, 2bmb
    Yunnan - 2inf, art
    Siam - 2inf
    Okinawa - 1inf
    Palau - 1inf
    Caroline - 2inf, aa, ftr, tac, NB, AB
    Iwo - inf
    sz6 - 2trn, dd
    sz19 - trn
    sz36 - ss, trn, dd, ca, bb
    sz34 - trn
    sz33 - ss, 3dd, ca, bb, 3cv, 3ftr, 3tac

  • Move all Russian inf to Amur/ the aa guns to Amur.
    US buys:
    1 aircraft carrier
    1 naval base
    3 transports

    Move cruiser/transport from 101 to 64.
    Move sz 10 fleet to sz 84
    Move sz 26 fleet to sz 84(load 2 inf in trn, move trn to 84)
    Move EUSA/WUSA ftrs sz 101(to be placed on ac)
    Place naval base in central America
    Place aircraft carrier 101
    Place 3 trannies in 10.
    Move bmr to Iceland
    Sz 84 1ac(1tacbmr1ftr), 1bb, 3ca 2dd 1ss 3trn
    Sz101 1ac,2ftr
    Sz 10 3trn
    WUSA 2inf 1mech 1art 2aa
    Cusa inf, 3mechm 1tank
    EUSA inf,art,2aa gun
    Phillipenes 2inf ftr 1dd 1ss

  • China buy 3 art
    No combat moves
    Schezwan 7inf(1from shensi) 3art, 1ftr
    Suyinunan inf
    Hopei inf
    Collect 8ipcs.

  • The burma road is cut, so no art for China. Are you leaving the ftrs in haw? I’m assuming you’ve massed your fleet in sz64 vs sz84. Your bomber can’t move to Iceland as that’s a UK territory, you’re limited to your own territories until there’s a DoW by someone. Please break up your moves by com, noncom, and then placement. Otherwise things get confusing when your placement is in the middle of your moves. I await your UK before Italy can go.

  • My bad on the bomber. Move to EUSA.
    The Hawaii ftrs are moved to central America.
    Sorry about Burma road I tought ou could the first turn but apparently not. Change to 4inf in schezwan.

  • Uk Europe buys 3 tanks, 1 fighter.
    Sz 96 1ca 1dd 1trn 1 ac(without tac bmr) vs 1dd 1trn
    (I think the tac bmr on this next one is legal, but I am not sure so correct if I’m wrong)
    Sz91 ca Malta ftr sz 98 tac bmr vs. sz 95 ca,dd,ss,trn
    Sz 109dd/trn all England and Scotland ftrs (3) uk bmr (1) vs sz 112 bb,ca,trn

  • Sz 96

    DiceRolls: 1@3 1@2; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)1@2: (6)vs
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

    Sz 95
    DiceRolls: 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@3: (2, 2)1@4: (4)vs
    DiceRolls: 1@3 1@2 1@1; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)1@2: (5)1@1: (4)

    Sz 112
    DiceRolls: 1@2 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 31@2: (3)3@3: (1, 3, 5)1@4: (1)vs
    DiceRolls: 1@4 1@3; Total Hits: 11@4: (2)1@3: (6)

  • Sz 96 t.w.o.l.
    Sz 95 took w 1ftr 1tac
    Sz 112 next round 1 bb with 1 hit left 1trn vs
    3ftr 1bmr
    DiceRolls: 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 13@3: (6, 1, 5)1@4: (6)
    DiceRolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 01@4: (5)

  • Sz 112 taken with 1trn 3ftr 1bmr.

  • Ncm
    Place sz 96 battle air on the ac in 96.
    Place sz 112 battle air onto England
    Move inf art tank from Alexandria to Egypt
    Move Sudan inf to Egypt
    Move allOntario units to Quebec
    Move sz 71dd to sz 79
    Place 3tank in south Africa
    Place ftr in England
    Europe board reads
    South Africa)2inf 3tank
    Alexandria) 1inf
    Egypt) 4inf 2art 1mech 1tank 2anzac inf
    Sz 96) 1ac(1ftr 1tac) 1ca 1dd 1trn
    Sz 79) 1dd
    Sz 112) trn
    Quebec) 2inf art tank
    Scotland) 2inf
    England) 2inf 1mech 4ftr 1bmr 4aa French 1ftr 2inf

  • Uk pacific buy 1 ac
    Move sz 39 fleet to 37.(load transport with 2inf unload in Malaya)
    Move west India inf to India
    Place ac in 39, load India ftr/tac onto it.
    PAC reads
    India)5inf art
    Burma) 2inf ftr
    Malaya) 5inf 1anzac inf
    Kwangtung) 2inf
    39) 1ac with ftr tac
    37) 1bb 1ca 2dd 1trn

    UKPAC collects 16ipc
    UKEURO collects 29tt + 5NO= 34 ipc

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