Antholin vs. Stalingradski Game One

  • Here we are!

    Firstly, some game etiquette. Generally, people download the map, open it up in ABattlemap to start your turn.

    Purchase your units - this will generally look like this (people do it differently, but in general), spelled out right here in the thread:

    Germany Turn 1 purchases 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, Mech Infantry = 30 IPCs.

    Next, you manipulate the combat map to do all of your combat moves. Some people spell these all out - Steve and I don’t because it takes too long. It’s your choice. You might already know this, but you can delete units using the DEL command in the upper right corner. You can add pieces using the Tool Bar box you’ll find in the bottom left. Click on a piece you want (a German Infantry, for esample), and add it to the territory you’re attacking. Click to keep adding. If you want to add or erase 10 at a time, use CTRL while you click. Pressing SHIFT and clicking will do 5 units at a time.

    Once you have all of your combat moves done, use FILE in the upper left corner to Save As - and save the game with a new name. I’ll usually make sure the file name has our names or initials, the game number, the turn number, and the portion of the turn we’re in. So, JRG1T1GERcom means Jeff, Rod, Game 1, Turn 1, Germany’s combat moves.

    Next, you roll dice right here on the server. It is best to do it all on one page, round by round, rather than doing a separate post for each and every combat. So, it looks like this:

    Germany is attacking a Russian territory (Bryansk) with 3 Infantry, an Artillery, a Fighter, and a Tactical Bomber. Russia defends with 2 Infantry, Armor. The code looks like this, but in the real game you use a real colon -

    Attacker <colon>aaa 2@1, 2@2, 1@3, 1@4 <colon>Defender <colon>aaa 2@2, 1@3 <colon>I’ll do it for real, now with real colons added-

    aDiceRolls: 2@1, 2@2, 1@3, 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1,: (4, 5)2@2,: (4, 5)1@3,: (5)1@4: (1)
    dDiceRolls: 2@2, 1@3; Total Hits: 22@2,: (1, 2)1@3: (4)


  • Ouch. The Germans got a bloody nose.

    Then, you just keep rolling, until the battle is resolved, or you retreat, just like the regular game.

    Finally, once the combat is resolved, you do your non combat moves, place your units, check your map for accuracy and NOs (upper part of the board has boxes), and collect your income. That part might look like this:

    Germany collects 41 + 10 NO - 3 CO (convoy raids) = 48 IPCs.

    In the upper left part of the map, you’ll see a place for economy. You manipulate these numbers up and down using the country-specific rondel (icon) to the far left on the tool box. Click on the German icon, for example, and then click on the icon next to Germany’s IPCs, or use DEL if you need to adjust downward.

    Oh yeah - also use the country-specific icons to mark territories after you’ve taken them - and the game automatically tabulates in the InfoView box in the lower right corner.

    Save the game (I’d do the same configuration, but add end - JRG1T1GERend), and at the bottom left of this screen during a reply, you’ll see Additional Options. Click on it, and attach your new file with the bowse button.

    That’s a start - as I think of things, or as you have questions, we’ll work it out.

    Start it up! Go Germany. We’re using the most updated and final map, blessed by Larry Harris. I haven’t played it yet.

  • Couple things -

    When you roll dice, there are no < or > around the colon.

    I play by gentleman’s rules. If I see something you clearly missed, I’ll give you a chance to correct it, and I like the same courtesy. Obviously, that can be a fine line… between being opportunistic or friendly, just like at the game table. We’ll use our best judgement.

    Correcting someone on IPCs collected, for example, or pointing out that they missed a convoy raid and letting them roll it, or letting someone know they should have one less fighter on the board is all within the spirit.

    In general, if dice haven’t been rolled, a person can go back and change something, and send a new map - agai, just like at the table. For a while, until the game board becomes intuitive for you, you should expect to make logistical errors. It’s way different from standing over a board and seeing everything. On this map, it’s easier to miss stuff.

    Hmm… also, it is wise to send the combat map and ask someone if they want to scramble, unless it is completely obvious they wouldn’t (I would have scrambled my two fighters against your eighteen escorts!). Then, if you and I have a disagreement about it, generally it is best to do the whole battle over. Which sucks. So it is best to stop and ask the other person if they’d like to scramble or not…

    And so…

    A little music to open things.

  • And the game was attached to the very first post in this thread…

  • '11

    Well, let the 1st game commence.

    Germany 1st round buys: 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Transports.

    Germany is attacking France with 5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 6 Tanks, 4 Mech, 1 Tac bomber, 1 Fighter

    A :4@1, 2@2, 6@3, 4@1, 2@4:
    D :6@2, 2@3, 1@4, 1@1:

  • J - add aaa (but not italicized) after the first colon, with a space before the first set of numbers.

    What did France ever do to you? We’re peaceful! :)

  • '11

    Thank you. I started to compile everything, and then had difficulty with the dice. I posted too early, but will have the full compliment of moves posted later tonight.

  • '11

    Here we go, another shot:

    Germany 1st round buys: 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Transports.

    Germany is attacking France with 5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 6 Tanks, 4 Mech, 1 Tac bomber, 1 Fighter

    aDiceRolls: 4@1, 2@2, 6@3, 4@1, 2@4; Total Hits: 34@1,: (4, 4, 6, 3)2@2,: (1, 3)6@3,: (4, 5, 4, 5, 1, 5)4@1,: (2, 5, 4, 6)2@4: (5, 4)
    dDiceRolls: 6@2, 2@3, 1@4, 1@1; Total Hits: 56@2,: (2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 5)2@3,: (4, 3)1@4,: (1)1@1: (2)

    Attacking Western France with 2 Infantry & 2 Artillery

    aDiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 24@2: (4, 2, 3, 2)
    dDiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 3)

    Attacking Yugoslavia with 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery & 3 Tanks

    aDiceRolls: 4@1, 4@2, 3@3; Total Hits: 44@1,: (4, 6, 5, 2)4@2,: (4, 2, 6, 5)3@3: (1, 1, 3)
    dDiceRolls: 5@2; Total Hits: 45@2: (4, 1, 1, 2, 2)

    Attacking sea zone 106 with 1 U-boat

    aDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
    dDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

    Attacking sea zone 111 with 1 U-boat, 1 Fighter, 2 Strat boombers

    aDiceRolls: 1@2, 1@3, 2@4; Total Hits: 31@2,: (3)1@3,: (3)2@4: (2, 1)
    dDiceRolls: 1@4, 1@2; Total Hits: 01@4,: (5)1@2: (3)

    Attacking sea zone 112 with 1 Battleship, 1 Cruiser, 1 Tac bomber

    aDiceRolls: 1@4, 2@3; Total Hits: 21@4,: (3)2@3: (3, 5)
    dDiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 02@3: (5, 4)

    Attacking sea zone 110 with 2 U-boats, 3 Fighters, 3 Tac bombers

    aDiceRolls: 2@2, 3@3, 3@4; Total Hits: 62@2,: (3, 1)3@3,: (2, 3, 6)3@4: (4, 1, 1)
    dDiceRolls: 1@4, 1@3; Total Hits: 11@4,: (4)1@3: (5)

    All right, so there are the attacks. I will also be moving 1 Infantry into Pro-Axis Finland, and 1 Infantry into Pro-Axis Bulgaria, to acquire their economy and Infantry.

    That should be all. Onward to victory,  :evil:


  • All right, man!

    One thing - in the Sea Zones around UK, I have opportunities to scramble fighters into the SZs before dice are rolled. What we traditionally do is send the combat map prior to any dice rolling, and ask the other person "Do you scramble in SZ__ ?",_ and wait for the answer before proceeding - which stinks sometimes, because it slows the game down. Sometimes it’s obvious the person wouldn’t scramble, and sometimes it’s not. If in doubt, ask first.

    For the purposes of this game, I’m cool with not scrambling and holding onto some precious Spitfires and Hurricanes.

    Ok! On your own map, remove casualties and roll your second round! Fun, eh?

  • '11

    All right, casualties have been removed and Germany is pressing the attack in R1:

    Slugging away in France with 6 Tanks, 4 Mech, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac. However, even though an AA gun has been removed, there will still be a roll accounted for, as it was not in the 1st wave. If the AA gun scores, the fighter will be removed, & will not be accounted in the battle.

    aDiceRolls: 6@3, 3@1, 2@2, 1@3, 1@4; Total Hits: 46@3,: (6, 4, 2, 6, 2, 4)3@1,: (4, 4, 3)2@2,: (3, 6)1@3,: (2)1@4: (3)
    dDiceRolls: 1@6, 6@2, 2@3, 1@4; Total Hits: 41@6,: (1)6@2,: (6, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4)2@3,: (4, 3)1@4: (1)

    Delivering the crushing blow in Yugoslavia with 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 3 Tanks.

    aDiceRolls: 4@2, 3@3; Total Hits: 34@2,: (6, 1, 3, 1)3@3: (6, 5, 1)
    dDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)

    One Stalwart U-boat in sea zone 106 brings the fight to the Canadians.

    aDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
    dDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)

    Now to see if the vaulted Maginot Line can withstand another onslaught.

  • '11

    And here is the map that I forgot to include,  :?.  Eventually this will be second nature.


  • Great stuff!

  • '11

    Whoo, the French are putting up a mighty defense. The fighter was shot down, so did not participate in the 2nd push into Paris.

    Pressing with 6 Tanks, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery, 1 Tac.

    aDiceRolls: 6@3, 2@2, 1@4; Total Hits: 46@3,: (3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5)2@2,: (1, 4)1@4: (2)

    dDiceRolls: 3@2, 2@3, 1@4; Total Hits: 23@2,: (3, 6, 1)2@3,: (5, 5)1@4: (4)

    Continuing in sea zone 106.

    aDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

    dDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)

    All right, lets see if France falls this time.


  • '11

    This is the last push, and all the baguette’s shall be mine.

    6 Tanks, 1 Tac.

    aDiceRolls: 6@3, 1@4; Total Hits: 76@3,: (2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1)1@4: (2)

    dDiceRolls: 1@3, 1@4; Total Hits: 21@3,: (2)1@4: (3)

    All right, that should do it. Although I am a bit sad that my lone U-boat did not prevail. His, was a valiant end.


  • '11

    All right, I’ve got the full swing of it now. Germany ends Round 1 with 70 IPC’s; 19 acquired from France, 10 from two NO’s and the rest from captured territories.

    Placed 1 Aircraft Carrier and 2 Transports in SZ112, landing 1 Fighter & 1 Tac on the AC.

    2 Fighters moved from SZ110 to Southern Italy, after having launched from W. Germany.
    3 Tac’s to W. Germany from SZ 110.
    1 Tac from France to W.Germany.
    2 Infantry from Norway to Finland.
    2 Infantry from Denmark to Norway via Transport.
    8 Infantry from Germany to Poland.
    3 AA guns from Germany to Poland.
    3 AA guns from W Germany to France.
    Bulgaria and Finland units have been adjusted to German units.

    All right, finally onto Mother Russia.


  • First round under your belt!

    Russia 1 purchases 11 Infantry, Artillery. Not much meat - lots of potatoes.

    I don’t list out my non-combat moves. I’m ok with you doing it whichever way you’d like.

    What are our German Allies doing? I think would be best to pool some infantry in the Baltic States as a show of support. But, we won’t train much, and we’re in the middle of purging our officers, so…

    Russia moves, places, and collects 37 IPCs again.

    Mighty Japan is up.


  • '11

    Rising Sun purchases 2 Minor Industrial Complexes, with 2 IPC’s left over.

    Attacking Hunan with 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 4 Fighters, 3 Tac’s.

    aDiceInput ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: "/>aaa 2@2.

    Also walking units into unoccupied Chinese Chahar and Anhwe.


  • '11

    Not sure what happened, but here give it another go.

    Rising Sun purchases 2 Minor Industrial Complexes, with 2 IPC’s left over.

    Attacking Hunan with 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 4 Fighters, 3 Tac’s.

    aDiceInput ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: "/>aaa 2@2.

    Also walking units into unoccupied Chinese Chahar and Anhwe.

  • '11

    Well, sorry to make a muck of this, but I’m not sure what I had off on the previous postings. This should fix it.

    Not sure what happened, but here give it another go.

    Rising Sun purchases 2 Minor Industrial Complexes, with 2 IPC’s left over.

    Attacking Hunan with 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 4 Fighters, 3 Tac’s.

    aDiceRolls: 4@1, 4@2, 4@3, 3@4; Total Hits: 114@1,: (3, 1, 5, 1)4@2,: (4, 1, 4, 2)4@3,: (3, 3, 2, 2)3@4: (2, 2, 3)

    dDiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (5, 2)

    Also walking units into unoccupied Chinese Chahar and Anhwe.

  • '11

    Japan is all finished up, have deducted 1 Infantry in Hunan. Have placed 1 Minor IC in Kiangsu and 1 Minor IC in Manchuria. All non-combat taken care of as well.

    Onto the UK.


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