• '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    This is just a threat :-) from aaclubdk.dk ´cos we never seem to be able to keep a 28 day forum alive.

    Wednesday 22.jan.
    4 players present.
    Jonas, Jakob aka Ghostglider, von Smedman and Bjergmose.
    We decided to play ´41 with Nobs.
    Jonas - Japan
    Bjergmose - Germany/Italy
    Jakob - Russia/USA
    von Smedman - UK (1st game AE).

    The game was decided in 1st round when Germany tried to take Karelia with everything but the kitchen sink. The kitchen sink would´ve had a bigger chance.
    3 inf 1 rt 3 ftr 1 bmb and a cruiser support short = zero dead commies.
    5 inf 1 rt = zero surviving ground units and the aa took a ftr too.
    Disaster. The axis tried to rally and come back, but against a determined US-fleet that pulled west 1st round and a steady increase in russian bombers nothing worked. Italy fell quickly and when Japan couldn´t pressure mother Russia the japanese leader Jonas threw in the towel. Germany would´ve liked to fight to the end (most likely next round).

    The axis would have lost anyway…but it´s a million to one chance, it might be this game we pull it off?
    Actually I think you should play to the end. The odds of a Karelia attack like mine is 0,05 % that no russians gets killed, so when the allies attacks Berlin I might get lucky too?
    We´ll call it a draw then…as all my games are.

    Next week:
    Is Jonas ready for the clash of the trash?
    2 guys…zero victories…who will come out on top…will they ever win? :wink:

    To be continued…

  • I agree, unless there is some kind of time restraint i always play games to the end because you never really know what’s gonna happen. It’s also interesting to see who ends up with what
    For example: Last weeks game ended in Russia capturing Japan after the US obliterated both sides with a massive amphibious assault, allowing the lone Russian transport to land its 1infand win the game :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Wednesday 29th of january.

    So the giant tumbled. And he tumbled hard.
    The unbeaten…undisputed champion of Denmark Jakob Ghostglider who had an unbeaten streak since the Danish championship in early october last year was taken by surprise.

    A determined axis team lead by von Smedman (GER/IT) with heavy support by Bjergmose (JAP) overtook the stunned allies Ghostglider (UK/US) and Jens (RUS/US).

    A strong opening by the Germans left the UK with only SZ12 navy intact.
    The german panzers were curled up in the middle, and Karelia was ignored 1st round.
    Egypt was a bloodbath leaving no units on both sides.
    Russia failed to retake Ukraine and when the italians softened up Caucasus the Germans could take it and hold it 2nd round.
    The japanese was expanding as fast as possible and US and UK tried to rally the troops.

    3rd (and final) round Germany attacked and took Moscow against all odds (33%).
    The allies panicked and didn´t see the Japanese transports that took Los Angeles with 2 inf.
    Desperate times…the UK made a suicide landing against Berlin and when the US couldn´t retake LA all eyes were on their last effort.
    Berlin was attacked again with 6 units against seven. Then it was 3 vs. 3 and last round a single artillery scored a hit against the italian fighter. This was a nerve-wrecking last roll of the dice. But a hit secured the draw. France was liberated…Berlin was empty but it was enough to win the war. Good game. And fast. 3 rounds of action.

    Next week…who will feel the wrath of Ghostglider…it´s payback time…

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    Wednesday 4th of feb.

    So Ghostglider rebounded. After 8 or 9 rounds the axis surrendered (due to the hard facts and off course the time of day…Jens had to go to work next day….otherwise we would still be fighting…and maybe winning  :-D)
    He played allies against Jens (GER/IT) and Bjergmose (JAP).

    Germany tried to break the russian line and disrupt the Royal Navy. The russians were pushed back a little but never enough to break the line. Karelia fell once but was quickly retaken. The Royal Navy was hit hard 1st round but 3 brand-new cruisers was enough to keep the luftwaffe at bay.
    The Russians held their line and bolstered their attacking force with 3 bombers all-in-all.
    One russian bomber helped to keep the Imperial Japanese Navy down and landed in Australia. The army were never close to Berlin…but and the other hand never close to defeat.
    Japan tried to push hard first round, but found out the forces were spread to thin. Ghostglider managed to take out a lot of ships with the US airforce.
    Japan struggled in China too, but heavy bombers round 3 or 4 brought them back on the mainland. But the japanese onslaught was ended after they took and quickly lost Caucasus.
    UK bought a lot of ships and kept landing in france and holland again and again. The secured norway and finland early so the loss of africa didn´t sting that much. The British were the proud owners of some powerfull rockets, but somehow they managed to never fire a single one. Good sportsmanship or just alzheimers? :roll:
    Italy was at a point the strongest axis partner. Income 30 ipc. Maintained their fleet and controlled Mare Nostrum. They even took India with permission from Tokyo…who later realised the mistake…no forward industry  :cry:  But long-range and jet fighters took out the Italian navy and Italy was grounded. 3 bombers though.
    The US sent their pacific navy down south and co-operated with the australian navy to retake the expensive islands in the pacific. When overpowered it sailed south of africa and ended in the atlantic ocean. US had all tech-2 but their most precious heavy bombers.
    They also kept landing in france to keep the germans and italians occupied.

    Good game even though I almost lost  :wink:

    Next week…Bjergmose have to work…who will be the next worst player ever  :|

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Wednesday 18th of feb. 2009
    Captains log…

    No report last week as I was busy working  :-o
    But Ghostglider continued to rule…this time over John who has returned
    from the dark side (final exam).

    Yesterday Ghostglider teamed up with yours truly…Bjergmose…and once again ruled supreme. Ghostglider controlled GER/IT and Bjergmose JAP. John managed the ALLIES.

    Germany started once again with all panzers held in formard-reserve in East Poland, securing Ukraine and the Baltics too. Egypt held with 1 ftr.
    Later they rolled over the russians, thanks to Italy punching holes in the russian defense.
    Moscow fell 3rd round but was retaken. Then Caucasus and later Leningrad changed owner.
    The Royal Navy was annihilated 4th round and never came back leaving Europe german.
    Russia hadn´t heard of the axis plan to use Italy to punch through the 1-infantry defense, leaving Moscow unguarded. They never truly recovered from that loss.
    Japan had a perfect 1st round, but everything went downhill from there. But Japan managed to survive a naval defeat against the US, thanks to their supersubs. They still managed to take half of Africa and even ended in Brazil.
    UK did things by the book, but quickly lost income and a failed landing in France left them struggling. When their navy was sunk just south of Sweden everything was lost. With an income of 20-25 and no US support they simply faded away.
    Italy conquered the other half of Africa and had 10 armors heading for Moscow with a small airforce to support it when the game was ended.
    US of A went all-in against Japan but failed the kill them…only slowing them down.
    A fatal lack in the naval intelligence department left the japanese submarines hard to destroy(er).
    After the 7th german turn the allied commander surrendered.

    1st round (incl.setup)  58 min.
    2nd round                 37 min.
    3rd round                  35 min.
    4th round                 35 min.
    5th round                 34 min.
    6th round                 29 min.

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    Long time…no threat.

    Been kinda quiet at the club.

    Last week Bjergmose played against Ghostglider in a new setup.
    We wanted to find a way to be able to play the Danish Championsship in October using AE.
    There seems to be some old-schoolers in our midst who prefers Revised over AE,
    but I for one will rather play AE.

    We (read:Bjergmose) thought that counting VC after round 7 could give the game a score and then we could play 3 games in a 4-player group and have the best from 2 groups meet in the final.

    But as we both agreed this setup only results in a weird game.
    Come 5th round both sides began to ran out ouf usefull things to buy.
    Both the US and Japan will not be able to buy any units that would have an impact before the game ended.

    So I´ll have to find another way to install AE as Danish Championsship game….

    PS: Ghostglider won

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Wednesday 29th of april.

    3 men present.
    Ghostglider (ALLIED), Brian (GER/IT) and yours truly…Bjergmose… (JAP).

    This was Brians first game in 4 months and he proved to be a bit rusty.
    It proved costly that he didn´t listen to a little friendly japanese advice :-(

    Germany tried to secure Karelia but in doing so lost 2 ftrs and left the Royal Navy almost intact. After that is was all downhill. A 3rd round Sea-Lion attempt failed. Had 1 inf 1 arm 4 ftr 1 bmb and a cru support shot vs. 4 inf and 3 ftr. All the germans died and so did 3 british inf  :oops: Only positive thing was Berlins crack aa-gun…3 for 3… :-D and a solid defense against a russian assault.
    Russia slowly produced a massive number of inf to march against Berlin. Held of the japanese in a circle outside Moscow.
    Japan pushed as hard as they could, but couldn´t push hard enough. The arrival of heavy bombers to the european battleground came to late. They took the US-navy out of the game, conquered all of Africa and Asia…had industries in South Africa/Egypt/India but still a lack of ground units to seriously threaten ol´ mother Russia.
    UK slipped up for a few seconds and was nearly taken by Germany. This was due to the aforementioned German aa-gun that left London 2 US-bombers short. But after that they slowly took down the Atlantic wall.
    Italy lost their navy 1st round. At the end of the game they had more ground-units than Germany, but couldn´t defend Rome. Had a good shot at repelling the US onslaught but failed miserably…sealing the fate of the Axis. :cry:
    USA went after Germany. Managed to take Rome. Lost 7 trn to long-range japanese bmb. After that they turned to heavy bmb production.

    A 4 hour game. 7 maybe 8 rounds…didn´t count them.

  • Nice, I enjoyed reading those!  Thanks for posting them.  I’m itching to play a game, its been over a month since I could get someone up to my house!

  • @HannibalSW:

    Nice, I enjoyed reading those!  Thanks for posting them.  I’m itching to play a game, its been over a month since I could get someone up to my house!

    Same here, playing by forum is no fun, and tripleA is too buggy
    face to face is the way to go! :-D

  • Yes, I love them to! Today I will go for Karelia the first turn, even thou I don’t really like that strategy. If it fails, it’s down hill from there.)

    Edit: I did my Karelia opening with Germany, but as always it was at total failure. I didn’t hit anything in the Atlantic and Soviet took Karelia back directly. putting heavy pressure on my German east front. The game seemed lost. However, when I played chess on quite high level, I learnt how important psychology is: If you stand in a hopeless position, you might try to exaggerate how sad you are by shaking your head etc. Then the enemy may become ignorant. And bingo - this is what happened!! I kept buying Italian and German bombers, bud he didn’t build any more naval units. He just kept invading France, until “bang” I hit his naval units in the Atlantic. He lost everything. At the same time I started occupying the west USA with Japan. And 3 turns later, I was holding both west USA and England with the Axis. He then gave up. Things may change very fast. Don’t underestimate psychology when playing chess and A&A.  :roll:


  • @hakan:

    Yes, I love them to! Today I will go for Karelia the first turn, even thou I don’t really like that strategy. If it fails, it’s down hill from there.)

    Edit: I did my Karelia opening with Germany, but as always it was at total failure. I didn’t hit anything in the Atlantic and Soviet took Karelia back directly. putting heavy pressure on my German east front. The game seemed lost. However, when I played chess on quite high level, I learnt how important psychology is: If you stand in a hopeless position, you might try to exaggerate how sad you are by shaking your head etc. Then the enemy may become ignorant. And bingo - this is what happened!! I kept buying Italian and German bombers, bud he didn’t build any more naval units. He just kept invading France, until “bang” I hit his naval units in the Atlantic. He lost everything. At the same time I started occupying the west USA with Japan. And 3 turns later, I was holding both west USA and England with the Axis. He then gave up. Things may change very fast. Don’t underestimate psychology when playing chess and A&A.  :roll:


    Psychological warfare saves the day again!  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    So…wednesday again.

    Once again we were 3 gamers.
    Ghostglider (GER/IT), Jonas (JAP) and you-know-who (allies).

    Jonas finally had time to play. He took the safe pick - Japan.
    After 8 turns time ended the game…it was almost a draw.
    The game was turning towards the dark side, mainly due to the fact that
    Germany had developed heavy bombers, and had 4 waiting on Berlins airstrips.
    But nothing was final. Would have…could have…should have.
    At closing time it was a draw all agreed diplomatically  :-)

    Germany rolled slowly towards Moscow but never secured anything threatening.
    They managed to secure Karelia once, but quickly lost it. Had mainland europe
    secured with plenty of infantry.
    Russia defended well against Germany and sent their southern army to India to disrupt the japanese frontline production. They marched through eastern europe, but went back east to regroup  :wink:
    Japan expanded in a evergrowing circle, but couldn´t push beyond China. Secured the entire pacific. When the game ended they earned around 70 ipc and had factories in India, Sumatra and Manchuria.
    UK took France 1st round but never reclaimed it. Maintained their fleet throughout the game and kept harrasing the german shores. Had Africa at end-game.
    Italy helped fortify France and kept the Us-navy at bay one ship at a time. Was economically challenged in the second half.
    USA attacked full force first round killing the japanese battleship, but ended at the bottom of the sea 2nd round, when they failed to shoot back. They slowly built up against europe and liberated Africa finally landing in Balkans.

    The deciding factor…apart from the everpresent dices-from-hell…was my lack of defensive abilities. If the odds are almost even…maybe 45-55 I´ll press the attack.
    Sometimes it´s suicide…sometimes it´s fun to throw out those nasty old campers.
    In my opinion it makes the game more fun (for me anyways…if not my partners  :-o).

    Time: 4 h 40 min.
    1st round  68 min.
    2nd          25 min.
    3rd          32 min.
    4th          32 min.
    5th          30 min.
    6th          36 min.
    7th          32 min.
    8th          25 min.

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    This just in….
    “We really did have a wonder weapon” says german general!

    Last night the Moscow was overrun by Der Wehrmacht.

    World leaders present yesterday;
    Ghostglider (allies),Brian (Germany and Italy) and Bjergmose (Japan).

    It was time for a rematch after Ghostglider prevailed last time we fought it out.
    This time Brian stepped up  :-o

    Germany took out the Royal navy 1st round, and again 2 nd round, then build a factory in France that kept France secured the rest of the game…except a US surprice attack before it could produce any units. Germanys scientists developed mech.inf just in time to turn back the russian tide, rolling all the way to Moscow in a bold attack clinching the axis victory.
    Russia was slowly taking eastern europe under their wings, but was repelled. They managed to regroup, forcing a stalemate. But alas…a venture into Persia left Moscow undermanned and they were overrun.
    Japan had a brand-new set of plans. They wanted to force the US to a fight in the pacific, hoping to help Germany that way. 1st-round long-range helped the japanese, who set out to wipe out the entire US-navy. But the lord-of-dice didn´t agree leaving the japanese struggling. They managed to struggle back, but was never a threat to neither US or Russia.
    UK quickly found their navy bottom-up, and with a low-income they never really bounced back. They did manage to take out the Italian navy, but that was it.
    Italy looked good. But a british attack sunk the navy. Then it was back on foot (and tracks) and they did take Karelia in the end.
    USA weakened the japanese war-effort and tried to send infantry to Europe, but it was impossible to gain foothold in a heavily fortified europe. Did manage to stun the french production, overwhelming 4 inf with 1 inf 1 arm and 1 bmb.

    A good…and different game…Ghostglider was ready to call it a draw, but Brian wanted to go all-in against Moscow. 6 inf 1 rt 9 arm 1 ftr 1 bmb attacked against 15 inf 1 rt 3 arm and 3 bmb. The germans hit 10 times in the 1st volley sealing the deal. After Moscow fell the russians could reclaim it, but it would fall again and Ghostglider admitted one of his rare defeats  :-)

    1;1.22  2;0.42  3;0.35  4;0.35  5;0.47  6;0.34  7;0.07 (only germans)

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    Unsportsmanlike conduct  :x

    The usual suspects Ghostglider (Japan), Brian (allies) and yours truly (Ger/It)
    once again had our wednesday battle-hunger satisfied.

    The unfair player mentioned was me…Ghostglider had chosen Japan and I was next
    to pick. So I left the rookie (almost) alone to face the 2 mighty giants.
    It was a short and brutal fight. 4 rounds and Brian had to give up.

    Germany only let the Canadian destroyer live 1st round. Africa was quickly secured and a slow steady built-up of armor in the east proved to much for Russia. Karelia fell 2nd round and Moscow 4th round closing the deal.
    Russia tried to defend, but didn´t see the italians ready to punch a gap leading towards Moscow. Terrible defense in both Karelia and Manchuria wiped out 14 units almost for free.
    Did manage to retake Moscow and straighten out the front, but it wasn´t enough.
    Japan slowly expanded. Did leave India on british hands, taking Australia and all the islands instead. But the game was over before they could start to shine.
    UK took Norway and placed an IC there. Didn´t have a large enough navy to threaten mainland Europe.
    Italy lost their navy…a bit unexpected…but cleared the road to Moscow.
    US developed long range and took out the Italian navy and a japanese AC that was left alone, but couldn´t distract the Germans from their objective.

    But I should think that Brian doesn´t forget about the Italian armoured fist again.

    But to his defense I also find it a bit stressfull to play the allies alone.
    You have to hurry up and doesn´t have the time to plan ahead,
    to lean back and get the big picture.

    Time:2 h. 58 min
    1;67 min   2;55 min  3;41 min   4;15 min (Ger-Rus)

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    The updated rating from our little club
    as there seems to be some sort of technical difficulties
    updating on the homepage :-D

    Fornavn(e)……Rating    Won-Lost-Draw
    Ghostglider……2080        14-2-3
    Svend Kristian…2026          4-1-1
    Kristian…2003          2-1
    Christian…2003          5-7-2
    Svend…2000          4-1-1
    Kenneth…1996          1-2
    Jens Christian…1992          3-3-1
    Allan…1982          0-2
    John…1980          2-4-1
    Brian…1971          2-6
    Jonas…1967          2-6-1

    Not official since I called 1 of my games a draw but Ghostglider begs to differ :-o

  • do you keep W/L by side?  Curious who is doing the winning in your group as they seem pretty active (not sure how many of these games are AA50 games)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    We have recorded 12 Rev. games and 18 AE50.
    Score (Axis-Allies-Draw)

    But after the first few lets-get-the-hang-of-this games
    the Axis seems to have the upperhand.
    Last 7 games the score is 5-1-1.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    The king is dead….long live the king :-o

    Last wednesday Brian and Ghostglider called their game a draw.
    Yesterday there were no such thing.
    As always Brian, Ghostglider and Bjergmose clashed.
    The rest of our club might be overwhelmed by our increasing AE-xperience?

    Spoiler-alert….Bjergmose is on fire…3 games in a row.

    Bjergmose decided to take the allies, as Ghostglider and Brian had done the 2 previous
    games, to come full-circle :roll:

    Germany opted for the fortress europe plan. But they took the evil russian Caucasus-bait and ended up losing all their armored forces for nothing, leaving them without any offensive possibilities. Their fortress europe was getting ever smaller, leaving them with only Berlin and Poland when they gave up.
    Russia stayed on the ground. Infantry and armor saved the day. Mech. inf sealed the deal. Moscow was never in any kind of trouble and with a steady income between 40-50 early on, and they just kept spitting out men and armor.
    Japan expanded, but not as fast as usual. A lost trn round 1 sabotaged more than expected. They had ic in India, Burma, Man and Fic but the russian juggernaut was ready to take them back.
    UK was lucky enough to keep their bb 1st round. Managed to invade Italy round 4 and France round 7 and 8. Had some terrible landings early on.
    Italy started out okay, but was overrun 4th round and wiped out 8th round.
    USA bought 5 ac w/2 ftr and kept a steady pressure on Italy/Africa/France. With 4 ac and 8 ftr anchored around Gibraltar they kept harrasing the axis.

    The chinese survived all the way to turn 6. A first in our group I think. We had a problem concerning chinese infantry placement, but I´ve read that only chinese units count towards stacking limits. But we figured it out. :-)

    I still think it´s stressfull to play alone against 2 guys, but I just have to
    slow down and relax. Only forgot to liberate SAfrica and to protect 2 UK bombers
    in Algeria :-(

    Allready looking forward to next week :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    The King still reigns :-D

    Ghosthglider decided it was time for a rematch…and a rematch it was.
    Bjergmose won once again.

    Ghostglider had 1st choice and took Japan, leaving Brian the option between playing alone
    or trying the Germans one more time. He took the easy way out.
    Or so he thought :-)

    Germany tried to take out the Royal Navy, but kept looking to the skies for the luftwaffes safe return. Sadly they washed up on the shores  :cry: A solid infantry production kept mainland europe german almost to the end, but when the last panzers were dead, the german tiger lost its teeth.
    Russia kept the plains swarmed with infantry and armor, holding both the germans and the japanese at arms length. The lone russian sub (and 3 ftr) made it to the Med and took out the Italian navy without a single loss. :-o
    Japan tried to go around the chinese, but it was too slow  :oops: When they finally kicked out the last chinese russia was to strong. Lost lotsa fighters on the way to defeat.
    UK only lost 1 dd 1st round and managed to punch bigger and bigger holes in the german defense. Had 2 very unsuccesfull landings, but managed to rebound. Kept africa throughout the game.
    Italy took Ukraine by storm at one point, but otherwise didn´t have a big impact on the game.
    US tried to disrupt the japanese war effort, while maintaining a steady pressure on the soft underbelly of europe.
    China survived all the way to round 7, but didn´t really make a difference. Poor dicemanship kept them strugling, eventhough the japanese let the flying tigers survive to the end.

    At the beginning of round 8 the axis surrendered. It was only a matter of time before Berlin and Rome would fall, and with no real pressure on Moscow it was not even close  :wink:

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    There is no easy way to tell this….yesterday I lost.  :cry:

    It was…of course… no fault of mine. My japanese ally didn´t do what he was supposed to i.e. all the hard work.
    It is funny…everytime I lose it is not my fault, but when I win it was 100% me.  :roll:
    Not my strong side to play on defense. Shouldn´t have attacked with my panzers in Caucasus.
    And my air-attack against the Royal Navy was futile.

    Ghostglider played allies. Brian played Japan and yours truly took control over GER/IT

    Germany had a good early run. Felt pressured to seize control over Caucasus and almost succeeded. But all their armor was lost and it was a slow decline from that point. Did manage to prolong the inevitable…but alas.
    Russia stood their ground. Was stunned in 1st round counterattacks, but expanded slowly towards Berlin.
    Japan tried to reinvent first round must-dos…but instead they found the golden not-to-do. Don´t move your ac´s to Hawai. Don´t miss with ftr vs. Dd. Never a serious threat to Moscow.
    UK kept their navy strong enough to keep taking France and just beyond Luftwaffes attacking capability. An ic in norway didn´t have the expected impact.  Financial crisis due to loss of Africa.
    Italy conquered all of Africa, and ended looking stronger than Germany. But couldn´t assist everywhere the allies attacked.
    US had an evergrowing army landing in Africa and France. Liberated Africa and was ready for the final push.

    So lesson learned. Dig in and wait for the japanese to arrive.

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